Weight days questions

Hey guys

Hope you don't mind my questions :)

Sick of cardio I've decided to play with the big boys and start using weights.

I'm wondering if it's best to do an isolated group per day or a little bit of whole body?

Ie: Monday legs, Wednesday Back/Chest/Abs, Friday Arms

or do a little bit each day?

Figure I do 3 days of weights should I keep 1 or 2 days of just cardio in between (I love swimming so that's probably what I will keep doing).



  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I had the best luck doing full body workouts with mainly compound movements 3 days a week. Otherwise you are only working some muscle groups once a week.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Yep, I do a full-body workout 3 days a week. Squats, deadlifts, barbell row, bench press, overhead press, curls, triceps extensions, calf raises, and side bends.
  • It's a matter of personal preference, what your goals are and how many times a week you want to lift.

    I prefer to do one muscle group per day alternating legs and abs and lift 5 days a week. That's just my preference.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    I agree with full body, compound lifts. There are several good programs around for you to follow, such as StrongLifts 5x5 (free on the internet), New Rules of Lifting for Women (book), or Starting Strength (book). Both books have lots of good information, even if you don't follow their program. There are also groups here on MFP for New Rules and StrongLifts, if you want to check them out for more information.

    Good luck, whichever you choose!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    It's true that a full body workout allows you to work out your each muscle group more often, but that means you can't work your muscles as hard each time. I prefer to split the body into muscle groups which lets you hit each muscle group really hard and kill them
  • Well today was my first day. I might not be able to pick anything up tomorrow.