Herbalife success anyone?



  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    There are better protein powders out there that you can use and not support MLM companies.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    I agree on the key to achieving a healthy weight is calories in and calories out. I am SO not a starvation kind of girl!! LOL!!! And I don't much use the shakes as have them for when a quick shake is the ticket rather than a meal I have to cook. I do find I like the supplements though.... The multivitamin does very well for me, and the Cell-U-loss helps me deal with a constant fluid retention issue. Not exactly sure how the Cell activator works for me as it is supposed to help you absorb nutrients via the digestive tract. I am glad to see there are others out there who are having success with their products!!!
  • all it is is severe calorie restriction and water weight loss...

    you would probably get same results if you ate in 500 cal daily deficit and worked out ..and then you would not be lining some companies money with your hard earned money.

    all diet boils down to calorie restriction ...
    Ur wrong. Sorry but I am eating 1500 to 1800 cal a day with hl.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    all it is is severe calorie restriction and water weight loss...

    you would probably get same results if you ate in 500 cal daily deficit and worked out ..and then you would not be lining some companies money with your hard earned money.

    all diet boils down to calorie restriction ...
    Ur wrong. Sorry but I am eating 1500 to 1800 cal a day with hl.

    So, you're saying you wouldn't get the same results eating at a 500 calories per day deficit?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    all it is is severe calorie restriction and water weight loss...

    you would probably get same results if you ate in 500 cal daily deficit and worked out ..and then you would not be lining some companies money with your hard earned money.

    all diet boils down to calorie restriction ...
    Ur wrong. Sorry but I am eating 1500 to 1800 cal a day with hl.

    and you dont think that eating 1500 -1800 cals is giving you a deficit?
  • all it is is severe calorie restriction and water weight loss...

    you would probably get same results if you ate in 500 cal daily deficit and worked out ..and then you would not be lining some companies money with your hard earned money.

    all diet boils down to calorie restriction ...
    Ur wrong. Sorry but I am eating 1500 to 1800 cal a day with hl.

    and you dont think that eating 1500 -1800 cals is giving you a deficit?

    Well not to the point of restriction. I am eating what I want and not feeling deprived. or starved
  • all it is is severe calorie restriction and water weight loss...

    you would probably get same results if you ate in 500 cal daily deficit and worked out ..and then you would not be lining some companies money with your hard earned money.

    all diet boils down to calorie restriction ...
    Ur wrong. Sorry but I am eating 1500 to 1800 cal a day with hl.

    So, you're saying you wouldn't get the same results eating at a 500 calories per day deficit?

    What I mean is HL is not just water weight loss.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    all it is is severe calorie restriction and water weight loss...

    you would probably get same results if you ate in 500 cal daily deficit and worked out ..and then you would not be lining some companies money with your hard earned money.

    all diet boils down to calorie restriction ...
    Ur wrong. Sorry but I am eating 1500 to 1800 cal a day with hl.

    So, you're saying you wouldn't get the same results eating at a 500 calories per day deficit?

    What I mean is HL is not just water weight loss.

    Regardless of where the calorie come from, your body will lose fat, water, tissue, etc... Just because you take a shake doesn't mean you only lose fat. When you see huge up front weight loss, like the first few posters, 90% or more of it is water. The science is simple, it takes a calorie deficit of 3500 calories to lose a lb.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    all it is is severe calorie restriction and water weight loss...

    you would probably get same results if you ate in 500 cal daily deficit and worked out ..and then you would not be lining some companies money with your hard earned money.

    all diet boils down to calorie restriction ...
    Ur wrong. Sorry but I am eating 1500 to 1800 cal a day with hl.

    So, you're saying you wouldn't get the same results eating at a 500 calories per day deficit?

    What I mean is HL is not just water weight loss.

    I don't think anyone said it was, but when someone states they have a large weight loss right when they start a program (like 10 lbs within 7-14 days), a majority of that weight lost is water. That's what I took from the post.
  • all it is is severe calorie restriction and water weight loss...

    you would probably get same results if you ate in 500 cal daily deficit and worked out ..and then you would not be lining some companies money with your hard earned money.

    all diet boils down to calorie restriction ...
    Ur wrong. Sorry but I am eating 1500 to 1800 cal a day with hl.

    So, you're saying you wouldn't get the same results eating at a 500 calories per day deficit?

    What I mean is HL is not just water weight loss.

    I don't think anyone said it was, but when someone states they have a large weight loss right when they start a program (like 10 lbs within 7-14 days), a majority of that weight lost is water. That's what I took from the post.

    OK gotchya :) yes first 10#s is always water weight.
  • Today is my first day on herbalife! I feel great not hungry at all the shakes are very feeling.i decided to switch up my colorful meal everyday today i had a shake for breakfast ill eat a colorful meal for lunch and have another shake for dinner! Tomorrow I'll switch my colorful meal to either breakfast or dinner. Sometimes little things like that will keep a diet going longer so it doesn't get so boring(:
  • I've lost 6 stone in 7 months on herbalife. I started off on shakes and therms complete + fibre and herb. I now take cell active and the multi vitamin and feel good although this could be just the buzz of weight loss. I realise I have to make a lifestyle change as I come off two shakes a day so I've started looking at macros and this month I joint a gym to do weights.

    I think it's a good product but some of the way they pedal recruitment is wrong, also lots of distributors off the back of that are clueless, I get lots of attention due to the drop of weight but half the people who contact me have had hardly any help. It's such a shame.
  • I started Herbalife a few days ago. I've been at my local 24 boot camp for 4 weeks now and have seen some results but have decided to help my nutrition along too. The camp is amazing there is such a brilliant atmosphere and the adrenaline goes through the roof. The coaches are so supportive - i might adopt some of them haha. I'm no expert but heres what i think i've worked out so far.

    The shakes come in a lot of different flavours and you can mix flavours to create new ones. You can also blend some fruit in with it for added flavour. The fruit teas are great for a wee energy boost and help metabolism.

    The herbalife programmes are not just for weight loss it can also be used for gain or maintenance, energy and fat burning.

    The main focus of this programme seems to be getting the right type of nutrition in your body as opposed to eating less. High protein foods and complex carbs. Theres also a focus on making sure you drink enough water throughout the day too.

    I've not posted on my food diary in ages but here is how my day looks with my basic herbalife plan.

    I have a tea as soon as I wake up, then a shake shortly after. about 2.5 hours later i have a snack (eg hard boiled eggs, apple and organic peanut butter, ryvita with ham and cheese, fruit smoothie with protein powder) then i'll have another shake at lunch time then 2.5 hours later i'll have another snack then a few hours later i'll have dinner (eg. chicken stir fry, turkey veg and sweet potato) then a few hours later i'll have another snack and a tea. then i'll go to the gym and have a shake when i'm done.

    on days i go to 24 camp in the evening i will swap my dinner and lunch around.

    I feel like i am always eating!! never feel hungry or full - just satisfied.

    Getting weighed in next week to see the effects. But already i'm finding it easier to get up in the mornings and i have more energy through the day.

    I would recommend finding a camp or a coach nearby and getting into the support network it is truly inspirational. Its still early days and i'm still clutching to some scepticisms but i'm impressed so far! :)

    Hope this helps!
  • Browny43
    Browny43 Posts: 124 Member
    I have been on the product since late February of this year. I am down 44 lbs. Not only do I love the products but I love the happy environment in the club and free fitcamps. I love my Herbafam.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Salespeople. Salespeople everywhere.

    The horror.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Salespeople. Salespeople everywhere.

    The horror.

  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I'm sorry that your niece is trying to take advantage of you.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member