Protein, carbs, sugar way off

I am new to this website... My daughter and I are trying to get healthy and lose weight in the process. We have started an elimination diet to make sure we are not allergic to any foods (suspect wheat, sugar, dairy, meat). I am eating mostly fruits, veggies, avocado, and beans. Way over on sugars due to the fruit, over on carbs due to the beans, and under on protein because we cut meat out until we get going. Still under on total calories. have a LOT of weight to lose... over 100 pounds for me, only about 30 for the 17-yo daughter. Any ideas? Shall I keep going and see what happens? Thanks for any advice.


  • You shouldn't cut put any foods unless you have some inclination that they might be causing you problems. That's the quickest way to end up deficient in all sorts of vitamins and minerals.

    In my opinion you should be increasing protein and fat whilst reducing your carbohydrate intake.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Have you talked to your doctor about being tested for food allergies? Having allergy testing done is very accurate and will give you the answers you are looking for without all off the trial and error. Other issues to consider are lactose intolerance and celiac disease.

    What you are describing is basically a vegetarian diet. Do some online searches for meal plans and protein substitutes you can try.
  • goldilocks509
    goldilocks509 Posts: 76 Member
    have you heard of wheatbelly? He talks a lot about food sensitivities.I think its great to start cutting foods out to see what is effecting you. I am having the same problem you might consider cutting out corn too...thats ahuge one for me, especially corn syrup. But know that once you cut foods out you become more sensitive to them if you have them again. Here is his blog, go check it out:;_ylu=X3oDMTByaDNhc2JxBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkAw--/SIG=11imv22pp/EXP=1393060736/**
  • goldilocks509
    goldilocks509 Posts: 76 Member
    Allergy tests for wheat are not accurate, you have to be actually eating wheat at the time...and allergy tests dont show sensitivities either...
    Have you talked to your doctor about being tested for food allergies? Having allergy testing done is very accurate and will give you the answers you are looking for without all off the trial and error. Other issues to consider are lactose intolerance and celiac disease.

    What you are describing is basically a vegetarian diet. Do some online searches for meal plans and protein substitutes you can try.
  • stephbel
    stephbel Posts: 1 Member
    I just did the elimination diet with my husband for 6 weeks, so I can relate to being off balance on your recommended intakes.

    Did you cut out eggs as well? Eggs are an excellent source of protein. You can also try making smoothies with vegetable protein powder. I made quite a few recipes from, she makes all kinds of foods using different types of protein powders, and a lot of it is vegan and gluten free! I also spent a lot of time on Pinterest looking for vegan or Vegetarian Paleo recipes, there's so much out there to try it's crazy, and can be lots of fun, especially if you and your daughter are doing it together!

    If you're way over on your sugars (even if it's just from fruit) I would cut back on the fruit and eat more veggies!
    I wouldn't worry about it too much though, just keep eating healthy, whole foods and lots of vegetables. Also, while a balanced diet IS important to becoming healthy, as long as you stay within your target calorie intake you will still lose weight.

    I hope that helps, good luck with your weight loss journey :)