Just another newbie

Hello everyone. My name is Krystina Starks. I am 23 and weigh 245lbs. The doctors say that based on my height and such I should be 135lbs. So my goal is to lose 110lbs. I know I can do it but I just can't keep myself motivated. Here's my story.

When I was younger (up until the age of 13) I was super skinny (but a healthy weight according to the doctors). I had no problem staying skinny. At the age of 13 I was put on medication for depression. This medication changed my life forever. That drug was called Risperdal. In the short time that I was on it I gained over 50lbs in less than a month and began to lactate. Once the doctors discovered it was the medication doing it I was promptly taken off of it. Unfortunately being taken off of it did not reverse all the side effects. Instead I continued to gain weight. I became less active because of the increased weight which just caused me to gain more. My body is riddled with stretch marks from the rapid weight gain.

At the age of 20 I gave birth to my son, which of course left me with more weight that I can't seem to get rid of. However now, the skin is lose on my belly. Which is going to be harder to get rid of.

I want to lose weight because diabetes is very common in my family, as well as heart disease and several types of cancer. I am tired of being tired all the time, and sick of feeling sick. I want to be happy, healthy, and skinny.

Any tips and tricks to help me lose weight in my butt and hips would be wonderful as well...I was "blessed" with a big bottom half...

Thanks everyone!


  • chelseacotty1
    chelseacotty1 Posts: 2 Member
    Squats are the best for the butt and legs! ^.^
  • ileen327
    Hi, my name is Debbie and so nice to talk see you on here~ We have about the same weight to lose but I am much older, and wiser!!! LOL
    I also carry my weight in my butt, thighs and and lower belly! But , I am grateful for that as not so dangerous for heart disease. I also struggle with depression but lately it has been my anxiety. Am on meds for that but not the depression. Did that, got off and want to stay off! With the grace of my higher power I will. I know we can do this! One day at a time and one pound at a time.
    I am 62 and swim ( and I mean swim) about a mile and do my stationary bike about 30 min every other day. Doesn't help with weight loss for me. Just makes me healthy fat till I lose the weight. I would highly recommend swimming and biking. Not hard on joints and the swimming is good for the whole body!!
    I would love to have you for a friend my name is Ileen327 on here~ Keep the faith and hope to hear from you soon. Maybe we can help each other. Oh, I have lost about 22 pds, but very slowly. Gotta get back on track! Trying hard now, doing the Meditarraien program. Hugs:flowerforyou:
  • shebawolf145
    Squats are the best for the butt and legs! ^.^

    Thanks for the tip :) those might be a bit difficult for me unfortunately due to my bad knee (forgot to mention that, oopsie!)
  • shebawolf145
    Hi, my name is Debbie and so nice to talk see you on here~ We have about the same weight to lose but I am much older, and wiser!!! LOL
    I also carry my weight in my butt, thighs and and lower belly! But , I am grateful for that as not so dangerous for heart disease. I also struggle with depression but lately it has been my anxiety. Am on meds for that but not the depression. Did that, got off and want to stay off! With the grace of my higher power I will. I know we can do this! One day at a time and one pound at a time.
    I am 62 and swim ( and I mean swim) about a mile and do my stationary bike about 30 min every other day. Doesn't help with weight loss for me. Just makes me healthy fat till I lose the weight. I would highly recommend swimming and biking. Not hard on joints and the swimming is good for the whole body!!
    I would love to have you for a friend my name is Ileen327 on here~ Keep the faith and hope to hear from you soon. Maybe we can help each other. Oh, I have lost about 22 pds, but very slowly. Gotta get back on track! Trying hard now, doing the Meditarraien program. Hugs:flowerforyou:

    Depression and anxiety are horrible. I would never wish them on my worst enemy. I am happy to have found this place though. I hope that everyone here can help keep me on track. I have a horrible problem with motivation lol! Once it gets warmer I'll start swimming again. I can't afford to go to the gym so I go to the lake and swim :)
    As soon as I figure out how to send friend requests I'll add you :)
    Thanks for the kind words!
  • gabbymom2
    gabbymom2 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm another " mom" on here....but if you need support add me.
  • kapalkaj
    You can do this! I know from personal experience that this app works, but one of the most important things to realize and that this is mostly on you. working out can be battle, especially one with the brain... I used to talk myself in and out of working out. Now.. working out is second nature and I actually enjoy it. so don't give up, you will get there!!
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and Welcome! Good luck, you got this!
  • shebawolf145
    I'm another " mom" on here....but if you need support add me.

    Thanks! I can always use support :)
    You can do this! I know from personal experience that this app works, but one of the most important things to realize and that this is mostly on you. working out can be battle, especially one with the brain... I used to talk myself in and out of working out. Now.. working out is second nature and I actually enjoy it. so don't give up, you will get there!!

    Thank you so much for the encouraging words! I can tell I'll love this community already!
  • shebawolf145
    Hello and Welcome! Good luck, you got this!

    Thank you! :)
  • frespirt1002
    frespirt1002 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I joined myfitnesspal yesterday. I also have been using FitBit Zip for a few days. I was shocked that yesterday, I logged 10,323 steps! I started taking advantage of my FREE Silver Sneakers through my insurance company, and have been going to the YMCA for classes, and also got set up for a workout program yesterday. They are so nice there and don't make me feel like I should be skinny, but probably one day I will weigh less than I do now, as long as I do the diet and exercise. For me, one does not work unless I incorporate the other. Looking forward to meeting other myfitnesspal people. Good luck to everyone!