time to admit I'm morbidly obese!!



  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    It has been my goal to eat the same food my family eats. We eat a lot of crock pot dinners. Many of the dishes have been easy to make more healthy without sacrificing flavor.

    Here is my secret: I eat a reasonable portion of the main dish plus 2 veggie sides. (Usually a salad and some green beans or broccoli.) My family sometimes will eat biscuits, bread, or tortillas with their meals, but I don't. I don't care that much for bread stuff so it isn't a sacrifice for me.

    The part that has been a sacrifice for me is that I had to cut out the tons and tons of sweets and salty snacks I had been eating. Most days it has gotten easier, but this will probably remain a struggle for me.
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    For healthy and sustainable read, Eat to Live, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. I am on day 7 and the scale is moving quickly in the right direction - you don't have to be vegan or even a vegetarian to do this... I don't care for meat so I am doing the 60 day aggressive weight loss plan. You owe it to yourself to at least read the book. Here is his website: http://www.drfuhrman.com/weightloss/why.aspx - he has great success stories and it helps your health too, like high cholesterol, blood pressure, food addictions, etc. He also did a book for Super Immunity for health!

    He thinks that it is important for the weight to come off quickly to keep those on this way of eating focused and then he offers a maintenance plan too. I'm loving it - I have kicked my caffeine and alcohol daily intake and before I wasn't sleeping now I am!
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Good luck! I am also 5'3 and so I just wanted to add, a healthy weight for you would be at 135 or so. I would set your ticker at that so you get more accurate goals from MFP. I started at 190 and 65 seemed like a lot to lose but I have reset my ticker every 20-25 pounds lost. I still have 10 to go. Anyway good luck and good job for being here, this site is awesome!
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I was overjoyed to get to Onederland and am joyfully looking to become "Overweight" instead of "Morbidly Obese".

    I haven't felt as well in years as I do now, and I NEVER thought I'd weigh below 200 pounds again, yet here I am!

  • losing270
    Hi there! I just started MFP through a friend who told me about it. So far I really like it. I am 5ft 4in and I too am morbidly obese. I weigh 270. So if you would like a diet buddy hit me up. I could use all the encouragement I can get! We can push each other together and win the battle of the bulge!!
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    You don't really need special foods and such. Its about a LIFESTYLE change. That means EVERYTHING.


    We were a household of 8 people and now we are down to 4. Share your passion and goals with your family and ask them to attempt to support you as much as they can. It really can be done........U CAN DO THIS!!!
  • tufchic
    tufchic Posts: 10 Member
    I live in a household with a cross country runner and a bodybuilder. They are both constantly on weight gaining diets. What I've done is make a healthy meal like grilled chicken and broccoli for example with a complex carb like potatos or even some white rice. Then they just have to eat more and I just eat less. They load up on sour cream and bacon on their baked potatos and I have a tsp of margerine. On the nights they just have to have "insert any fatty meal here" I just make myself something else sometimes. I always keep cut up fruit and yogurt cups around and I buy snacks that I can eat. I have a large plateful salad for lunch a lot because it keeps me from snacking all day everyday. I also buy snacks for them that I don't like but they do that way I'm not even interested in eating it. I have found even though the food I make is not always what they want somehow it always gets eaten. Healthy Moms make Happy Families!
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    I think I am the oldest person to post here. I am also morbidly obese. I am great at encouraging people. I am on every day and I comment on every body's status who posts. I used to cook for 7,. so I do understand where you are coming from.
  • DevilOAngl
    Hi everyone. Time to admit that I, too, and morbidly obese. Yes, "morbid" is a horrible word. But, in my opinion, it is very much an accurate one, as I have spent more time in the hospital from "morbidly obese" related illnesses than I care to admit. I was so much in denial but no more. I don't know what made me realize all this, but honestly, if I don't lose the weight, I won't be here too much longer. Not being dramatic, its reality. I am in my middle 50's and feel that the time is NOW to either sink or swim, so I'm choosing to swim. I wish all of you the best, you can do it and so can I. When I wanted to give up smoking after almost 30 years of it, I quit cold turkey...no lie!! So, if I can do that, I can do this. God Bless you all, this site is a life saver for me. Thanks to my daughter who is also on here achieving her goal. Friends are more than welcome!!
  • Peacockbutterfly
    Peacockbutterfly Posts: 90 Member
    This is a great thread. I had enough of being morbidly obese when I started less than a month ago. I have slowly made changes to my lifestyle and refuse to give up. Getting healthy been at the forefront of my mind since I started; whereas in the past I buried the anxiety of being sick from the excess weight in eating more and making the wrong choices. I have about 60 pounds to loose and absolutely will not fail. So far I have been doing pretty well so feel free to add me. I love giving encouragement!
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    You're right, 258 was my start. Oops, typing too fast.
    Sorry, you must have a typo... You can't have lost soo much weight with a starting weight of 158.,,

    I'm 5"5" and started at 158, so I feel you. My first year I lost 56 pounds. No special pills or shakes. Just counting calories and exercising. Is it always easy? No, of course not. But it's so worth it!! I did cut out most processed foods but that's just my personal preference. Allows me to eat more volume and I just feel better about what I'm eating. But plenty of people loss weight and still eat junk and fast food.

