
Hi, everyone! I'm currently in the process of losing about 80-95 pounds and have gotten about 28 lbs from under my belt!

My question is this: Is it better to wait to get a tattoo I want till I'm finished with the rest of the weight loss?
The tattoo is going to along the side of my rib cage. And I'm still pudging so I'm already planning to wait, I just wanna know how long would you all wait?


  • karen_golfs
    karen_golfs Posts: 377 Member
    I would assume you need to lose all the weight you plan on, have the lipo and then tattoo. Otherwise, you may not be happy with the results.
  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    I'd wait til your near near your goal. Significant changes in body mass can stretch or leave excess skin, which could warp the tattoo. It'd make a nice treat for hitting your goal weight though!
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm currently in the process of losing about 80-95 pounds and have gotten about 28 lbs from under my belt!

    My question is this: Is it better to wait to get a tattoo I want till I'm finished with the rest of the weight loss?
    The tattoo is going to along the side of my rib cage. And I'm still pudging so I'm already planning to wait, I just wanna know how long would you all wait?

    Personally I'm waiting until I've lost my weight and maintained a while before I get anymore tattoos, I think if you're losing weight especially while it's healing it could affect it, especially in the area you want it. I think if it's an area that will change a lot with shrinking or growth it's better to wait. For the best answer though I'd ask around with some experienced tattoo artists.

    Eta, not sure why I quoted this, habit I guess. /shrug
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm waiting to get mine done after I get to my goal weight, but I'm making it more of an incentive to meet my goal rather than it being a necessity... Weight loss will really just cause your tattoo to shrink slightly, so it's possible that you could lose some detail if the line work is really fine/close together, but, while 95 lbs will definitely change your body shape, if you're losing slowly and at a healthy rate your skin should spring back rather than sag and it won't be that big of an issue :)

    If you're having second thoughts about doing it now, though, making it a reward once you get closer to your goal is a good way to motivate yourself!
  • I would wait till youre about half way down to goal. enough so you'll still have padding (ribs, ouch!) but enough so it will still look the same when youre done shrinking.

    what are you planning on getting? :)

    im getting the tops of my feet done Saturday. in still farrrr from my goal, but I figure this is as fat as my feet are ever going to be and im going to need the layer of bubbler to ease the pain.
  • Thanks! These replies are awesome!
    I just wanna let y'all know that it IS going to be on one of my sides probably all the way down to my hips(WE'LL SEE).
    I haven't gotten it yet but if y'all have any awesome ideas, I'm game!
    Thanks again <3
  • I would assume you need to lose all the weight you plan on, have the lipo and then tattoo. Otherwise, you may not be happy with the results.

    That was awesome! I was laughing so hard! XD

    Thanks for the input~!!
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    Meh, I got one last month on my arm because I wanted it. I enjoy having it there, and I didn't want to put it off because I knew that it would make me happy. I can see the worry, but my tattoo artist said that you have to worry a lot more about getting bigger and stretching it out. Getting smaller can also leave skin baggy and whatnot, but I don't think it's as much of an issue in terms of the aesthetics of the tattoo. So for me, I did it because I wanted it and I didn't feel like waiting! haha
  • I'm getting my first new tattoo in two years next week, on my shoulder. Once I reach my goal I'm going to get a rib piece done, if my stomach looks presentable (which is questionable, let's be fair). I would talk to your tattoo artist about it, they've seen enough skin to have a good idea of how to approach things like that. Maybe start up on the ribs where you have the least fat and only do the outline so if you have a stretching/sagging issue later you can fix it easily.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    would certainly make for a great reward for your accomplishment!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I would assume you need to lose all the weight you plan on, have the lipo and then tattoo. Otherwise, you may not be happy with the results.

    Lipo? Lolzzz
  • CallMeBacon
    CallMeBacon Posts: 196 Member
    I waited until I was at goal. I chatted about it with my artist, and he said that was the way to go - better to fit the tattoo to where you are, skin is all in the right place, etc. Plus - it made a great reward for me!
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    If you want to use it as a motivator, that's great.

    That being said, if you get it now, the weight loss would not affect that tattoo.
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    depends on where you want it. Some places i would say wait others, go for it.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I don't know if you already have kids or plan to have a baby...BUT if you do have a baby, the area you are talking about might get stretched out again. That's just something to think about in the future too.
  • i'd totally wait.. otherwise it might shift and come out so much different then you wanted. i have a lower back tattoo that has completely lost its shape and looks pretty stupid.. it wasnt the most amazing work anyways.. but it clearly needs to be covered up now.. i also have two wrist tattoos that even they look different from when i got them.. and come on, you dont really lose that much weight there.. they are like a year and a few months old.

    im waiting for all future tattoos.. though its so hard because i want them now.
  • pappaprc
    pappaprc Posts: 8 Member
    I've dropped 140 pounds and now have a lopsided tattoo on my bicep. Unless you like lopsided tattoos, wait.
  • Love the responses! Certainly gives something to think about.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I didnt get my first tattoo until I lost alot of weight but then I had my 4th child and gained alot back and once again took the weight off. It has not affected my tattoos (I have 11 tats).
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I'm glad someone posted this! I am planning to get one soon across the top of my foot and was wondering if I should wait or just do it. I figured the foot probably doesn't change that much, but I would definitely like to hear from people with experience in this!