my new job is awesome

I got a job a Walmart, today was my first day, and they motivate, and by that I mean pay you to walk or ride your bike to work. They encourage bus and car pool too, but how awesome is that? not only does it help keep me riding my bike instead of me not feeling like it and laying about, I get $2 a day to ride my bike to work. this year is great so far! lost some weight, am getting stronger, all credit cards are paid off, and after 2 years of looking, I got a job, and it pays me to exercise! on cloud 9 right now :bigsmile:


  • Karla_SK
    Karla_SK Posts: 6 Member
    That's wonderful! What a great motivator for a business for its employees.
  • harperjs
    harperjs Posts: 30 Member
    That's a great program! The extra incentive is cherry on top of the cardio pie!