I can't stay under my calories...HELP!!!



  • Also, try to eat Tofu Shirataki noodles! They aren't too expensive but they look and taste like real noodles but for a lot of them it's only about 40 calories! You can get them a some grocery stores, and definitely at a Whole Foods
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I just changed my thing to lose a pound per week and that upped my calories to 1620 which seems way more realistic to me and like something I can do. Thanks so much!!!!

    There you go!

    Way too many people think they have to starve or that the best way is lots all at once. Good luck! And I bet you'll feel tons better now. :)
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I find that I can stay in much better control by starting my food day at 5PM. Just like you I find it much harder to stay within my food plan in the evening. This way if I have an evening transgression I have the next day to eat more modestly to compensate or get some exercize. Good luck!
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    No matter how few calories you eat, you won't lose the weight if you can't be consistent over the long haul. So please if it's that difficult, it's better for you to slow down and eat more. You didn't put on the weight by eating a few hundred calories over 1200, you put it on most probably by eating a few thousand calories over 1200. You may have been eating between 2500-3000 calories before (I know that seems huge know but you'd be surprised how many calories are in the everyday fast food/starbucks coffee, processed foods diet).

    So relax, slow it down, find a good middle to start with and avoid anything that has a high amount of sugar + fat. Either way, whether you're eating 1200 cals/day, or 1500 cals/day you won't see results immediately, so don't be in too much of a rush thinking somehow eating at 1200 cals will get you THERE sooner. Most likely it will get you to give up sooner.

    Also, if you're gonna hit the gym, I'd suggest it's better for you to take long walks, high intensity activity will make you hungrier and you'll probably end up eating back the calories you've burned. Something low like a walk will still burn cals and won't hit your appetite as hard.
  • The key to losing weight and sticking with it is in the calories. Instead of trying to bust your butt to burn as much as possible, try eating around 1600 a day. 1200 was completely unrealistic for me and I suffered for it. Now it's easy to stay within 1600 calories, still have everything I love (even Hershey kisses) and lose weight. If you feel like you're starving, you probably ARE starving.
  • Exactly what everyone else said. Lose the weight a little more gradually. Also try to remember how badly you want to lose weight. You will no doubt have days when you are surround by bad choices, and you feel hungry and you just want to eat something. It happens to all of us all the time.

    Just last night, I was at the girlfriends who insisted that we go out at 10 p.m and buy toll house cookies, because she needed them oh so badly. Of course, I couldn't stop her.. But I did stop myself form eating any. It just comes down to how badly you want it. Do you want the cookie more then the weight loss?

    Be prepared to ask yourself those questions often.

    P.S remember, the more healthy food you eat, the more food you can have during the day. For example 8oz of baked chicken is 280 calories. So that means you could eat a POUND of chicken for 560 calories! Which I do every day ;)
  • gorange
    gorange Posts: 7 Member
    i also find that adding exercise so i can eat a few more calories per day really helps.
    i make sure that i have one fruit or veggie with breakfast (or as a morning snack) something like half an apple, half a grapefruit, or, now that they are in season, a clementine orange.
    and then i make sure i have two veggies or fruits with both lunch and dinner or as an afternoon snack. for me carrots and / or broccoli save my afternoons.
    a half cup of black or pinto beans can save me if i'm struggling and want to eat while i'm making dinner.
    realize that 1200 calories is not very many (i know, i'm trying to get by on that, too) and maybe go up to 1320 (or 1500) for a couple weeks and then "step down" gradually.
    doing a 20 minute yoga routine helps me with my hunger, too. i don't know if it's just slowing down and reflecting for that amount of time or if it's the opportunity to really get in touch with my body, but it makes a major difference for me.
    best of luck, you can do it!!
  • beckimac001
    beckimac001 Posts: 1 Member
    I've taken to making homemade soups and eating wheat bread (together are only about 200 calories). Having that for lunch and a fibre packed breakfast (weetabix anyone?) comes to about 400 calories so far. The cereal keeps you less hungry throughout the day (and not constantly needing the loo after drinking so much water) and low calorie soups with a bread roll fill you up! I don't usually need to eat again until about 8pm :) If anyone would like some recipes drop me a message! :)
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