Ankle injury...but i want to exercise please help

I had an ankle injury since october 2013 and after many many procedures and needles it turned out that i need surgery... I guess it won't happen before June. But i am on a weight loss journey and I can't afford to sit down anymore because i am not losing much now since i stopped exercising

Can you please suggest videos or workouts that i can do that do not require jumping or walking(long distances) and help in toning my shape and burning calories?


  • SneakyWaff1es
    SneakyWaff1es Posts: 51 Member
    Eat less...and do push ups and pull ups? You're kind of stuck with the lower body workouts. You may be able to ride a bicycle?
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Shadow box seated, it will give you a cardio workout. You can also do upper body strength training.
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    Yeah during this period-- I would be really strict with your food -- losing weight is mostly about eating differently.

    But you can also shadow box, water aerobics, a stationary bike if it won't hurt too much, an arm bike....
  • frannie078
    frannie078 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey Anna,
    I tore the ligaments in my ankle a few weeks ago playing soccer, and just got back to the gym this week. For cardio, my physiotherapist recommended the stationary bike. I am also doing a weight training program that I had started prior to the injury, and I have just cut out the squats, lunges and planks. All the upper body stuff (chest press, lat pulldowns, assisted chin-ups, etc.)I can do without a problem. I am also always wearing a brace at the gym to keep the ankle stable while I am hobbling between weights/machines.

    Feel free to add me if you need some moral support!
  • 42nFab
    42nFab Posts: 36
    I'm in medical sales and would recommend an orthopaedic support during any type of exercise.....not a cure, but will support your ankle until surgery (of course only if your doctor gives you the green light to be somewhat active)

    Your choices are limited to non-weight bearing activities. Swimming, spinning or simple push ups and ab work, squats and light weights, arm dips...
    You can totally lose the weight still and shape your muscles!!
  • AnnaChanges
    AnnaChanges Posts: 109 Member
    thank you all so much...the bicycle was difficult for me it was really painful,,,but everything else sounds good especially shadow boxing i wasn't thinking about it but i can do it while standing or sitting thanks for suggesting it

    I will be using an orthopedic support for my ankle while exercising the doctor recommended swimming but it is not applicable for me right now since there are no indoor pools near me.

    thank youuuu :)