
  • great post :)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    AWESOME ADVICE http://www.bodytransformationlab.com/47-weight-loss-lessons/

    8. You will get given conflicting advice. Stick with what is getting you results.
    9. All diets that work are based on the principle of eating less calories than you burn. There is no other way possible for the human body to lose weight.

    So many thread fights in MFP could be avoided by just reading and believing these 2 principals. Too bad they can't be part of every thread!
  • could you please clarify the difference between losing weight and losing fat? I'm a bit unclear Thanks!
  • SwindonJogger
    SwindonJogger Posts: 325 Member
    i agree with most of these but this one is news to me:

    39. Whenever you eat sugar you are telling your body, “I don’t want you to burn fat for the next 3-4 hours”.

    How much sugar? Does this include fruit? I would like to see the scientific data that this is based on.
  • Wow - just perfect! Love this advice. Thanks for sharing!
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    Great points.

    My only gripe is number 30 - I need to wear gloves, otherwise I will drop dumbells/kettlebells/barbells on my toes, and fall off the pull up bar due to my heavily perspiring hands. Other than that, great read!
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    Okay ma'am I have some questions.
    For #11, what is the difference between losing weight and losing fat? What did you mean by that?

    You can lose fat without losing weight - this is usually the case when lifting weights. Muscle is more dense than fat so you could be losing fat but the number on the scales doesn't change (much)/goes up
    #35 what other fruit are low glycemic? I eat a lot of watermelon because its 92% water and Im not big on drinking water unless its my lemon and water mix.

    Apples are great - high in fiber
  • Jhoerman
    Jhoerman Posts: 6 Member
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Why are you guys bumping such an old post? >>

    Anyway, the fruit bit is a piece of garbage.
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    This rocks!!!!!
  • kbkeats
    kbkeats Posts: 103 Member
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    If white potatoes are not neccessary, then why did "GOD" put them here? They are natural and very filling you know?
  • JenJBS
    JenJBS Posts: 83
    # 19 Some of us have been diagnosed, by a medical doctor, with an underactive tyroid and are on medicine for it - and will be the rest of our lives.

    If it's self diagnosis then you have a point.
  • tiffanybrooks530
    tiffanybrooks530 Posts: 140 Member
    some good things to keep in mind on this journey
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,347 Member
    I dont agree with all of it - mainly the food points.

    Sure, white bread, pasta, sugar, whatever it was, are not necessary - neither is any one single food by itself.
    But if you want to eat them and you fit them into your calorie goal, why not?

    and eating sugar isn't telling your body not to burn fat for the next 3 - 4 hours - where on earth did you get that from??

    Also some people DO have a thyroid problem, is not uncommon at all.
    A simple blood test will show this - good idea for people to have this test if concerned rather than simply be told they dont have a thyroid problem by an internet random.
  • enipla
    enipla Posts: 46 Member
    bump for later
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    There are a couple of things I completely disagree with but for the most part, this covers it. Just wish he would have left the food restricting crap out.
  • retdean
    retdean Posts: 1 Member
    Excellent list. I think I knew many of these from my own experiences. I am always amazed at myself and others when we sabotage ourselves by latching on to some quick piece of advice we hear, hoping that it will provide us with the answer to our weight problems (and our health problems because they are intertwined). Some of the items that folks have objected to like not eating white carbohydrates seems like a waste of time to object to. They produce a high glycemic load which spikes blood sugar which then lowers dramatically leading to hunger and then to more eating. I love bread and potatoes, but I know what they do to me!
  • cnl91_W
    cnl91_W Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I know this is an old post, but regardless, congrats on your success!
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    great post. bumping for my feed...
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    But I do have an underactive thyroid!!!!!:sad:
  • AquabearGO
    AquabearGO Posts: 232 Member
  • SkinnyGal43
    SkinnyGal43 Posts: 24 Member
    I love this. I want to hear this daily. Live with being hungry or no such thing as post carb workout or it takes time to lose weight. Share your success.
  • beckylou66
    beckylou66 Posts: 103 Member
    THanks for sharing!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    34-37 and 39 are just terrible. DNW.
  • PunkyDucky
    PunkyDucky Posts: 283 Member
    Bumpity Bump :)
  • rachrach7595
    rachrach7595 Posts: 151 Member
  • rachrach7595
    rachrach7595 Posts: 151 Member
    But what if you actually do have a thyroid problem? lol. I'm full of autoimmune diseases, so yeah. That matters.

    I think that may be intended for people who use it as an excuse rather than it being fact.
  • Mostly awesome, but I'm glad that "toss 99% of everything and hang on to the 1% that works" was included, and it applies to some of this.

    Seriously: if you've had gallstones/ gall bladder issues, DO NOT TAKE FISH OIL. Diarrhea for weeks.
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