
Right im clueless on portion control terrible so any one have any help to sort me out
what are good portion sizes and how to measure them preferably not by weighing as my scales have packed in ?
any help for tonight im haveing chilli and jacket potato with some kind of veggies on the side (would have it in the chilli but hubby is worse than kids and will not eat veggies ) any tips on how much of each to have?
thanks if you can help


  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Scales truly would be best but, without that... A cup on the chili (and most soups, spaghetti sauce, etc)
    On the potato.. One. It would again be best to weigh it but one will work.
    Veggies, lots and lots.. or a cup each for a portion. If you want to go over normal portion sizes, do it with the veggies.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What veggies and how are they being cooked? They probably won't be very calorific so you can eat lots- 2-3 cups I'd say.

    What size is your baked potato?
  • im not sure with the veggies yet may just be a simple salad to go with it so lettuce toms cucumber spring onions mushrooms
    the potatos are about the size of my computer mouse
  • Your hand is a convenient measuring device. A cup is about the size of a fist, half a cup is half a fist or the surface area of the front of a clenched hand, a tablespoon is about the size of your entire thumb and a teaspoon is the tip of your index finger. 3oz of meat is the size of your palm and an ounce of nuts is about the size of a cupped hand (what fits into your palm, not your fingers). You can look up tons of useful guided on google when it comes to portion sizes.