Please help! Trying to lose weight while breastfeeding.

I am EBF my 5 month old son. I was 120 lbs. when I got pregnant and was 180 when I delivered him. I left the hospital at 160 and now I weigh 130lbs from eating cleaner and exercising about 4x a week doing cardio for 30 min and strength training for another 30 min. I am now stuck at 130. I can't seem to shake the last 10 pounds! I'm eating about 1400 calories a day and always hit my goals for protein, fat and carbs. I also am breastfeeding about every 3 hours. I have a hard time eating throughout the day because I have no appetite, so I force myself to eat 3 meals and snack in between. I plan on BF for at least a year but would like to lose some weight before summer. Again I only have 10 lbs to go and then I'd like to tone up. Any advice would be appreciated!! :):) what am I doing wrong?


  • mrsroseblack
    mrsroseblack Posts: 45 Member
    Absolutely not eating enough calories. I'd say 500 a day just for breastfeeding and then whatever else your body needs to fuel itself.
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    I had three children and breastfed them each for 10 months to a year. I NEVER lost the last ten pounds until I'd weaned. Once i cut feeding to once or twice a day, the pounds magically vanished. And once the child was a year old, my midsection magically shrank--not to pre-baby shape--bit to reveal a waist.
    I did not restrict calories when breast feeding or after. In other words, relax. It took 9 months to gain the weight--in the case of my first from115 to 180+--and your body is going to hold on to what it needs to produce all that milk.
    Congratulations of being a mom!
  • bkjk997
    bkjk997 Posts: 106 Member
    You might consider putting your baby first and waiting until you wean to lose any more weight. It doesn't sound like you're eating enough calories as it is, and and I would bet you look a lot better than you think you do. The most important thing right now is the health of your child. Ten pounds is nothing in the grand scheme of things. And when the time comes, you obviously know what to do and have the determination to do it.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    The last 5-10 is usually your breastfeeding supplies and you may not lose it until you stop bf. This may be your lowest weight until your son is fully weaned. It goes like that for some women. I usually find that I've dropped a dress size a few weeks after all the milk has gone.
  • krs512
    krs512 Posts: 1
    Nice job EBF! You are doing the absolute best thing you can for your baby and in the long run the health benefits both you and your baby will see from this are amazing! Don't stop breastfeeding to lose the weight!!! And I agree you might need to up your calories. You are an awesome mom!
  • Elliehmltn
    Elliehmltn Posts: 254 Member
    ^^^That's how it went for me. The last 8-10 pounds came off when they outgrew nursing.
  • remeaise
    Hi is this your first baby? life is strange I lossed weight whilst carrying and then only carried baby. I inherited boobs after the prgnancy. I was told if I breast feed I would lose weight . only my son was not interested in the breast. I didalot of walking and maintained my new size but did not lose the bust. Second pregnancy was harder as I put on nearly a stone. Baby was a small weight and agin the weight took time to go although I breast fed for a few months she was contended but my weight did not go as fast . Do not give up I know it's hard but keep the power walking going and keep to your healthy eating progrmme
    I am fighting the buldge as I have put on and am determined to get rid of the weight again theres no excuse for me not pregnant just it is harder as you get older I am 55 I am doing a routine before i go to work and power walking as well. it is moving I have lost 6 pounds since my routine. This is motivating me to keep it up. include baby in the exercise hold on tummy and do sit ups my son used to hel at 8 monthes he would sit on my back when i tried to do press ups which i find difficult he would join in too. Take care and good luck keep us posted,
  • ancl123
    ancl123 Posts: 12 Member
    Is 1400 calories total including factoring in breastfeeding calories?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    You should be eating 300-500 calories above your MFP goal if you are exclusively breastfeeding, and make sure your MFP goal is set to lose 0.5 lbs per week. With so little left to lose, there's just not a big enough difference between your BMR and TDEE to support a large calorie deficit.

    My daughter is still nursing at 21 months. If she ever gives it up, I'll update as to whether or not 10 of the extra pounds I've been carrying around were due to nursing.
  • Drop20likeitshot
    I agree with the others on here that you are doing great breastfeeding. However, you must eat more calories for your child. I breastfed my oldest for one year and then had twins and breastfed them both for a year also. You should really speak to a doctor about the right amount of calories you should eat while trying to nurse. You are very active and it is important that the quality and quantity of your milk is sufficient for your growing and developing child. I also agree that once you stop nursing you will probably lose around 5 more pounds but please don't stop just over your "target weight." A target health for both of you is much more important. :)
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    My first thought was that 1400 calories was way too low. When I was nursing full-time, I was eating close to 2000 calories a day and was able to lose. I'm still nursing my 13 month old, but only 4-5 times a day so I give myself an extra 200 calories a day. So I eat about 1400 calories a day (or more if I work-out) and have been steadily losing on that amount.

    I also agree with others that sometimes that last 5-10 pounds hangs around until you're done breastfeeding.
  • thejadegirl
    thejadegirl Posts: 59 Member
    Hi! I am also a new mom and started mfp 5 weeks ago. Mfp set me at 1230 calories but I add on 500 more because I'm also breastfeeding (you can actually "add" breastfeeding under breakfast, and it deducts those 500). I've just reached my prepregnancy weight, but would like to lose a few more pounds, or more preferably, tone my baby pouch away lol. You should add on the extra calories for breastfeeding, and just keep an eye on your supply. Mine hasn't changed, but if I saw a decrease, I would up my calories. And if your little man naps, try doing a quick workout! I started doing the 30 day shred and it has done wonders to my energy level (which tanked after my little man was born 4 months ago) and my mood is better too (haven't seen physical results yet but I've only been doing it for about a week)

    Congratulations on the baby and good job breastfeeding! Feel free to add me!

    ETA - wow I'm clueless, just noticed that you already work out! If you're doing strength training, maybe some of that last 10 pounds is new muscle? Maybe you've lost inches without noticing!
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Patience. You are being a great mom and are well on your way to getting your sexy back.

    My experience is that it's easiest to lose the rest of the weight when baby is breastfeed and on solid food. So I'm assuming you will start solids around six months.
    Between 6 and 12 months baby's intake of table food increases. The breastfeeding is reduced and it's a great time to slowly get rid of the extra weight.
    Remember it took 9 months to put it on-you have about a year to take it off!
  • loveme724
    loveme724 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the info. I just found this post because I had the same question. Although I am losing weight, I wondered if I was eating enough. I am very active at work and I also work out at least 6 days a week. I did not know you can add breastfeeding to your calorie count. Cool beans~~Thanks!