What should I do about my weigh in?

Hey all

Hoping you guys can help me!

I'm due to weigh in tommorow morning and really want to as I've been good all week, problem is my OH is staying up for 3 days to raise money for his film (www.indywood.co.uk) and I want to stay up (at least tonight, don't think I can do all 3 days!) to support him. How would this work with my weigh in?

As I won't be going asleep could it affect it? Will I see a gain? Or can I just chug back water and hope for the best?

Please advise me!



  • saj9291113
    NO SLEEP will affect you. Sleep is so important to your health. You are forcing your body to work when it's not suppose to be. With that being said your body will try to either a) tell you I"M HUNGRY I NEED ENERGY or B) You want to stay awake, then I will keep these calories because I don't know when I will need them. Remember exercise, diet, and sleep is the triangle of health.
  • tryingharderthanever
    This is exactly what I was thinking, you NEED sleep hun!!
    NO SLEEP will affect you. Sleep is so important to your health. You are forcing your body to work when it's not suppose to be. With that being said your body will try to either a) tell you I"M HUNGRY I NEED ENERGY or B) You want to stay awake, then I will keep these calories because I don't know when I will need them. Remember exercise, diet, and sleep is the triangle of health.
  • Uptopargolf
    If you are going to stay up, than hold the weigh in for a few days. Sleep is so important. At least 7 hours a night.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    that depends, are you smoking meth to stay up for those 3 days?? KIDDING!!

    I am not sure about this one. I do know your body needs its rest to regroup properly.
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    Don't know about anyone else but I find that EVERYONE is rather crabby when I haven't gotten my rest :laugh: It is great that you are willing to be there for support but maybe you can find another way while still taking care of you...coffee runs, making sure he has some things to keep him up and occupied...