My poor right leg

OK, so I am doing the C25K program and I was doing it on the treadmill. Since we have had nice weather here lately I've decided to take it outside. I had to restart the program because I realized quickly how much more difficult it is to run outdoors than in a gym on a flat treadmill. I've run outside for 2 days now and I'm noticing that my right leg is taking quite a beating. I've torn a ligament on my left ankle quite a while back and I'm guessing that I just put more weight on the 'good' leg to help save the other. My questions is,does anyone have any tips on how to help my right leg? It gets tired pretty quickly even when I'm trying to pay attention to how much I'm shifting my weight to my right side.I need a little wisdom here please


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Is your left leg still injured?
  • jeneferphillips89
    No, but I re-injured it after it was on the mend last time. I've not had any real problems from it (other than some swelling when I dont wear a brace and doing something hard on it) for months now
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    If it still swells, it isn't healed. That injury is making you compensate which results in pain in your right leg.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    This may be hard to hear, but I think you better avoid running all together for now unless you can do it completely pain free. You will likely know the difference between a little discomfort that's not related to your previous injury and real pain. A little discomfort is fine, but any swelling or real pain is not. Do other exercises that are pain free or run shorter distances or run slower or run indoors instead of outdoors or swim or bike or .. well .. do whatever it takes to make whatever exercise you do pain free.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Can you afford a visit to a sports medicine doc? Really hard to analyze someone's gait over the internet, but anyone set up to analyze running problems can pop you on a treadmill, video you from different angles, and get a good idea what needs to be addressed. Maybe a brace, maybe some strength exercises to take some of the stress off of the ligament.

    Like brianpperkins said, if you're getting swelling, things aren't healed. ligaments take a real long time to heal since they don't have much in the way of blood flow, and it's easy to re-injure them.
  • jeneferphillips89
    Not healed? :sad:
    Ok, so if I get any swelling its not completely healed....this would have been nice to know before I set my heart on a 5K in the spring. But I do really appreciate it everyone, I guess for now I'll hold out on the running and just focus on my strength training. I'm going to look into seeing a sports med doc and see if I can afford it or not. Again, thanks all