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Hello Fellow MFP friends...

I am very new to this site as I joined today. Looking for people who are in the same boat as me or can help me get to where I am going. I have a fantastic fiancee who is very supportive but would like to meet other people who are determined to get this weight off and give eachother motivation:)

I weighed in at the end of July at 316 and am currently at 290.6. I have been doing WW with no excercise at all but that will change TOMORROW!!!

Introduce yourself to me too, please :)


  • HI! Congratulations on the weight that you have lost. I'm back on the weight loss track after having my twins. I had lost a lot of weight last year on WW in preparation for having children (I thought it would up our chances if I was in better shape.. And it did!) but have gained it all back plus some. Having twins did a number to my weight! I'm trying to get back into the grove of losing it again but I get very discouraged and end up stuffing my face just to put myself back where I started. My body definitely does not look like it use to and it makes me upset. I don't have a lot of time for exercise, or any for that matter so it has been a slllllow process!

    You are on the right track!!
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    Welcome !
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Welcome to the community! Congrats on your success and upcoming wedding. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • Thank you! And congrats on twins, what a blessing! I have some obstacles to jump over to have a child and it is the ONE thing in this world I truley want and pray for daily. I know it will happen when the time is right. My mom tells me allll the time if I could just lose weight I will get pregnant just like that, I wanna trust her but still. I decided that the only person I need to do it for was me first then everything else will fall in place. My cousin does WW and they just changed the WHOLE program a few days ago. Stay positive about losing your weight and everytime you think you need to eat remember you have 2 kids that need you and I hope that gives you motivation. I made little things with pictures on them with the word MOTIVATION big and hung them on my mirrors and fridge, it really helps.
  • thank you!!
  • Welcome to the community! Congrats on your success and upcoming wedding. YOU CAN DO IT!!!


    Duh I just realized I was not quoting people, haha Thank you and with people like you I KNOW I can do this!!!! 89 lbs, CONGRATS!!!!!
  • Christie_78
    Christie_78 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm new also. I joined yesterday. Good work on the weight loss! Adding exercise..you will see a major difference!! When I first started I lost around 20 on diet alone, but when I added exercise my body started to change in the right direction. I still have a long way to go, but It's awesome seeing progress, even if it is a small amount at a time!
  • Welcome, I just joined a couple of days ago. I have been struggling with my weight for the last 13 years. I have come to realize that it has all got to be emotional. I was in a very abusive relationship for many years when my weight went out of control. I have left that relationship and had counseling. The counseling was awesome but somehow never focused on the emotional eating aspect. I am know eating better, walking daily and taking better care of myself. My goal is to loose 42 lbs. Hang in there and stay focused.
  • It is very encouraging to read about how you have already lost 20 lbs. MFP has given my encouragement to stay focus on my goals. I have tried several times to lose weight but somehow never stayed motivated. Reading others accomplishments and struggles really does help me know that I am not alone is this adventure.
  • Welcome to both of you - there are some amazing people out here who are ready to help keep you motivated, just as you help them! Send friend requests to anyone that looks interesting - the people I have 'met' through MFP have been wonderful! :bigsmile:
  • Hi, I'm new also. I joined yesterday. Good work on the weight loss! Adding exercise..you will see a major difference!! When I first started I lost around 20 on diet alone, but when I added exercise my body started to change in the right direction. I still have a long way to go, but It's awesome seeing progress, even if it is a small amount at a time!

    Well I am glad I am not the only newbie, lol Thank you! I tried something at the beginning of this year and it had diet and excercise and I was melting 10-15 lbs off but it only lasted 3 weeks because I felt like I was a machine. With WW I have loved being able to eat whatever I wanted but watching how much I ate and really opening my eyes to what was good or not, I would like to lose 75 more lbs before the wedding and 50 after...

    Remember we didn't gain this weight over night and won't lose it that way either ;)
  • Welcome, I just joined a couple of days ago. I have been struggling with my weight for the last 13 years. I have come to realize that it has all got to be emotional. I was in a very abusive relationship for many years when my weight went out of control. I have left that relationship and had counseling. The counseling was awesome but somehow never focused on the emotional eating aspect. I am know eating better, walking daily and taking better care of myself. My goal is to loose 42 lbs. Hang in there and stay focused.

    I have been there before and its not fun. Keep your head up! What I find to be the biggest impact in my losing weight thus far is not only the measuring aspect but pre-planning everything I eat the day before. That way I have everything portioned and measured out and know exactly what I can eat ALL day and then just portion it our through the day, works WONDERS!!! try it and let me know how you do
  • Welcome...you are on your way...best wishes to you!
  • Welcome to both of you - there are some amazing people out here who are ready to help keep you motivated, just as you help them! Send friend requests to anyone that looks interesting - the people I have 'met' through MFP have been wonderful! :bigsmile:

    I use to be close minded to people "online" but that is how I met my fiancee, lol I met all of my jerks in person or through friend's and then decided to use online and found the love of my life, I am excited to meet more motivational people, can't have too many of those people :)
  • Welcome...you are on your way...best wishes to you!

  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome and Congrats on you upcoming wedding!!! My husband and I got married in October (if I am doing the math right on yours) too. My favorite time of year!!!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    hi! feel free to add me as a friend... I'm working towards my goal weight for my wedding in June! There are quite a few people on here getting ready for weddings and wanting to start the next part of our life at a healthy and happy weight!
  • Yes we get married October 22nd, 2011 and I can't wait!!! I am very excited I will add you as a friends as well, hanks. My question is ..as long as I stay at or under my calories according to MFP and excercise will i be successful? Im just nervous because I have lost my first 25 lbs from WW and I would rather do this since WW just change there whole program and I need to buy all new material. I like the idea of this site better as well. I just wanna make sure I am understanding how to use MFP correctly, thanks and God bless