Eating clean and cheating?

Do you always eat clean? Do you allow yourself for a cheat meal once in awhile?

Do you still see results if you have a slice of pizza every once in awhile?


  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member

    There's nothing wrong with pizza. There's nothing wrong with ice cream. There's nothing wrong with fried chicken. There's nothing wrong with brownies and cookies. There's nothing wrong with chinese food. There's nothing wrong with having a couple beers...I think you get the point. As long as you can comfortably fit it into your calorie goals, by all means, eat it!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    If I eat clean, it's probably by accident. Hasn't hurt me at all. And I don't eat slices of pizza...I eat the whole pizza for one meal.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I don't demonize any foods into categories of good or bad or clean vs. dirty.... If I want some and it fits with in my caloric intake then I eat it period... This method has worked pretty good for me so far......
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    Well, there's weight and then there's health. Of course, if you're overweight then losing weight will always be better for your health. For optimal health, it's best to eat clean most of the time, but that doesn't mean you can't have a treat every now and then or even a little something every day if you want. I don't eat clean, but I should. Some people also refer to it as a whole foods diet, which is basically the same thing. It's about eating natural foods instead of processed foods, that's all. Is it necessary to lose weight? No. But, it's best to avoid processed foods if you can resist.
  • mammayodes
    so this might sound stupid but if you get extra calories from exercise you also get extra carbs/protein/fat correct? so if you're able to eat back those calories do you get to eat back those added macros as well or do you still try to stay in the goal range for the macros? im asking because i looked at my report and it said i went over today for my carbs even though i was "alloted" extra because of my increased exercise.. so i can eat back my extra calories only from the macros im not currently over.correct?
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    so this might sound stupid but if you get extra calories from exercise you also get extra carbs/protein/fat correct? so if you're able to eat back those calories do you get to eat back those added macros as well or do you still try to stay in the goal range for the macros? im asking because i looked at my report and it said i went over today for my carbs even though i was "alloted" extra because of my increased exercise.. so i can eat back my extra calories only from the macros im not currently over.correct?

    The system figures it out for you automatically. When you add exercise and it gives you more calories for the day, it also automatically recalculates your macros. And if you don't like the original settings, you can change them.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    There are lots and lots and lots of people here who have had great success losing weight and getting fit while not eating "clean".

    I'm not a "clean" eater. I try to eat a balanced diet, which means I include whole/fresh foods and make an effort to meet my nutrient goals. But I also eat plenty of "dirty" foods. Basically, I eat the things I've always eaten. I just pay more attention to my nutrition and my serving sizes than I did before, and I try to fit what I eat into my goals for the day.

    If you enjoy eating "clean", then by all means, do it. But if you find it restrictive or difficult to stick to, it is not necessary. If your body is getting the macro and micro-nutrients it needs, you'll be fine. :smile:

    Edited to add that I eat pizza at least once a week and have had great results so far.
  • FitFoodieMomBillie
    FitFoodieMomBillie Posts: 227 Member
    Really, you eat clean for health reasons... it *can* help you lose weight (since you cut out all the icky processed, fake foods), but mostly it is healthier in the long run to eat real food, and you can even take it a step further and eat organic food. But really, if you want pizza, eat it.

    It really is going to depend on your body and how often (and even what type) you choose to eat said splurge. So, Pizza Hut or Papa Johns or whatever delivery pizza you have is not going to be as healthy for you as the kind you make yourself. That being said, if you can fit it in your goals, and it doesn't make you feel icky, have at it. One meal is not going to ruin all your efforts, especially if you can plan for it and be reasonable.

    One caveat. **IF** you are diabetic, or have insulin resistance, or PCOS, please keep in mind that those issues cause us to process (or not) carbs differently than the majority of people. Even if I sit down and have 2 normal slices of homemade pizza, I will blow up like a balloon within 20 minutes ... I can only splurge on big running days, and I KNOW this about myself, but it was something I had to find out through trial and error.

    I hope I've helped some.

    Be Blessed,