Meal Planning Help

I really could use help with getting some sample meal plan ideas and shopping lists for myself and my family. I am eating atleast 1200-1300/daily but I also have 3 other people to feed at home. (Husband, 14 yr old and 5 yr old daughter) The meals need to be quick and easy to prepare or get together days before. I want my husband to be able to cook it if I'm not home yet from work.

Any advise would be great! I just know I'm not loosing as much due to non planning. :(

Thank you,



  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    I love using for most of my recipes. I have some friends who would cook all day on Sunday and then freeze a bunch of food and have enough for meals for 2-3 weeks after. They got a lot of tupperware containers and portioned them out before freezing. All you have to do is, warm it up in the microwave and enjoy.

    Also, chicken is always a good staple. You can season it differently or bread it and bake it. Add a new veggie and its a new meal.

    AND... keep eating what you love already. Just eat less of it. This was really important for me to learn. It's a lot easier for me to stay on the wagon when I am not banning myself from eating things I enjoy.

    Good luck! :)
  • catwestb
    catwestb Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you I will check that out and yes I definitely need to go buy more tupperware