Keep it low carb

Anybody know how to get at least 1200 calories without going over about 50-60 carbs a day? I'm finding it quite difficult. I'm eating just about only meat, nuts, and vegetables but still tend to go over my carb limit. Any ideas?


  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Egg white omelets can be delicious and quite low carb, depending what you add to them. Some lean turkey or chicken and a bit of cheese, perhaps?
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    here's a site with links for low carb menu plans i have used.
  • 02bfitter
    I maintain my low carb intake by staying away from all things such as pasta; bread; white flour; rice; orange juice - believe it or not but there's heaps of carbs in fruit - limit your intake.... potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potato.... so... that leaves green leafy vegetables (plenty of stir fry foods) - always eat your protein first... fish or chicken or meat - then load up on the vegetables. You'll soon find yourself eating low carb.
  • Uptopargolf
    Chicken, chicken, and more chicken.

    It is tough to stay below 60 carbs. Currently I'm going low carb but eating around 115 a day. Most people eat over 150.

    Anyway, chicken is 8oz for 280 calories, with 21 grams of protein, and 0 carbs!

    Of course if you eat fruit and veggies the carbs add up pretty quick, but those are good carbs. I stick a banana, and two bags of steamers broccoli and cheese a day. High in carbs, but very good for you. If I cut out any of those I could get below 100.

    Also watch how much milk you drink, it has 13 carbs a cup. (1% milk).
  • Dyoung2217
    Thanks a lot those are some pretty good tips. Yeah fruits can definitely be deceiving, and I didn't know milk had so many carb??? haha
  • Uptopargolf
    Thanks a lot those are some pretty good tips. Yeah fruits can definitely be deceiving, and I didn't know milk had so many carb??? haha

    Just curious what are you're percents you are aiming for? Remember that while low-carb is good, it can have a adverse effect on you're health. I am all for low carb, trust me.

    However you cannot under estimate the energy they gave you. Staying under 60 for extended periods of time can put a strain on you're kidneys, so drink plenty of water.

    I try to eat just enough good carbs for energy and for my body to kill off during the day so I start burning fat, but keep muscle intact.
  • Pragmatica
    I usually hit around 25g net carbs and 1300-1600 calories a day. I eat high fat and high protein meals. Take a look at my diary for some examples of my daily food. Basically, I eat eggs, veggies, heavy cream, cheese, nuts, and lots of meat. I am big on experimenting with new recipes.

    This is one of my favorite sites to get recipes:

    It is a great resource, and definitely helps when planning meals. I think a big adjustment for me was making extra food to have leftovers for the week. The good thing about low carb is that you can fill up on high protein and high fat so you are full.

    Also, staying under 60g carbs is fine. Ketosis is not going to hurt your body, just drink your water and make sure you are getting enough fat and protein!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    With lower carb you can have higher fat items like steak...which will add more calories. :)