    Here's a good place to start http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974888-in-place-of-a-road-map-2k13

    Sometimes it can be very overwhelming to make a lot of changes at once. My suggestion would be to make a change each week or so. First, start getting into the habit of logging your food, then swap one unhealthy item for one healthy, etc. Some do lose weight without exercising but for me, I want to be fit not just skinny and it allows me to eat more, so I would suggest starting to add in some exercise. You could start walking or find free videos on youtube (fitness blender has some good ones).

    For recipes, I love www.skinnytaste.com.

    For motivation, I bought a goal dress that hangs where I can see it in my room. I also have written some quotes that I like and post those around. I want to reach my ultimate goal by May 2015, when my daughter graduates from high school (boohoo!). So I try to keep mindful of that. I've been overweight throughout most of my children's lives. I'm absent in most photos as I was always embarrassed at how I looked. But that's changing for me know and that's definitely worth not eating a big mac or taking the time to work out.

    If you'd like to friend me, feel free. I still have about 60 pounds to go, so I'm in this for the long haul. And this isn't a diet for me, this is a change that I'm making for the rest of my life, so I don't see myself leaving MFP anytime in the near future.

    You can do this, I promise!!
  • ClaudiaTheNice
    - Figure out what you actually eat
    - Adjust
    - Repeat
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I eat any food I want. I don't use shakes or pills. it can be done with good shopping and preplanning. you can add me too. when I started I was 5'5" and 234. I know your pain but with time and motivation: it will go down. don't worry.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    You can do this!!! And you definitely don't need pills, shakes or whatever else. All you have to do is get a food scale, and weigh and measure everything you put into your mouth. Make sure it's measured correctly, and you'll be fine.all you need to do is crate a deficit and keep to your calories :-)
  • Courtney4805
    Courtney4805 Posts: 71 Member
    I was morbidly obese forever (like 13 out of the last 17 years) once was over 300 lb...and I am finally just at the bottom of "regular" obese (5'8" and 194 lb)

    I can tell ya that this website is SO helpful, if you log honestly and follow the guidelines MFP sets for you within reason you should see a big change over time. My best advice is just do not get discouraged. 1 lb or so per week does add up. I've lost almost 70 lb in a year. But most months I lose just 6 lb. That kind of puts it in perspective, I hope.

    Congratulations on your weightloss!
  • buffyangel2000
    buffyangel2000 Posts: 54 Member
    Add me to the list, I'm 5'4 and 250 lbs, I did lose I think about 10 - 20 lbs before I started here but I have gained :( I'm also diabetic and I want to get off the meds!!! Add me as a friend if you want.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    :) go ahead and add me I am 5'3 and 297lbs.. So I am right their with you!! Just cook for two!! all I can say is MEASURE everything that touches your mouth :).
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    me too, i am with you all here. please feel free to add me and we can all encourage each other! i am 5'6 and my highest weight was 276. i am at 270 right now ( i just started back seriously trying recently). its a journey and i know it won't happen overnight. we CAN do this! -- April
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello! You dont need surgery like someone else said! I use to weigh 330pds and so far have lost 119pds! Eat right and exercise and the weight will come off! Dont get discouraged when the scales dont move just keep chugging along! Slow and steady wins the race!
  • chaparra71
    chaparra71 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi! I joined MFP about 1 1/2 years ago, but only used it for a short period. I have been back now, and this time, I am determined to stay. I have been doing very well, and this Sunday will be 7 weeks since I decided I was no longer satisfied with being fat. I am 5'1", and started at around 240, as of this morning, I am down to 221.8! I am so encouraged, and I feel EXTREMELY confident this time.
    I acknowledge that there are many different ideas and ways of going about losing weight, here is my viewpoint:
    My family and I live on a small 10 acre farm, we raise all of our meat, eggs and milk. I refuse to eat anything but "real" food, so I work within those parameters. IMO, a BIG part of the obesity epidemic is modern food, something has changed with the nutritive properties and quality of food, and that along with all the processing of food has brought this on. I do not go along with the idea that things like butter and other animals fats are "bad", at least not when that animal is managed the way nature intended, not the kinds of animal fat you find in the grocery store. "Good" fat calories satiate you longer than other calories. How long have we been on this "low fat" craze? And what has happened after all that time? We have gotten FATTER! I also live in Wyoming, and bigger towns are few and far between here. We live 2 hours away from any fast food restaurants, so that is never an issue. Fast food is definitely pseudo-food!
    I know you CAN do this! Check in here every day for encouragement, and log faithfully, even when you mess up!