Back to the old trusted way...

I am sick of always being on a stupid fad diet, you know all that has happened since I've done fasting, juice cleanses, up down diets? I'm ultimately bigger than I was before!! Back to counting calories and sweating my *kitten* off exercising..the normal way!

On that note..I need a refresher course, I've got a fitbit permanently attached to me but usually use my HRM for circuit training or when I'm doing weights etc

I filled out a profile on goodtoknowdiets and it told me to eat 1400cals and burn 241cal which would make my net less than 1200cals, I used MFP years ago and lost most of my weight but all this fad dieting has affected my memory!

Is the best thing to eat 1200cals and not eat back exercise calories? or eat them back?

Any help? Thanks.


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Trusted way you say. Then why don't you follow the recommendations of this website.
  • Steph7x
    Steph7x Posts: 115 Member
    Trusted way as in eating less and exercising more, a lot of people don't follow MFP guidelines of 1200 calories a day, one shoe doesn't fit all :)
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    And not everybody has guidelines to eat 1200 a day :)
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    Yea thing about those fad diets is that you eat WAY LESS than you are supposed to.... I would not be able to think on 1200 calories a day, let alone try to excercise. And I'd be willing to bet that everyone following the MFP 1200 cal guideline - cant maintain worth a damn after they reach their weight goal. That is just not enough food or a realistic way of living. Period.

    Go online and find your BMR - thats what your body burns everyday just to keep going - thats what your should comsume daily - add a few hundred calories if you are exercising rigorously.

    Make sure all your food is nutritious - if you cut out stuff like pizza, take out, soda, white flour, white rice - just anything processed really - AND manage your portions - and DONT eat out of boredom - you should see the lbs come off.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    I am sick of always being on a stupid fad diet, you know all that has happened since I've done fasting, juice cleanses, up down diets? I'm ultimately bigger than I was before!! Back to counting calories and sweating my *kitten* off exercising..the normal way!

    On that note..I need a refresher course, I've got a fitbit permanently attached to me but usually use my HRM for circuit training or when I'm doing weights etc

    I filled out a profile on goodtoknowdiets and it told me to eat 1400cals and burn 241cal which would make my net less than 1200cals, I used MFP years ago and lost most of my weight but all this fad dieting has affected my memory!

    Is the best thing to eat 1200cals and not eat back exercise calories? or eat them back?

    Any help? Thanks.

    I think this could help you if you're wanting a refresher. It's not the only way to determine how many calories are appropriate for you, but I do like that after a bit of quick math there's only 1 number I need to worry about. And on this journey keeping it simple and straightforward is a must for me XD I'm not an expert by any means but if you have any questions feel free to PM me and I'll do my best to help :)
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    MFP gives you your BMR and TDEE
    eat the recommended amount plus most of your exercise

    this works if you log accurately
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member

    go there and calculate your tdee.

    eat 75-80% of that number for healthy weight loss.

    keep in mind the results are not linear. be prepared for peaks and valleys. be persistent (this is so SO key.)
    Make sure all your food is nutritious - if you cut out stuff like pizza, take out, soda, white flour, white rice - just anything processed really - AND manage your portions - and DONT eat out of boredom - you should see the lbs come off.

    you dont have to follow the above advice.
    personally, i follow IIFYM (if it fits your macros). all my past failures have been from trying to eliminate certain carb, low fat, no meat, etc.
    eat whatever, whenever....just make sure it falls within your caloric allowance as well as your macros.
    you dont need to worry about tracking sugar and sodium, provided you dont have a medical reason to.
    track fat, protein, and carbs. default numbers on this site are pretty low, and dont ever worry about going over on protein.

    good luck and stay at it!
    glad youve seen the light. :flowerforyou:
  • Steph7x
    Steph7x Posts: 115 Member
    Thank you both!
    I've done 1200cals before and not just being able to not think I was so moody and very hard to live with!
    Using both your advice and reading the refresher, I've found 1600cals a day is where I should be at.
  • Steph7x
    Steph7x Posts: 115 Member

    go there and calculate your tdee.

    eat 75-80% of that number for healthy weight loss.

    keep in mind the results are not linear. be prepared for peaks and valleys. be persistent (this is so SO key.)
    Make sure all your food is nutritious - if you cut out stuff like pizza, take out, soda, white flour, white rice - just anything processed really - AND manage your portions - and DONT eat out of boredom - you should see the lbs come off.

    you dont have to follow the above advice.
    personally, i follow IIFYM (if it fits your macros). all my past failures have been from trying to eliminate certain carb, low fat, no meat, etc.
    eat whatever, whenever....just make sure it falls within your caloric allowance as well as your macros.
    you dont need to worry about tracking sugar and sodium, provided you dont have a medical reason to.
    track fat, protein, and carbs. default numbers on this site are pretty low, and dont ever worry about going over on protein.

    good luck and stay at it!
    glad youve seen the light. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, Fitnessfrog says 1600cals too. Low carb never worked for me, I'm always just under my % on here for carbs and fat but always over with protein.

    I finally feel happier about this way, quick fix diets will depress anyone :laugh:
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    Yeah I think the first few days I tried the default 1200 cals... and I'm pretty sure I Hulk'd out at everyone near me XD

    Oh! And I'd also like to add that it would be a good idea to recheck the maths intermittently and decrease your deficit (eat closer to your TDEE) as you get closer to your goal. The last 10 lbs won't come off like the first 10 lbs so having as large a deficit won't be as effective.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Trusted way you say. Then why don't you follow the recommendations of this website.


    Eat. Weigh. Log. Repeat.
    Hit your calorie goals.
    Eat back your exercise calories.
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222

    go there and calculate your tdee.

    eat 75-80% of that number for healthy weight loss.

    keep in mind the results are not linear. be prepared for peaks and valleys. be persistent (this is so SO key.)
    Make sure all your food is nutritious - if you cut out stuff like pizza, take out, soda, white flour, white rice - just anything processed really - AND manage your portions - and DONT eat out of boredom - you should see the lbs come off.

    you dont have to follow the above advice.
    personally, i follow IIFYM (if it fits your macros). all my past failures have been from trying to eliminate certain carb, low fat, no meat, etc.
    eat whatever, whenever....just make sure it falls within your caloric allowance as well as your macros.
    you dont need to worry about tracking sugar and sodium, provided you dont have a medical reason to.
    track fat, protein, and carbs. default numbers on this site are pretty low, and dont ever worry about going over on protein.

    good luck and stay at it!
    glad youve seen the light. :flowerforyou:

    So I do agree with the above, you can eat whatever you want as long as it falls within your macros and your calorie count but i guarentee if you cut the **** out of your diet, you will look better AND feel better mentally, physically etc.... to ensure you can take weight off and keep weight off - you need a lifestyle change, not just a "eat less until i reach my goal" plan.... if you dont change your lifestyle, what you put into your body.... you'll gain it all back as fast as you lost it and that I can also guarentee.
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    I started my weight loss journey because I had friends that kept going on cleanses and expensive programs like Advocare etc. I finally got sick of listening to this and decided to lose the weight the right way. I lost 25 lbs and maintained for over a year. I stopped logging and 10 lbs has kept back on. I will not let this happen so as has been said: log, weigh , eat, repeat!!!

    I actually re-committed to my goal by deleting my old MFP account and starting over. Same reason as the first time but needed to remember the motivation. I don't want these women to say"see, I told you she could not keep it off"!!!!