Postnatal Group - November 2010



  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    i'm glad there is a postnatal group. i gave birth to my second child 3 months ago and wanting to loose my baby weight. my weight pre-preg was 57kg and after i gave birth i weighed 72kg . Now i'm 64.5kg so i still got some kgs to loose i'm dying to fit into my skinny jeans!!!!
    i'm confused right now i dont know if my flabby stomach is from my weight gain or does my stomach still needs time to go down?

    your stomach should be down by now. it probably is from the extra weight gain. right now my daughter is 3.5 months, and i just hit my prepregnancy weight, but still have the belly. i think its a combination of stretched skin and still extra lbs to go til im at my goal weight. the more you tone your stomach the skin should flatten out and your stomach will go down. just might take time! but it definitely should be "down" when it comes to your uterus anyways, from what ive heard that normally takes 2-6 weeks after birth.

    good luck! we all know how you feel, and most of us are probably in the same shoes right me :)
  • AmandaR910
    I'm really excited to join this group soon. 16 days!! :smile:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hi ladies. I snuck in a mid-week weigh in with no change in weight. I went over my calories yesterday and am nervous abou tracking my breastfeeding calories because of the risk that my body might not be burning quite that much, so I am glad to see that I haven't gained. I haven't been to the gym in 3 days because my hubby works 3 12 hour shifts and we don't have childcare, so I am looking forward to my workout today.

    I officially took my "start" pictures and have posted them on my profile. *sigh gross

    emtaha: I just learned about this. So when you get close to birth our bodies release a hormone that additionally relaxes muscle, skin, etc that allow your body to stretch for the baby to come out. The hormone is still there up to 8 weeks postnatal. They do have belly wraps/braces that can be worn after giving birth that are proven to reduce your stomach size, however it won't work this late. I found out about it a 7 weeks and wasn't able to wear it either. At this point your water weight should be gone and uterus should be back to normal size by now. Exercise and healthy eating is the best we can do now. *sigh

    AmandaR910: Congrats on the coming baby ... GET THE BELLY WRAP! haha, let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Weighing in at 157.4 pounds, no loss from last week.

    This is fine because I actually did gain weight from two days of eating Thanksgiving food, and now I can pick up from where I left off.
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    Weighed in and lost 1 lb. Better than nothing. My goal this week is to start PX90. I'm not going to do it everyday, but I think it will help tone me back up!
  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    also lost 1 lbs this week. so frustrating that im losing so slow, but overall its technically averaged 1lb per week so i cant really complain, i just feel like im working hard enough to lose more, oh well, better than gaining!
  • tmargolis
    tmargolis Posts: 6 Member
    Angela-- I am definitely getting one of those belly wraps for my next post pregnancy, i've seen them online, but never remember to bookmark the sites....
    worked out with my trainer for an hour today... 450 cal..... i always eat some of that, if not all, cuz staying at 1200 is so hard for me.
    i'll weigh in again on wednesday.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    bad with food today :-(

    I was fine until we went to a friends house for dinner. They made chili dogs, which I LOVE, but automatically got two when 1 would have been enough. Rather than stopping when I was full, i finished them both. *sigh SO, now that I've tracked it and now that I'm uncomfortably full ... I will learn from this and next time remind myself that I can always have seconds if I'm still hungry.

    Weigh-in is two days away!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Angela-- I am definitely getting one of those belly wraps for my next post pregnancy, i've seen them online, but never remember to bookmark the sites....
    worked out with my trainer for an hour today... 450 cal..... i always eat some of that, if not all, cuz staying at 1200 is so hard for me.
    i'll weigh in again on wednesday.

    Staying at the 1200 calories is also hard for me, but I find that I can lose weight at 1300 as well. Anything more than that really hinders my weight loss, or it might slow it to 1 pound a week. I started the 1200 calorie challenge during the weekend, and have lost the extra 3 pounds I gained during Thanksgiving, plus a new pound. It's tough, but it's worth it.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Lost 1 pound this morning, and have 1 more to go to lose all the maternity weight! I told my family they better get box of tissues ready because I'll be crying so much, I will go through all of them. (lol).

    Some lucky people lose all their baby fat in less than 6 months, but I have struggled hard to lose the last few pounds. It was a loooonnng struggle.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    tomorrow's the weigh in ladies ... SUPER nervous! I can't find my stupid heart rate monitor so I'm going off the calories burned according to the equiptment and MFP. *sigh I snuck 2 peeks at the scale this week and no change so I'm hoping it will all show up tomorrow. I need better control over wanting to look at the scale since I tend to start feeling discouraged when that's not shifting. I fit into my first pair of pre-pregnancy jeans today though. They were snug, but comfortable enough to wear all day and they were size 12! So I must be doing something right!

