Weight Gain 30 day shred

so I am on day 3 of 30 day shred like last week I was 112.8 lbs and than I was 113.6 this morning it said 115 I want to lose and be 106 but like whats going on why did I gain this weight?!?! Will it ever go down ive been stuck since November and im miserable like I want my clothes to fit again


  • zhvah18
    zhvah18 Posts: 158 Member
    Where you working out before you started doing the 30 day shred? Sometimes starting a new workout or even changing up your routine can cause a little bit of water weight.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Yup, very likely water weight. When you start exercising, start a new program, increase the intensity in other ways (faster, further, more weight/reps/sets, etc) your muscles suffer microtrauma and the tissues retain water and glycogen as part of the healing process. This can cause stalls or slight gains. But don't worry, it's pretty temporary.

    However, if you plan to continue with strength training type exercises, you should know that you'll continue to see these fluctuations as you continue to challenge yourself. You just need to make peace with it and maybe worry less about that goal weight and more about how your body looks, how your clothes fit, etc.

    Other water weight factors that could also be in play - high sodium, not enough water, monthly hormone cycle, even high carb days.
  • erizek14
    Where you working out before you started doing the 30 day shred? Sometimes starting a new workout or even changing up your routine can cause a little bit of water weight.

    For a year I could not workout health issues and I used to. Over exercise this is first time in long time I've done a workout like this I used to always be at gym working out 24/7