Looking for others who have had bariatric surgery.



  • LindaKay1221
    LindaKay1221 Posts: 2 Member
    I just had an RNY on the 20th of November, my heaviest weight in the past year was 249, on surgery day I weighed 230 and today I am at 216. Looking for friends also who have had surgery.
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I had RNY in April of 2011! I've lost 113 lbs (highest recorded loss was 120 lb., gained back 7 after knee surgery in February). I started MFP about 3 months after surgery and I recall only eating around 600-800 calories a day. Now, I eat at a fairly normal deficit for a girl my age/weight/etc... (about 1300-1800 calories).

    I'm happy to answer any questions!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Hi , while i've not had surgery i've had to do lot of research into the various procedures for work, And have a few q's if thats ok?
    One thing that completely surprised me was he fact that 3 years post surgery most ppl had only lost half of the excess weight. I was wondering how many of you were informed of that beforehand? And that weight loss is 1-2 lbs/week.

    Also as most of these limit the passage of food through the stomach/ intestines nutrient uptake can be difficult. I see some ppl have been concerned with protein, but are you given guuidelines for vitamins, minerals etc?

    And how many of you changed your diet before surgery ( in terms of composition, not calories) to closer match your new diet?
    one last question, those that had VSG, why was that procedure chosen over something simpler and more flexible (like lapband)?
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Hi , while i've not had surgery i've had to do lot of research into the various procedures for work, And have a few q's if thats ok?
    One thing that completely surprised me was he fact that 3 years post surgery most ppl had only lost half of the excess weight. I was wondering how many of you were informed of that beforehand? And that weight loss is 1-2 lbs/week.

    Also as most of these limit the passage of food through the stomach/ intestines nutrient uptake can be difficult. I see some ppl have been concerned with protein, but are you given guuidelines for vitamins, minerals etc?

    And how many of you changed your diet before surgery ( in terms of composition, not calories) to closer match your new diet?
    one last question, those that had VSG, why was that procedure chosen over something simpler and more flexible (like lapband)?

    I'm not really sure what all you've read, but here are my answers from my experience:

    1. I will be 3 years post op in April. I have lost a total of 110 lbs. I did gain 10 lbs back after knee surgery, and after 2 years post op, they say is when you can start to gain weight back. The first 100 lbs, I lost in the first 10 months. I steadily lost 10 lbs a month until then. It took me another year to lose the other 20, then I gained 10 back in 3-4 months. My surgeon didn't really go into specifics with me about weight gain.

    2. Yes, I take a multi-vitamin everyday. This is pretty standard for any bariatric patient.

    3. My diet is 110% different from what I used to eat pre surgery. I eat more often, but I eat better options. I used to eat a lot of carbs, we would dine out a lot, I cooked with too much butter and cream. I now eat 6 times a day, tons of lean protein and veggies and slow carbs. I also workout. OFTEN. Like 4-6 days a week. I didn't move AT ALL prior to surgery.

    4. I chose RNY over lap band because there seemed to be a lot more room for failure with lap band. I am also afraid of needles, so the thought of having to get the band filled all the time freaked me out. Lap band only really restricts consumption, where as RNY and VSG have more of a restricted diet, as well as consumption. You get used to not eating certain things because they make you sick; therefore, it forces you (at first) to change what you're eating.

    I hope this has helped. Feel free to message with any other questions.
  • RNY Jan 7, 2014...started 298lbs...now 254! Hi all! I am exited about the weight I lost but there is a nagging fear (doubt!) That something will go wrong! The post-op was not easy & I am still struggling with nausea & pain. Neither of these are so intense that I cannot stick to a healthy plan.

    Is it possible to change the nutritional settings? Increase the amount of protein grams/day, for example, sine "we" need higher intake?

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • 1chancla
    1chancla Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! I had the sleeve but get cramps in my pouch. I was given prilosec for 90 days but may be raising dosage. They say NO Tums or rolaids allowed.