time to admit I'm morbidly obese!!

Lola7791 Posts: 85 Member
Yikes!! I hate those words but its the truth!! Im 5'3 and 240 pounds!! Help!! I cook for 8!! I dont want special foods, shakes or pills!! Just encouragement and advice!


  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    Hi, I'll send you a request. I only cook for 2, but also not remotely interested in shakes/supplements etc. I too am ashamed to admit that I'm currently also morbidly obese, it's such a horrible term!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I was morbidly obese forever (like 13 out of the last 17 years) once was over 300 lb...and I am finally just at the bottom of "regular" obese (5'8" and 194 lb)

    I can tell ya that this website is SO helpful, if you log honestly and follow the guidelines MFP sets for you within reason you should see a big change over time. My best advice is just do not get discouraged. 1 lb or so per week does add up. I've lost almost 70 lb in a year. But most months I lose just 6 lb. That kind of puts it in perspective, I hope.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery. Check out the groups for "VSG" - plenty of pre and post operation contributors.
  • RedheadKnitts
    RedheadKnitts Posts: 4 Member
    Me too girlfriend...5'2" 295 at my highest. I cook for my family too, it's all about portion, balance exercise. Keep plugging away!
  • angiefaychai
    angiefaychai Posts: 9 Member
    Hello. I too am mortified to admit I hit 300.4 lbs last week. I finally had to face up and deal with it. I am just started on this path, as well. I cook for 6 in our home. And being surrounded by children, I too am determined to get the portions and quality correct. No false pills, shakes, etc. I want to get it off healthily and safely. I would love to share tips and menu ideas. Staying positive about the long term goals is what I try to focus on. Good luck. :)
  • bigobelly
    bigobelly Posts: 18 Member
    You have to take small steps at a time- first make sure you are not grocery shopping in the junk food isle, start cutting back and getting rid of sodas and sweets. No stopping at fast food locations for that quick meal. And you need to start an excercise program, even if its as simple as walking indoors early in the mornings at the local mall, or in the evenings, but you have to start to get active! There is lots of good advise on here and like others say, you have to log down EVERYTHING!! take it day by day. A big part of the battle is finally realizing your overweight and wanting to do something about it. You will get there!
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Well done you. It takes something to face up to this. Taking each day as it comes, if things do go off kilter, don't worry one day will not be the end of it. I find logging my breakfast, reassuringly there I am with a whole new balance to work through, it really has helped me keep focused and if I slip then it is easier to get back in line. Logging really drives home which foods are the "expensive" combinations. I am sure you will be getting on top of portion size. I tend to avoid pasta and pizza.

    You can have which ever foods take you attention and come within your daily allowance, with a long way to go do not think the only thing to do is give up everything you love, I'd advise making space for it. The only reason to give up something is because it makes you ill in some way. Anything you find you just can't leave alone try not to have in the house.

    We have found a combination of an egg, natural yoghurt and cheese makes for a good less "expensive" sauce. You can "economise" more by using low fat yoghurt, and low fat cheese. Using a less calorific option in what you prepare probably will not be noticed. Family usually like their old favourites. If you use Jacket potatoes you can always do a smaller one for yourself these are less calorific than you might expect.

    All the best
  • Me too chica. Once we accept it, we can start working on a better us! My motivation is my cousin's wedding and going to see my in laws! My son is also a big motivation to me. I want to be able to live a long life to see all of his accomplishments :) A good website for healthy meals is skinnytaste.com! Good luck in your journey!!
  • Hi

    Sending you friend request. I do the shakes here and there, but I cook for total of 5 and other than me all boys who can eat. My sons can eat like there is no tomorrow and some how keep their shape, although they are very active. I am 5'10 and 254 been on this adventure of trying to lose weight for years now. I have my good days and bad days but am motivated this time to get in shape and stay there. I cook many dishes that are WW approved and I also love Eating Well. Have found some great recipes in there too.

    Hang in there :)
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    At my highest I wasn't too far off from where you're starting now, and I share the same goal of working towards a balanced life of eating better and moving more instead of relying on any quick fixes. Feel free to add me, I know how a bit of brain picking and encouragement can go a long way when you're just starting. Might seem like a daunting journey but trust me, it's doable and there's nothing stopping you from getting there (except you ;) ).
  • Wow, what a great thread! When you have those words smacking you in the face, it's like sink or swim, huh? Hoping that I can stay motivated and make the changes in my life that I need to to shed the moniker and the weight. Not looking for a magic bullet. Looking for reasonable results and not a lot of B.S. :-)
  • elmarko999
    elmarko999 Posts: 5 Member
    To publicly recognise it is a good step, as it indicates you are willing & ready to put things into action.

    Before diving into diet books, fad eating cycles & 3 hour long exercise routines I'd strongly reccomend taking a few steps.

    Firstly, visualise your goals - then make realistic time-frames in which to achieve them.

