
okay so ive been using no exercise/ desk job as my activity level tells me i can eat 1,650 but mfp tells me 1,700 i know thats only a 50 calorie difference but i really need to maintain my weight and not lose anymore. so if i burn 300 in a day
..should i eat those back? like today im only at 1,583 but i burned 300 during my if 1,650 or 1,700 is my TDEE with no exercise, will i lose weight if i dont eat them back? because if i can eat them back im going too. I'm just worried about losing :/ i used to be anorexic and im now in recovery but all this is still slighty confusing and i want to be able to maintain one weight while still enjoying the foods i like. I keep reading different things and different calorie counters tell me different number...about 100 calories up or down. im just help!


  • Hi there, here is what I have learned so far. Yes you are supposed to eat back your calories.
    Also if you want to narrow down your caloric requirements to "maintain" your current weight I would google Mayo clinic calorie calculator and use that to calculate your needs. I also used a free app just called Calorie Calculator to figure it out and I just use the number that seemed to come up more regularly. So then you have used all your resources and if most of them say 1650 and only one says 1700 then go with the most common...hope that helps!
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    Everything is just an estimate. I'm not to maintaining yet, but from what I've read it takes time to find the best calorie goal for yourself. So start with 1700, if you're gaining after a few months, move it down a little, if you're losing, move it up.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    If you are using TDEE, you are not supposed to eat your calories back. Calculate your number and be honest, are you really sedentary? Do you drive to work, get out your car, take the elevator to your floor, sit at your desk, work, get back in your car, come home, sit on your butt watching TV and then go to bed? If you do ANY walking or stair climbing etc as part of your day you are probably lightly active.

    When trying to find the "sweet spot" for calories, you have to experiment. Eat what the TDEE calculator recommends for a month. If you see any significant gains/losses outside your normal monthly water retention (mine is up to 6lbs, eep!) then adjust a couple hundred calories in the required direction.

    Don't freak out. You've definitely got this, well done for getting to the point where you are looking to maintain your weight.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So why are you trying to use the TDEE method, which is TOTAL calories, when you admit you aren't including exercise in the choice of levels?

    Just keep using MFP the way it's designed, except change your diet goal to no weight loss.
    Log your exercise.
    Eat those calories back.

    There - for that day and what you actually did, you literally ate your TDEE, or at least a close estimate to it.

    If you keep losing, then you are NOT sedentary outside of exercise, so bump MFP up to Lightly Active activity level.

    And don't freak out by a couple lbs gain either, I get the idea you will. That's just your body finally adding back on the water weight you lost fast at the start. That's water storing with glucose stores that were never topped off while in a diet.

    Time to forget the scale if it freaks you out and look at whatever everyone else actually sees.

  • I'm also curious, at the end of the day, is my Net supposed to be at 1200? a lot of days it's in the negatives...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm also curious, at the end of the day, is my Net supposed to be at 1200? a lot of days it's in the negatives...

    Using MFP as designed yes.

    MFP has taken a 500 or 1000 calorie cut, if you selected 2 lb goal loss, from a maintenance figure that includes NO exercise accounted for - normal daily life.

    If you exercise, you just increased that maintenance figure, and so when you take the same 1000 off, you'll be eating more.

    Same deficit on rest and workout days.

    That's why when your log your exercise, you have hopefully noticed the daily goal goes up by the same amount.

    Your net is 1200 if a short woman and you feel like eating minimum for safety reasons and probably getting the least out of your workouts that you can. Because your body isn't going to be able to improve much with just what's left over for a sedentary woman to eat.

    You made it 1200 BTW, by your selection of activity level, honest or not, and selection of weight loss goal, taking recommended or not.
  • I work out 4-6 days a week, burning at least 1000 calories when I go. So, not sedentary . Thank you for your information :)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I work out 4-6 days a week, burning at least 1000 calories when I go. So, not sedentary . Thank you for your information :)
    right. the point is, MFP gave you 1200 as a goal because of what you told MFP.

    MFP is just a calculator. It's inherently broken because it allows people to put incorrect/wrong information in, then wonder why they're so hungry or not losing weight...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I work out 4-6 days a week, burning at least 1000 calories when I go. So, not sedentary . Thank you for your information :)

    in addition to above reminder, MFP Activity levels don't have anything to do with exercise, but totally NON-exercise daily activity.

    Yes, you could work out that much and actually be considered Sedentary according to MFP.

    Using the TDEE deficit method that does include everything, obviously not, Very Active on that scale.

    Be aware though, if all that exercise is merely to burn calories, you got the wrong idea.

    Diet is for weight loss, if done right just fat loss.
    Exercise is for heart health and body improvements, and done right it can assist fat loss, or make it muscle mass too.

    Going in to a diet is the wrong time to try to pump up the volume, your body's ability to recover is hampered, more so the bigger the deficit.

