I've had to mentally adjust down my daily protein goal

I don't know if this is scientifically the case, but to me it feels like the nutrional balance suggested by MFP is pretty high in proteins. I say this because in the beginning I had a very hard time coming even remotely close to the daily protein goal / allowance. When I started logging my food on January 4th I weighed 181.8 (I'm 5'-6", and am within touching distance of my 46th birtiday), which means that for the most part I was wearing a size 14. Also until that date I wasn't very known for my taking part in organized exercise. I'm pretty active though. I've always been pretty smart with my breakfast and lunch choices (because those are the meals I control - dinner's under my husband's control since he's home hours before I am). I had to really work at increasing my daily protein intake. I had to add some nuts to my morning oatmeal, roasted chickpeas and a low-sodium tuna pouch on top of my lunch salad, and start eating Greek yogurt again (which I'd cut out because my calcium level is too high). Even with adding all those things, I STILL wasn't quite reaching my protein goal. So I was working on increasing my protein intake, until last weekend anyway (by which point it had been about a week of really drastically increasing my protein intake). Saturday when I was done working out on my Nordic Track I STANK! I don't mean regualr sweat body odor kind of stink, I mean I REEKED of ammonia. So I did some investigating (otherwise known as Googling) and read lots of articles from lots of different sources, all of which said the particular stench is due to the body metabolizing / utilizing proteins instead of carbs for energy. So since I'd had to drastically change my eating habits to come close to my protein goal, and since I've never before smelled like two-week old cat urine, this says to me that my body doesn't need this much protein in order to work effectively. That's not to say I'm going to go back to what was my personal norm - obviously before January 4th I wasn't giving my body nearly enough protein. I just have to start playing around with my diet until I find the right balance. So far the only thing I've taken away that I'd added is the tuna on my lunch salad, and I'm not going to make any other changes until I figure my body has had some time to work out that extra protein. I will say that when I did the Nordic Track this week I didn't stink as bad as I did this past weekend. But I'm not back to my usual aroma yet either.


  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    How much did you try to eat?
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Actually, MFP sets your protein goals very low, imo. I aim for around 110-120 grams of protein a day.
    I wouldn't self diagnose using google. The smell could've been caused by something else entirely.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    Also curious how much protein you were eating. The MFP default is low.

    I have had that smell off and on since I started running but can tell you it wasn't due to high protein. I just in the last month started increasing my protein.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    What is your protein goal? I'm a vegetarian and I regularly eat at least 80g a day.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I aim for 90-125 grams most of the time. Sometimes 155-170 if I feel like eating less carbs (which I find is the case in warm weather).
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    Actually, MFP sets your protein goals very low, imo. I aim for around 110-120 grams of protein a day.
    I wouldn't self diagnose using google. The smell could've been caused by something else entirely.

    ^^^Agreed about MFP setting protein goals too low. I've "drastically" increased my protein intake and haven't had any of this ammonia smell you're talking about. You probably aren't taking in enough carbohydrates. When you have a carbohydrate deficiency, your body will then start to metabolize protein in its place. It's why runners often carb-load before a race - they're increasing their carbohydrate stores in their muscles to provide adequate fuel for their run. Instead of decreasing your protein, try increasing your carbohydrate intake.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,642 Member
    The default MFP is brought to you by the same people who made us fat, sick and nearly dead and recommend like 50% of your daily calories from grains...
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I should have mentioned that I believe mine was due to the need to take in more water. It was on my longer runs and yes upon google, it can be from high protein low carb diets or also dehydration. Are you sure you are drinking enough water?

    And you can still eat high protein...just make sure to get in 'good' carbs too.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Saturday when I was done working out on my Nordic Track I STANK! I don't mean regualr sweat body odor kind of stink, I mean I REEKED of ammonia.

