gave birth 8 months ago - cant lose weight

hey guys

i gave birth 8 months ago and lost the baby weight in 2 months. however personal issues with family members i have gained it all back through depression and comfort eating i look 5 months preggers!!

i am still breastfeeding but despite going gym and trying to eat right im not losing anything. i cant do crash diets as i dont want to affect breastfeeding.

what else can i do? i have no thyroid issues

shall i increase activity? eat less?

i need advice please


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Would you be comfortable opening your diary so that we can get a better idea of what you're doing now? It's really tough to tell you to eat more, eat less, workout more, workout less if we don't have any idea what you're doing in the first place.

    You can set it to public by going to Settings > Diary Settings > Public and Save Changes.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    first of all, congrats on the baby!
    I lost weight after my son was born by following two simple steps: I ate at my calorie range and I walked for 30min 5 days a week. Good luck!
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    you are breast feeding, so make sure to double check with your OBGYN.

    count calories, add 500 a day for feeding. work out, lift heavy.
    Are you getting enough cal? to little?
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Without looking at your diary, there's about an 80% chance your problem is diet related. You're probably eating more than you think you are. When someone says they're "trying" to eat right it usually means they're not.

    Be fierce with logging all your calories. Get all clinical and buy yourself a food scale (I have two). You can't be honest about what you're eating unless you measure it. Even professional nutritionists mess up on eyeballing serving sizes.
  • bonifachi
    bonifachi Posts: 50 Member
    Hi ya.
    My wee boy is almost 6 months old now and I've only in the last few weeks been able to take the weight loss seriously. I fluctuated a lot and have never been so hungry as when I started breastfeeding.
    I lost 10kg immediately after birth, but had about 7 lingering. I then fluctuated right up and had about 10 to lose.
    I was only really able to take things seriously after the little one began solids, and this was right before holiday season so I hardly made any adjustments!
    Now, I have signed up for a 5km race (the colour run), so I have a goal. I can currently run 3.7 km, so a bit more to go and I will get there. I think obsessing about weight only makes me want to sabotage things more (but I'm already fat so what do I care mentality). What I would do to get started? Start walking. Take advantage of the fact that you can move without the big belly. Be kind to yourself. You've just done an amazing thing! Do things that make you happy! Look up some baby weight loss inspiration videos (this has helped my mindset that it can be done). Take bubba swimming if you can ( I am yet to do this ), dance with them (great weight training!)
    Most importantly, be proud of yourself. You gave life! It's time you made yourself a priority. My motivation is being a good role model for my son. I want him to have a healthy, happy mumma who is proud of herself.
    All the best and feel free to add me as a contact.
  • bunni84
    bunni84 Posts: 5 Member
    i actually forget to add my food intake - right i think i need to do that more

    im trying to combat my sweet tooth, 2 days without it im doing ok...

    oo walking with i can do that! i do need to get out more, depression over the personal issues makes me not wanting to go out. i guess my park nearby would be perfect, its a big park.

    i will remember to record my calorie intake - i reckon this is my downfall i probably am eating too much
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    I found logging my foods useful while bf`ìng because I was able to make sure I wasn’t eating too much or too little. Keep being active, that`ll help prevent depression and try to avoid binge eating, the weight will come off slowly, but it will be slowly.