struggle to get in all my protein

Just to preface: My goal is body re-comp, body sculpting, and lowering my body fat percentage. Also, I have a naturally muscular body type. I weigh about 215 pounds. My macros are set at roughly 40/30/30, though I try to meet them, my main focus is on meeting my micro-nutrient targets.

The issue is that I have calculated that my protein intake in regards to the above goals to be approximately 125 grams of protein. The 125 grams of protein was calculated by 1.25 x Lean Body Mass. My LBM was calculated at 100 pounds per a BodPod body composition analysis. In addition, I still compute that my Protein needs are roughly 125 grams/daily by resorting to the kilogram formula that many use. At my prior weight of 225 pounds, when I multiply 1.25 grams of protein to my weight in kilograms (100), I still come out at 125 grams of protein.

So, regardless of using LBM or body weight in kilograms, I still roughly come to the same figure of 125 grams of protein. The 1.25 multiplier is the lower range ( 1.25 - 1.50 ) of what many body builders apply. As I lift pretty heavy and am very active (boxing, mma, camping in the mountains, snow-boarding..etc.), I figure my protein needs may be greater, or in alignment with bodybuilders in order to repair and maintain the muscle tissue "shocked" during my activities/exercise/etc.

SORRY FOR THE ABOVE DETAILS but I felt they were needed in order to keep the topic on track (rather than attacks on how I computed 125 daily grams of protein) to my simple question.....What do you consume to meet your protein goals? I find that I am often at or slightly below my FAT and CARB targets in addition to my micros being within range, but I will regularly struggle to meet my Protein goals. My preference is to consume whole foods but I do protein shakes and protein bars about 3 times a week and still come up short even on those days occasionally.

So, when it is a few hours after lunch and you realize that you will be short on protein, what snacks, whole food supplements, etc., you take to meet those protein goals? I have found that dark turkey meat is very high in protein and really low in fat but i would like a ton of options. Another question is how do you meet your protein for breakfast? I typically eat flaxseed oatmeal and fruit but that is less than 10 grams. Please send me all your suggestions- they will be greatly appreciated!


  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    I aim for 100-120g a day, and I'm by no means a vegetarian, I just don't care that much for meat. Challenging!

    I almost always do a protein shake for breakfast. I have several flavors, mostly chocolate based, and figured out how to make it like hot chocolate in the winter, and icy shake-like when it's warmer. 24-30g right there, depending on what milk (almond or skim) I put in it. Or, lately I've been buying pre-packaged shakes at 30g per for under 200 cals.

    At lunch, there's almost always a cup of cottage cheese. Another 30-32 g. I've been known to pound back an entire pint of cottage cheese if my protein's low for the day. Thankfully, no dairy issues here!

    Lunch salad always has a lean protein- usually deli meat (turkey, roast beef), but sometimes tuna, sliced chicken, etc, often a double portion. 12-25g. Not too concerned about sodium, although it's usually within range.

    At least one, sometimes two snacks daily- greek yogurt, for another 12-24g.

    Add some cheese (lo-fat string, skinny cow), the 1s and 2s you get with fruits/veggies/carbs, sometimes a protein bar (like Quest, Pure Protein, etc) and I'm hitting those #s daily. Again, with a lot of dairy-based protein since I'm not by default a huge meat eater, but I do try to mix it up a bit on weekends and have more meats, less cottage cheese.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    My goal is 120g and I struggle some days too... Basically I need to have 10-20g of protein at every meal/snack. I eat a lot of meat, fish, cheese, eggs, Greek yogurt... protein bars when I want something sweet and I'm sick of Greek yogurt.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I get my protein from fish, including salmon, tuna and cod, Greek Yoghurt, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and in the past, chicken breasts. I never have an issue hitting over 100g with those things.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    2-9-14 breakfast, eggs, cheese, whey protein 37 grams; during the day scallops, turkey and chicken

    2-10-14 mahi burgers, garbanzo beans, 5 cheese tortellini....both days over 140 grams
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Are those pics of you current?

    I am EXTREMELY skeptical of the idea that you're at over 50% body fat.

    eta: to answer the question I eat a TON of greek yogurt and cottage cheese, and probably twice as much meat and cheese as I used to do. I also make a lot of protein powder recipes.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    16 oz of chicken breast is ~ 100g of protein. That's my daily dinner while cutting. Protein isn't hard to get.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    srs man?

    If you are 215lbs, you look to be around 10-12% BF. Your protein needs are much higher than 125g if you are active. That would be more suitable to an active small female. I'd be aiming for around 200g if I were you. Yes, I know that doesn't make your question easier :tongue:

    Pick a meat you like. Eat about 250-300g raw weight of it and lunch and dinner. Eat some eggs for breakfast or just add a protein shake. Include some dairy (I like cottage cheese and yoghurt mixed with some sf pudding mix or protein powder) That gets me to around 200g daily.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I agree with the others that you cant be 100 lbs LBM if you weigh 215 and look like your pics.

    I am 150 lb woman and have a lean body mass of 115 lbs per my body fat dunk test yesterday.

    You need to look over your numbers again..

    As for how to get more protein, I am working on the same goal. Chicken, fish, eggs, milk are all good sources. My problem is not eating it, but remembering to eat all of it. Its easier to add protein throughout the day. Trying to add it in before bed time because I did not pay attention to the ticker is a heck of a lot harder (and I fail miserably every time).
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    srs man?

    If you are 215lbs, you look to be around 10-12% BF. Your protein needs are much higher than 125g if you are active. That would be more suitable to an active small female. I'd be aiming for around 200g if I were you. Yes, I know that doesn't make your question easier :tongue:

    Pick a meat you like. Eat about 250-300g raw weight of it and lunch and dinner. Eat some eggs for breakfast or just add a protein shake. Include some dairy (I like cottage cheese and yoghurt mixed with some sf pudding mix or protein powder) That gets me to around 200g daily.


    ...although I struggle w/ my protein minimums too (and I'm a much smaller/less muscular guy).

    Related note: trying to hit that protein minimum while fully cutting is hellacious/damn near impossible.
  • snoodled
    For breakfast, try an omelette. 1egg/2egg whites or 2eggs/3egg whites plus a protein shake.