Looking For Support

Hey Everyone,
A few months ago I started on my weight loss journey, I was 250lbs at my heaviest (I've lost 15lbs since then). Before having a family I was in great shape, I worked really hard to be fit. Now I can barely recognize myself when I look in the mirror, from 2008 to 2013 I put on over 100lbs. So when the first of the year came around I decided that I was going to not work towards being thin but rather being healthy, strong and at a safe BMI.
Sometimes I get so lost in what I need to get done for everyone else that I forget that my health is important and I need to make time for myself. I joined MFP because I'd like to find people who are going through some of the same struggles with hopes that we can motivate eachother to reach our goals.


  • a2014nolen
    Its easy to get caught up in caring for those we love and neglecting ourselves. But we need to make sure to care for ourselves too. I really know what you mean. I use to bike everyday and cross country hike and now I'm so out of shape I am struggling to do 20 mins on the bike at the gym. Its time for us to take back our health before our families and us pay because we neglected to take care of ourselves. We can do it! We will do it right! Let's find our ME time and get some fitness in. See you daily getting fit. :smile:
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
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