    How's everyone else doing with diet and exercise this holiday season? I'm currently doing the couch to 5k training. Anyone ever completed it?
  • EmmieSu
    EmmieSu Posts: 136
    Ok, I'm the old Mom here:0 hehe, I have 4 children, my youngest just turning one in Nov. I saw the thread and just had to read it. Wanting to lose ALL the weight I've been carrying around after all my babies. Hats off to you all, for nursing!! The plugged duct question, they want you to nurse on that side, to move the milk, if it stays, you'll develop mastitis. YOU DON"T WANT THAT!! I had it three times with my youngest, almost stopped nursing, so start on that side. Try this: warm moist heat on the affected breast 15 min before you nurse, take it easy (as if you were sick), and nurse on that side first. If you still are uncomfortable you should speak to a lactation consultant or your Dr, but don't stop nursing! Hope this helps!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member

    This weeks lost; 2lbs
    Last prenatal weigh in: 210lbs
    Current weight: 163.8
    Total lost: 46.2lbs
  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    tomorrow's the weigh in ladies ... SUPER nervous! I can't find my stupid heart rate monitor so I'm going off the calories burned according to the equiptment and MFP. *sigh I snuck 2 peeks at the scale this week and no change so I'm hoping it will all show up tomorrow. I need better control over wanting to look at the scale since I tend to start feeling discouraged when that's not shifting. I fit into my first pair of pre-pregnancy jeans today though. They were snug, but comfortable enough to wear all day and they were size 12! So I must be doing something right!

    How's everyone else doing with diet and exercise this holiday season? I'm currently doing the couch to 5k training. Anyone ever completed it?

    i had a talk with my fiance about the same thing - constantly looking at the scale. im making a hard effort to not look until mondays. i feel as thought if i see myself losing a little i dont push myself as hard, so i figure if i have no idea if im losing i might assume im not and work harder.

  • Boopa
    Boopa Posts: 45 Member
    My spare tire isn't moving as freely, I think all this exercise may be doing something!...I sure wasn't feeling that way yesterday, I had a total and complete frustration mini meltdown. All better today and redid and finished my last workout to my best ability. I adjusted my food diary and wassurprised to learn that I am a sodium junkie..I think its hindering positive results on the scales. Some days I am WAY over..others hopefully now that I am watching I can balance it better :).
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hey ladies!! My daughter just turned 13 months old ( i know im a little behind on the weight loss lol) I weighed 206lbs the day that I delivered, I am now down to 166lbs. I have lost all the weight that I gained during pregnancy but I still cant fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. Its not really about weight for me but more about feeling better about myself and the way I look and feel in my clothes (my boyfriend is about 150lbs so I definately look huge next to him. I am planning to have laser surgery in a couple of months to try and improve my stretch marks so I am trying to lose some weight before i do it(it tightens skin too). I am a full time college student so I am currently about to start finals and stress is definately not helping with weight loss. I also just started playing Just Dance 2 for the wii in hopes of losing some weight. Hopefully if we support eachother we can get rid of that pesky mommy tummy!! :) and I would totally love to have weekly weigh ins/ check ins!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hey ladies!! My daughter just turned 13 months old ( i know im a little behind on the weight loss lol) I weighed 206lbs the day that I delivered, I am now down to 166lbs. I have lost all the weight that I gained during pregnancy but I still cant fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. Its not really about weight for me but more about feeling better about myself and the way I look and feel in my clothes (my boyfriend is about 150lbs so I definately look huge next to him. I am planning to have laser surgery in a couple of months to try and improve my stretch marks so I am trying to lose some weight before i do it(it tightens skin too). I am a full time college student so I am currently about to start finals and stress is definately not helping with weight loss. I also just started playing Just Dance 2 for the wii in hopes of losing some weight. Hopefully if we support eachother we can get rid of that pesky mommy tummy!! :) and I would totally love to have weekly weigh ins/ check ins!

    sounds like we're pretty similar. I weighed about 210 when I delivered and am down to 163, but my hubby is tall and skinny so ... yeah. Would love to not look so huge next to him. Lets get rid of these tummys!
  • katecampbell03
    My daughter will be 11 months old on Tuesday and I have gained 12 lbs since June. It's so discouraging. I was sick most of my pregnancy so I didn't gain a whole bunch of excess weight while pregnant, now I look worse then I did last Christmas. How do you work out after working all day when you just want to sit down with your kid? I've tried doing ab videos but she ends up climbing all over me and I can't get all the way through a video.