    That's what I meant by getting much if any improvement from the exercise. Sure at the start when you can do all kinds of foolish things, but that will quickly end the worse it is the faster it will.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    I work out 4-6 days a week, burning at least 1000 calories when I go. So, not sedentary . Thank you for your information :)
    right. the point is, MFP gave you 1200 as a goal because of what you told MFP.

    MFP is just a calculator. It's inherently broken because it allows people to put incorrect/wrong information in, then wonder why they're so hungry or not losing weight...

    ^This,^ this,^ this^....

    And if you want to burn 1000 calories while only eating less than 2000 welcome to future metabolic trouble-Ville, population you.
  • i workout on some days for about 30 mins at a 3.5 pace but some days i dont get to it and only burn around 300 and thats just with my daily activity and i already have my setting at no exercise just because i wanna be sure im only eating back what i burned and not my question is if i can eat 1,700 and do nothing all day and not gain...when i do get exercise can i eat back what i burned to make it 1,700?
  • when i add my daily activity it tells me i can eat 1,915 im just making sure this is correct! i love food now days :) lol
  • thank you :):)
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    Sorry to jump in your post!! So I'm using TDEE, just to check - I don't log any exercise into MFP, the TDEE calculator set me 1501 calories per day (I'm 5ft 1 and 160lbs). Also how important are macros? I struggle most days to get 40% protein and that's using protein shakes. Any help appreciated :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Sorry to jump in your post!! So I'm using TDEE, just to check - I don't log any exercise into MFP, the TDEE calculator set me 1501 calories per day (I'm 5ft 1 and 160lbs). Also how important are macros? I struggle most days to get 40% protein and that's using protein shakes. Any help appreciated :)

    Protein not as important during maintenance, not at that level anyway, because there's not the same risk to muscle mass as in a diet.

    But if doing any lifting and want to see results, the same 0.82 gram per lb bodyweight or 1 gr per lb of LBM is still good to follow. And that many times ends up being below that 40%.

    At that point, just what works for getting in more if desired and able.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    i workout on some days for about 30 mins at a 3.5 pace but some days i dont get to it and only burn around 300 and thats just with my daily activity and i already have my setting at no exercise just because i wanna be sure im only eating back what i burned and not my question is if i can eat 1,700 and do nothing all day and not gain...when i do get exercise can i eat back what i burned to make it 1,700?

    when i add my daily activity it tells me i can eat 1,915 im just making sure this is correct! i love food now days :) lol

    Your goal is to maintain weight.

    If you burned 1915 one day, that's what you eat.
    If you burned 1700 the next day, that's what you eat.

    If you averaged the whole week together of your average exercise routine and came up with 1800, that's what you eat daily, exercise or not.

    Now, you can NOT use the TDEE 5 level table to try to do that on a daily basis, notice it's talking the weekly level.

    Or use your actual results as a guide, never freaking out over couple lb gain of water weight if you weighed on non-valid day or started new intense workout.

    Goal weight now should be a range of 5lbs at maintenance, and how your clothes fit more importantly.
    Have a "truth" outfit you put on that will point out quickly if it fits tight or not.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I'm also curious, at the end of the day, is my Net supposed to be at 1200? a lot of days it's in the negatives...

    I know this has been addressed but it's really bothering me. The negatives?! As in, NEGATIVE net calories?! For one, you're 22 years old according to your profile and pretty thin according to your picture and you should absolutely NOT be eating a net of 1200 calories. MFP is a calculator designed for people who are overweight and over 35. You need to set yourself at a higher multiplier, "Moderately Active" at least. But if you are eating NEGATIVE net calories, you really need to consult a professional. I hope you meant negative as in under your goal...
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    Hi thanks for replying, I've got 30lbs to go until I reach maintenance, I do kickboxing twice a week and walk 1-2 hours per day.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi thanks for replying, I've got 30lbs to go until I reach maintenance, I do kickboxing twice a week and walk 1-2 hours per day.

    Not sure how you estimated TDEE level with walking, but as you've probably observed, 1 hrs of kick-boxing isn't the same burn as 1 hr of walking.
    So just looking at that time flat out, with most tables say 6 hrs of exercise weekly is Very Active, isn't true for walking.

    Might try this.

    Same formula the charts use for getting the calorie levels, but some thoughts on how you tweak your hrs to apply to the charts.
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    Didn't count my walking when using TDEE - just trying to give you a rough idea of what I do, thanks for replying
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Didn't count my walking when using TDEE - just trying to give you a rough idea of what I do, thanks for replying

    Then you realize you aren't really using TDEE. TOTAL Daily Energy Expenditure.
    Walking burns calories, it counts.
    I figure if someone is going to use a tool, might as well use it correctly.
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    The calculator asked my activity level and how many exercise sessions per week - I answered as it asked. Also I'm asking advice to make sure I am doing it properly. I have just downloaded FitBit so I will stick with that for now, save anymore silly answers to my questions!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The calculator asked my activity level and how many exercise sessions per week - I answered as it asked. Also I'm asking advice to make sure I am doing it properly. I have just downloaded FitBit so I will stick with that for now, save anymore silly answers to my questions!!