    1lb a week may seem low, but over a year that's 52lbs!, a huge amount to drop over a short period - aim for something realistic & hope for the best - not disappointing yourself with unrealistic goals is an important move.

    Secondly, what got you into the problem you are in today? - for me it was simply a case of poor diet choices & mild snacking over a long period of time, it took me 7 years to get to a place where I wanted to do something about it (a couple of pounds every few months over a long time adds up).

    Do you comfort eat?, is it related to volume of food - or the nutritional value of the food you eat (such as eating not much, but very high calorie foods). Understanding where you went wrong is a very useful step in understanding how to solve the problem & prevent it from occurring again.

    Once you get to the stage of selecting a diet for you try to pick one which will work for you - which fits with your life responsibilities (for me, I had very little time - so a diet of mostly fresh foods which didn't require much cooking was key) - I also made sure the 'diet choices' were always easier than eating badly (so no buying naughty foods, to eat badly required me to leave the house).

    Additionally, it's critical to remember we are human - we make mistakes & we are not perfect. This realisation is important for two key reasons - firstly, it will stop you giving yourself such a hard time (in part for getting to this stage & secondly if you slip up during the diet) - secondly, when making diet choices/lifestyle change plans take into account any personality flaws you have (not that you certainly have any, but to give an example - I'm lazy when it comes to food & have poor self-control around sweet foods) - to lose the weight I did I made the healthy diet food options easier than the unhealthy ones & removed all temptation from the house, I make plans taking into account my flaws instead of pretending I had perfect self-control (if I did have that, I wouldn't have got to where I was in the first place).

    Finally, once you have the diet aspect in control - slowly add exercise, anything you are comfortable with at first - but seek professional advice as to what's best for you once you are used to the routine of regular exercise (countless dedicated forums to exercise which would be better suited).

    Hope it works out well for you.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    That is all awesome advice, and as I'm in the processing of getting back on the wagon, I am taking notes so I can figure that out for myself hehe
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery. Check out the groups for "VSG" - plenty of pre and post operation contributors.

    Uh, no :noway:

    Your starting weight and height were/are the same as mine. I hate to be cliché, but if I can do it, so can you. And after losing the first 60 pounds, I gained that half an inch in height that I'd lost due to all that weight pressing me down.

    At first, make small changes. I think that I've failed in the past by changing too many things too quickly. Go to this website and calculate your BMR and TDEE: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ I would not recommend doing MFP's 1200 calorie idea--good way to burn out quickly. If you do, make sure to eat back your exercise calories.

    Don't ditch your favorite foods, nor do you need to now eat only 'healthy' foods even if you don't like them--also a good way to burn out. Just eat less than you burn. Simple...but not easy.

    Feel free to send me a friend request!:flowerforyou:
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    Weight Loss Surgery.

    Surgery is not the answer! :(

    @The OP it'll be a long and hard process but don't freak out! You can do it! It just takes time and effort. I'm sure you'll find lots of motivation, support and tips from the people here at MFP :)

    I'm Krissy, I'm 22 and currently weigh 271lbs, feel free to add me if you like
  • I'm in the same boat. I'm 360lbs and tired of it. I joined MFP three days ago and I have to do something now. I can't put it off any longer. I'm looking for supportive friends and I will support and motivate also. We are all in this together.
  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    admitting is the first step, the next is deciding to start the journey! :)
  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
    I'm with you, wayyyyyy heavier than I'm comfortable with, I am a time challenged mother of 3, wife of 1. Friend me if you like, I could help motivate and use some motivation myself sometimes.
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    I am so glad u r here!! I am not in your shoes, so take this as you will. A few thoughts. I assume the people u r cooking for r in your family/house. If so, how many of them are overweight and need a role model?? Since u r cooking, start slowly to cook lower calorie meal, introduce veggies etc. make less refined carb - use brown rice, sweet potatoes and whole wheat pasta. Not all the time but start to slip this in. They will complain at first but ignore it. U r cooking so tough. Eat or starve!!! Don't nibble while cooking. Chew gum, drink tea, anything. A lot of calories are consumed when cooking.

    The family needs a role model and u r it. Start exercising. Walk around the house cleaning, picking up things. No one will comment. In spring and summer, walk down driveway, go in yard. Slowly u will feel better and start to notice.

    I wonder if u tell your family if they don't roll their eyes and think here we go again. Just start. Today, not tomorrow. Keep going onto MFP and reading these motivational posts. I read them many times a day. When feeling week, I read these and it stops me from shoving things into my mouth.

    Just some thoughts, sorry if I am totally off base.
  • katielshelby
    katielshelby Posts: 137 Member
    Me too girlfraaaan!! I had to own up to it because my wedding is Nov '15 and I want to be lookin' good from then on out ;) I am too young to let myself stay this unhealthy! Stating you have a problem and having the desire to change it are the first steps of the process....if you need a bud feel free to add me!