    I eat between 100g and 200g depending on a variety of factors. The only time I smell like ammonia is when I have my calories too low or my carbs too low.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    This is.... interesting. You're consuming relatively low protein (your entire day sounds less than a single one of my meals) so I suspect some sort of medical issue? Or your body is used to extremely low protein intake?
  • kaydoh2014
    kaydoh2014 Posts: 33 Member
    Okay, so all of your responses are much appreciated and have now caused me to be mad confused! LOL I was just looking through my nutrition macros from day to day, and some days it has my protein goal at 65, some days 130. Why do I not have the same goal every day?? I can't imagine what I've experienced is due to too low carbs - I'm a total carb-aholic and that's the one piece of my pie I'm just about always over on. Although I'm definitely not as proportionately over now as I used to be because not only have I increased my protein, but I've obviously had to decrease my carbs to allow for the increased protein calories. I can believe I'm not hydrated enough, although I drink WAAAAAAAAY more than I used to. My average beverage consumption used to be one small cup of coffee in the morning, 12 oz of flavored water all day, and at best 20 oz more of flavored water in the evening. I now drink on average about 60 oz of flavored water per day (plus still my one cup of coffee).
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Your goal changes from day to day because you add your exercise. When MFP adds those calories to your goal, it does so proportionately, so that you should continue to eat a balanced diet.
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    I can't imagine what I've experienced is due to too low carbs - I'm a total carb-aholic and that's the one piece of my pie I'm just about always over on. Although I'm definitely not as proportionately over now as I used to be because not only have I increased my protein, but I've obviously had to decrease my carbs to allow for the increased protein calories.

    That was just one solution that I could think of. I couldn't tell where your carb levels were at since your diary is private. How many carbs do you let yourself eat? Do you know the percentages you have your stuff set to?
    I can believe I'm not hydrated enough, although I drink WAAAAAAAAY more than I used to. My average beverage consumption used to be one small cup of coffee in the morning, 12 oz of flavored water all day, and at best 20 oz more of flavored water in the evening. I now drink on average about 60 oz of flavored water per day (plus still my one cup of coffee).

    It couldn't hurt to up your water intake a bit. Perhaps try that before completely cutting down on protein. I'm not sure how active you are either, but you should probably be eating between 66g and 148g of protein, based off of your weight.
  • kaydoh2014
    kaydoh2014 Posts: 33 Member
    I can't imagine what I've experienced is due to too low carbs - I'm a total carb-aholic and that's the one piece of my pie I'm just about always over on. Although I'm definitely not as proportionately over now as I used to be because not only have I increased my protein, but I've obviously had to decrease my carbs to allow for the increased protein calories.

    That was just one solution that I could think of. I couldn't tell where your carb levels were at since your diary is private. How many carbs do you let yourself eat? Do you know the percentages you have your stuff set to?
    I can believe I'm not hydrated enough, although I drink WAAAAAAAAY more than I used to. My average beverage consumption used to be one small cup of coffee in the morning, 12 oz of flavored water all day, and at best 20 oz more of flavored water in the evening. I now drink on average about 60 oz of flavored water per day (plus still my one cup of coffee).

    It couldn't hurt to up your water intake a bit. Perhaps try that before completely cutting down on protein. I'm not sure how active you are either, but you should probably be eating between 66g and 148g of protein, based off of your weight.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I eat 150-200 grams most days. No problems. I think MFP is very low.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You need to drink more water, especially if eating more protein.
    I have had up to 160g of protein before, and am regularly over 100g. I do not experience this smell, even when I sweat buckets while working out.
    I doubt very much it is the protein, unless you have any kidney issues.
  • kaydoh2014
    kaydoh2014 Posts: 33 Member
    sandi117, I totally appreciate your continued help on this! You're helping me more than you can imagine.

    Quote (I don't know how to do the blue quote bar thingamajig): That was just one solution that I could think of. I couldn't tell where your carb levels were at since your diary is private. How many carbs do you let yourself eat? Do you know the percentages you have your stuff set to?

    Answer: I didn't know I could adjust my ratios. I use what's set by MFP - 50% carbs, 30% fat, 20% protein. And I know I've made life difficult by not showing my diary, but that's because I use my diary as a diary, not just a log. It's usually pretty personal.

    As for my activity level, I'm getting there. I do an hour of cardio Saturday and Sunday, and I exercise for an hour two nights a week doing a bunch of different stuff - whatever mood strikes us (me and my workday workout buddy). And I am bound and determined to become a runner, although because of back issues I have to do it very slowly and carefully. My regular life can be pretty active - hiking, riding a quad, playing paintball, heavy gardening, I do all the shoveling / lawn mowing / leaf raking. If I'm in the mood to go, I'm going to go until I can't do any more. I enjoy moving my body and pushing myself. But my life can also be pretty couch potato-y (reading, crocheting, Pinteresting, and now MFPing lol). Worst of all I have a desk job. A very busy desk job where I don't have a whole lot of opportunity to get up and move around.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yeah, MFP default protein suggestions are horribly off...

    Wait, what? Too *high*?!?

    Uh, no. Just no.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Just a thought, but have you switched deodorants lately? I only ask because the only time I've smelled terrible was when I tried switching to one of those all-natural deodorants.