Looking for support to change my life

Hi all,

Let me first introduce myself. I'm a 22 year old male, named Vincent. As you all can see my nickname is VincentVe91. I'm really desperate to lose some weight.

All my life I've been 'chubby'. I can't count how often people have laughed with my body. Needless to say I have a very negative body image and I lack any faith in myself. I'm tall, 6ft2 and I weigh at this moment 217 pounds. I have that ugly 'pear shaped' body, fat *kitten* and legs.

I am still studying and I have to tell you I'm not eating very healthy. In fact I eat a lot of take-away and I don't sport that often. These last months I have even developped stretch marks on my thighs and 'love handles'. I hate them, yet I still keep eating unhealthy and I keep munching away too many calories..

As I've said, I don't have a supportive family or gang of friends. That's why my previous attemps at losing weight all failed. I do know how to eat right and I know I need to work out more often, but I lack the motivation and necessary support.

I want to lose weight. I do, I want to have faith in myself and feel great, I want it sooo badly: I want to change my life. That's why I would LOVE your support. I would appreciate it if as many guys as possible would add me as a friend so you guys can follow my progress and I can stay motivated by the support you're giving me. Please oh please, help my dream come true.

PS: Sorry for language mistakes; I'm no native English speaker.


  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    MFP is a great place to find motiviating friends. You are doing a great thing for yourself by reaching out!

    Best to you
  • sugaree1202
    sugaree1202 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi Vincent!

    You're in the right place for support and motivation! Lots of small realistic and sustainable changes add up to big results. You can do this! It won't happen overnight but if you're consistent, you will reach your goals. Get in touch anytime for support, motivation or fitness tips!

    Have a wonderful day :)
  • a2014nolen
    Vincent you can do this. I'm Ann I'm 303lbs was 315lbs lost 12 lbs in the last 2 months. If I can start losing weight buddy you can too! And your better off then me you have less to loose. You can do it and I know you'll find support here to encourage you. Keep pushing on my friend.
  • VincentVe91
    Thanks guy for the royal welcome! Everyone who want to add me as a friend and keep giving support, please feel free! I'm really feeling motivated! That's the spirit in life: with support of others everyone can reach his or her goals. Thanks to the internet this is a perfect time to help each other out, even when we live on the other side of the world. Let's do this!! #wannachangemylife