Need help LOOKING forFRIENDS!!!

I let life get in the way. I let things bring me down and keep me from being able to Loose weight. I ended up gaining 35 more pounds and I am at a horrendous 264. I am also taking medications and have a thyroid condition that make this a really hard time to loose weight. But I have too. I am determined to do better this time. I just wish I had more support at home.

I am 40 I work in IT. I work in Philly but Live in Jersey. I really want to succeed I am a member of Planet fitness but might switch to future fitness because they have a pool and I used to love to swim..

Help me MFP you are my only hope!


  • Slendermike
    Slendermike Posts: 1,776 Member
    Add me if you like. I live in Canada but am a Flyers fan if that helps lol
  • vmdave
    vmdave Posts: 64 Member
    Hey you Canadians just beat us in hockey. I cant complain.
  • tif83
    tif83 Posts: 85 Member
    I need friends, too! I used to interact a lot with people on MFP, but I took a hiatus (And YES regained the weight and then some!) but I'm back at it full force and for the final time. I'm newly engaged and getting married in 16 mos. And I refuse to be a fat bride.

    This is really a struggle for me, and it's so easy to get discouraged or impatient, or give in and eat something you shouldn't. I so need supportive people to help me on this journey, and I'd love to do the same for you!

    Hope to hear from some new peeps!
