Belly Fat/Fat Flap/Will it ever move out?!?!?


Hi all,

I am a month into my newest journey. Small back story.... Always slim as a kid/teen as I was always on the go. Around 20 though the pounds started coming. Then a baby at 21. Didn't lose all the weight before having another baby at 31. Now I have what I "lovingly" call my "Fat Flap". It's the belly area under the belly button. I guess most people call it the "spare tire". I like my label better. And after my 2nd baby, I have a pooch above the belly button as well that looks kind of like a speed bump.

Here is my question. Are there any ladies out there (I guess gents as well :wink: ) that either currently have or have had and lost this annoyance taking space in their mid-section? If you lost it, how long did it take?

I know that spot exercising doesn't work. No point in doing 1000 crunches a day..... And I know that all over body workouts are the best. I am just hoping that someone, anyone out there can give me hope that one day I will no longer have this squatter taking over my belly!

I appreciate any and all suggestions/comments/advice/belly fat partners, etc.


  • pdlapoint
    pdlapoint Posts: 3 Member
    For me, I started my weight loss journey to lose my "roll" (my nickname for the belly fat). I've lost close to 60 pounds, and have about 30 or so left. I still have my roll, but it's gotten a lot smaller. I suspect this will be how fat is distributed on my body forever. I used to hate it, but now I recognize there's not much I can do about it. I also suspect it might also be some loose skin as well.
  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    i have the same thing, below my belly button... so frustrating... even when i was at my lowest weight a few years ago it was still there but it was much much smaller and wasn't at all noticeable with my clothes on. i imagine i would have to drop to a very very low weight to get rid of it which i don't think i could stand to do. i've just grown used to the idea that it will always be there so i don't dwell on it as much as i used to anymore. i had a guy friend who lost his, but he had a little skin fold/flap because the skin didn't shrink all the way into place... i think i'd rather have a little bump than a skin flap so i won't push my body that far.
  • Bluizflame
    Bluizflame Posts: 151 Member
    I got the 'speed bump' above the belly when i had my 2nd child also. I call it a "B" belly, cuz that's what the 2 bumps look like w/ my waist in the middle.

    I've lost 60lbs almost, and i still have the annoying B! The weight is dropping everywhere BUT my stomach area :( I figure it has to disappear from there eventually. I can't get down to skin and bones everywhere and have a big belly (i hope) lol
  • ambience13
    ambience13 Posts: 23 Member
    I had to have surgery to get rid of mine. But it was worth it completely! There's before/afters in my profile if you want to check it out.
    My above the belly bulge was caused by my abdominal muscles separating from my pregnancies, which is incredibly common. And the bottom bulge covered my bits and was just yuck. I still have another 10-15kg to lose, but I'm so glad I had the surgery when I did, as I can exercise more intensively now without my tummy hanging on the ground or bouncing around, and I can wear tight clothes :smile:
  • Young adults are already in a category that lose weight a lot faster than say someone who is 45.
    I am 40 and found P90X and Insanity worked well..very well. Bill Phillips Body for Life worked very well years ago.
    And I wanted something that was easier on my body, didn't take as much time, and I didn't have to think about what my next meal was going to be.
    I researched and found two that my full criteria. I know there are more out there...
    First I found one that is great for men and women at
    And the one I decided to do because it has a great support system of women doing the program and finished the program, just for women, and simply laid out and guaranteed and I found it at
    I'm losing on average 1 1/2 pounds a week.
    I think one of the keys to success is setting yourself up for success. Find a plan that is realistic to your lifestyle so you aren't cheating or angry at yourself for missing a workout or a meal.

    To your lifestyle change!