Want to lift have no idea where to begin....

Kkonowal Posts: 97 Member
Hi there... Ok so did the cardio only weight loss thing got done to 132 (GW) but still wasn't completely stoked bout the way I looked( hate to say it but too skinny) are 1200 cals/ day and was starving all the time. Recently started researching lifting and saw how incredible these women looked and they got to eat! So I guess my question is how do I start? I'm tired of the number on the scale depicting my mood for the day and really want to focus on fitness and health. I am 5'9 137lbs ( ya put some of it back on :) want to throw out the scale and focus on measurements. Want to lift and round out my booty and shrink my waist any help or advice on how to get started weight training would be so appreciated!


  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    1) grip heavy object
    2) move heavy object in vertical direction
    3) place heavy object back
    4) repeat

    please dont use that as advice.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Read the New Rules of lifting for Women or look up strong lifts 5x5 ..Good luck
  • pappaprc
    pappaprc Posts: 8 Member

    I also lost a ton of weight doing cardio only. I wasn't satisfied with the way i looked and sucked it up and started lifting in January. I just googled weight lifting routines and plenty of information came up. I now lift 3 days a week and have seen amazing results. I can now lift heavier weights, my biceps have grown and I'm starting to get firm in the places that weren't firm before. Super stoked1
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Read the New Rules of lifting for Women or look up strong lifts 5x5 ..Good luck
    would like to add starting strength to that.

    also, if you have access to a trainer when you first start... work on your form. Don't worry about increasing weight/reps until your form is spot on.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    This is good:


    Also, this for figureing out how much to eat.


    And just for reference, I'm 5'9", 158lbs and maintain at 2400 calories, lose at 2000.
  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    1) grip heavy object
    2) move heavy object in vertical direction
    3) place heavy object back
    4) repeat

    please dont use that as advice.

    Crazy - this was might thought as well lol
  • Kkonowal
    Kkonowal Posts: 97 Member
    Busyrae can't believe you are 158! You look so tiny! ( in a good way !) thank you all for the advice... I've googled lifting and there is so much out there it's kinda overwhelming when you're just starting out ... I might do the trainer thing just once or twice to make sure I have proper form and to familiarize myself with the equipment! Thanks everyone!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if you get a trainer make sure that they are willing to teach you compound movements and do not try to talk you out of it ..

    I would pick up starting strength and new rules of lifting for woman first, and then think about a trainer..
  • phuckingbadasscutie
    phuckingbadasscutie Posts: 1,619 Member
    Ndj...pretty sure you have recommended this book in previous posts. I have to say after I read a post you mentioned it in, I bought the book that day, read it in two days and started lifting the day I finished it. So thank you for recommending it.
    OP...this book has so much good information. I learned a lot about nutrition and how I was supposed to be eating and not just cutting calories. The lifting program is all laid out in the book and I love it so far. Good luck to you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ndj...pretty sure you have recommended this book in previous posts. I have to say after I read a post you mentioned it in, I bought the book that day, read it in two days and started lifting the day I finished it. So thank you for recommending it.
    OP...this book has so much good information. I learned a lot about nutrition and how I was supposed to be eating and not just cutting calories. The lifting program is all laid out in the book and I love it so far. Good luck to you.

    glad to be of assistance….:)
  • Kkonowal
    Kkonowal Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks for the tip ndj! I'm gonna go get a copy tomorrow!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member

    this is the link to my favorite workouts that I have as a playlist on youtube. The very first two videos is a two parter that gives you tips on circuit training. I think this is good for beginners who want to up their strength and frankly put: get in the gym, do the work and then get out without messing around. I do this most everytime I go the gym. OF course I switch up the different machines day by day but stick with 8 that includes upper, lower and mid section then off to do work on my cardio for ten minutes then another circuit of 8 then more cardio and so on. Of course I do warm up and cool down as well but don't count that into my cardio time. IT gives me the best workout and burn without overdoing it or wasting time at the gym.