    Oh, I realized you were just asking if you were doing it properly - hence my letting you know you were not.

    That's a bad TDEE table you used if it merely asked for how many exercise sessions per week. Better ones ask for how many hrs per week of exercise you do. Then again their shortfall is they then don't take in to account increased daily activity over the assumed sedentary level.
    Because it should be very obvious someone doing say 30 min of kickboxing 4 x a week is not the same level TDEE as someone doing 1.5 hrs of kickboxing 4 x a week.

    The FitBit will do you good, if you decide to use it properly with MFP too. ;-)
    Like if it says you really burned more, will you really eat more.

    Here's to you getting max benefit from a method meant to give your workouts best chance to cause max benefits.
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    I'm a bit confused with the FitBit actually!! I realise I'm probably missing something really obvious here but how do I get FitBit and MFP to give me the same calorie goal, and since I've stopped eating and sat down for a bit it now says I'm 87 calories over when I was 37 calories over (it says I've had 1330 calories today). Any thoughts :)
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    i workout on some days for about 30 mins at a 3.5 pace but some days i dont get to it and only burn around 300 and thats just with my daily activity and i already have my setting at no exercise just because i wanna be sure im only eating back what i burned and not my question is if i can eat 1,700 and do nothing all day and not gain...when i do get exercise can i eat back what i burned to make it 1,700?

    As I understand it, TDEE is an average daily calorie allowance, which includes a certain amount of exercise hours per week. If you work out 1.5 hours a week (on average), you would choose the 1-3 hour exercise per week option in the TDEE calculator. This will give you a calorie amount for each day which includes that much exercise per week.
    You do not eat more when you exercise then. This is included in your calories already. If you want to keep track on MFP of your exercise times, enter 1 into the "calories burned" box so that no significant calories are added to your daily amount. This way, you can see if you're exercising enough per week for your TDEE level without adding MFP calories to your day.
    Maintenance is a range; not an exact number. You'll have to eat at the TDEE level and exercise as you told it you would for a month or so and weight yourself, then re-evaluate. Every calculator will only give you an estimate as each body is different.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    okay so ive been using no exercise/ desk job as my activity level tells me i can eat 1,650 but mfp tells me 1,700 i know thats only a 50 calorie difference but i really need to maintain my weight and not lose anymore. so if i burn 300 in a day
    ..should i eat those back? like today im only at 1,583 but i burned 300 during my if 1,650 or 1,700 is my TDEE with no exercise, will i lose weight if i dont eat them back? because if i can eat them back im going too. I'm just worried about losing :/ i used to be anorexic and im now in recovery but all this is still slighty confusing and i want to be able to maintain one weight while still enjoying the foods i like. I keep reading different things and different calorie counters tell me different number...about 100 calories up or down. im just help!

    If you do the same amount of exercise weekly, then use TDEE method...there are several sites that calculate it.
    If your activity varies, then set yourself to sedentary maintenance, and log all exercise, whether it be walking or other, and eat those calories back. This is what I do. I imagine you would maintain on higher than 1700 unless you are particularly light.
    Your other option is to add 100 calories every week or two, to what you are currently eating, and monitor your weight, adjusting until you find a place where you maintain.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm a bit confused with the FitBit actually!! I realise I'm probably missing something really obvious here but how do I get FitBit and MFP to give me the same calorie goal, and since I've stopped eating and sat down for a bit it now says I'm 87 calories over when I was 37 calories over (it says I've had 1330 calories today). Any thoughts :)

    You don't.

    The purpose of the FitBit is to come up with hopefully a more accurate picture of your maintenance on non-exercise days, and your maintenance and exercise on those days.

    Then MFP takes the same deficit off either figure.

    So MFP will calculate your maintenance based on BMR and selected activity level.
    Say BMR 1400 and Sedentary so 1.25 - 1400 x 1.25 = 1750
    MFP takes off the deficit based on your selection of weight loss goals, say 500.
    1750 - 500 = 1250

    Now if you sync FitBit and it says your non-exercise day you actually burned 2000 calories, then you get an adjustment of 250 calories extra.
    2000 - 500 = 1500 eating goal now.

    Through the day as it syncs that will adjust around though. You may have worked out in the morning, so the difference by noon looked like you were going to have one big day, bigger than what MFP figured. So goal goes up.
    But my 8 pm with no more exercise but typical day, MFP sees from FitBit the whole day isn't really like the morning, so the adjustment goes down, but you still end up with more from that exercise.

    Exercise is the same between those methods.
    MFP maintenance 1750 + 250 in logged exercise = 2000.
    2000 - 500 = 1500 eating goal now.

    MFP maintenance 1750 + 250 FitBit extra daily burn + 250 FitBit exercise seen or MFP logged = 2250
    2250 - 500 = 1750 eating goal now.

    When you sync in the day will determine how that adjusts.

    Now, since this topic is under maintaining weight, there would be no deficit of course, just adjustments up and down depending on how FitBit compared to MFP's maintenance figure on your Goals page.
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for all your help :)