Night Sweats anyone?

I used to have them every so often - once/night drenching go sleep on the couch etc. Now they have picked up in intensity - sometimes just pillow other times the sheets cover etc. I am already working with the dr. to rule all the bad things out from the internet, so lets assume its not all of that.

I suspect it has something to do with losing 16% of my body weight and exercise/eating habits so am looking for ideas to test out from the forum and if anyone else dealt with similar issues

About me:
Male - turning 40 next month :-(
down 35 lbs in four months and close to my goal
Did it by monitoring/lowering calories and changing exercise from weights to cardio.
I typically run (or walk inclines) 2 hrs./day and that has not changed since i started usually around 2 PM. Lift heavy 3 times/week.
My calories are skewed to higher in the evening compared to mornings. I usually have fruit and vegetables for breakfast - nuts and salad for lunch and a more typical dinner with the family (spaghetti, tacos, roast that sort of stuff). Sometimes due to my work schedule that dinner can be 7 - 730 PM. I know they should be skewed to the morning but eating more in the morning does not change my dinner - i am just as hungry no matter what i ate for lunch or breakfast.
My daily calories consumed average about 2000 and my exercise comes in at around 2000 calories. Before anyone says i am burning too much or eating too little, I think my calories burned is overstated - thats what the machine/app says but i believe it is much lower than that based on my actual weight loss which is nowhere close to what it should have been if that amount were correct. Nonetheless none of that has changed yet my night sweating has.
Anyone have any experience with the night sweats and theories? thanks


  • Grrrrleo
    I have a lot of trouble with night sweats too. Last night was particularly bad, ended up changing clothes 3 times, the worst yet. This has been going on a couple of years, been to dr, all sorts of theories (type of mattress etc) ruled out. I'm 28, female, had no major weight loss but work out 6 times a week, mostly running. Weird thing is it doesn't seem to happen when I sleep elsewhere, on holiday, away with work etc etc. I'm going to order a dehumidifier for our room today, see if that helps.

    Good luck, let me know how you get on.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    I have a lot of trouble with night sweats too. Last night was particularly bad, ended up changing clothes 3 times, the worst yet. This has been going on a couple of years, been to dr, all sorts of theories (type of mattress etc) ruled out. I'm 28, female, had no major weight loss but work out 6 times a week, mostly running. Weird thing is it doesn't seem to happen when I sleep elsewhere, on holiday, away with work etc etc. I'm going to order a dehumidifier for our room today, see if that helps.

    Good luck, let me know how you get on.

    Same problem here. Has been and issue for years also - mostly after I lost a ton of weight and became more athletic. I'm 37, female, no major medical issues, I don't take any Rx's (except for BC) and workout 4x week (cardio & weights). I notice that I tend to overload on blankets when I tuck in. I also have a Tempur-pedic bed, which is a dense memory foam and can really hold heat. I have figured a lot has to do with the cumulative heat buildup from the mattress and blankets (a little oven).

    When you search for night sweats, there are a ton of causes - some expected/normal (menopause, certain meds, idiopathic hyperhydrosis - aka an excessive sweating condition), and some a bit more worrisome (thyroid issues, infections, neurologic issues, cancer). If you can rule out most causes stated above, the usual causes left are 1) environmental (sleeping area/clothing too hot), but also 2) going "low blood sugar" overnight.

    Low blood sugar may be something worth investigating - especially for those who 1) are on calorie restrictions (aka most dieters), 2) those who exercise later in the day (which can cause an evening blood sugar dip), and 3) those who stop eating earlier in the day (also can cause a dip). I realize that most folks don't have glucose meters lying around. Perhaps keep a journal of eating/exercising patterns and see if you can identify any "night sweat" trends that would indicate that you might be going "low blood sugar" during sleep. Just a thought...
  • duncanhoo
    duncanhoo Posts: 11 Member
    wow you have lost a ton of weight. nice work. was actually thinking about measuring my glucose anyway. maybe ill get one and do it next time i wake up with it.

    My theory/thinking is its a combo of stress with lower weight and heavy workouts. i think stress might be tipping point and lower body weight makes it worse. just my theories.

    either way its very disruptive and annoying.

    I have a lot of trouble with night sweats too. Last night was particularly bad, ended up changing clothes 3 times, the worst yet. This has been going on a couple of years, been to dr, all sorts of theories (type of mattress etc) ruled out. I'm 28, female, had no major weight loss but work out 6 times a week, mostly running. Weird thing is it doesn't seem to happen when I sleep elsewhere, on holiday, away with work etc etc. I'm going to order a dehumidifier for our room today, see if that helps.

    Good luck, let me know how you get on.

    Same problem here. Has been and issue for years also - mostly after I lost a ton of weight and became more athletic. I'm 37, female, no major medical issues, I don't take any Rx's (except for BC) and workout 4x week (cardio & weights). I notice that I tend to overload on blankets when I tuck in. I also have a Tempur-pedic bed, which is a dense memory foam and can really hold heat. I have figured a lot has to do with the cumulative heat buildup from the mattress and blankets (a little oven).

    When you search for night sweats, there are a ton of causes - some expected/normal (menopause, certain meds, idiopathic hyperhydrosis - aka an excessive sweating condition), and some a bit more worrisome (thyroid issues, infections, neurologic issues, cancer). If you can rule out most causes stated above, the usual causes left are 1) environmental (sleeping area/clothing too hot), but also 2) going "low blood sugar" overnight.

    Low blood sugar may be something worth investigating - especially for those who 1) are on calorie restrictions (aka most dieters), 2) those who exercise later in the day (which can cause an evening blood sugar dip), and 3) those who stop eating earlier in the day (also can cause a dip). I realize that most folks don't have glucose meters lying around. Perhaps keep a journal of eating/exercising patterns and see if you can identify any "night sweat" trends that would indicate that you might be going "low blood sugar" during sleep. Just a thought...
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    wow you have lost a ton of weight. nice work. was actually thinking about measuring my glucose anyway. maybe ill get one and do it next time i wake up with it.

    My theory/thinking is its a combo of stress with lower weight and heavy workouts. i think stress might be tipping point and lower body weight makes it worse. just my theories.

    either way its very disruptive and annoying.

    About my weight loss, thanks for noticin'... (Does best Eeyore impression).
    When you figure this out, let me know! It's driving me insane. I try to tell myself it's like a workout cuz I'm all sweaty (don't I wish).
  • plateaued
    plateaued Posts: 199 Member
    I cured mine. Had been having them for 20 years. No more.

    It was the $1,800.00 pillow-top mattress. I bought a cheap, $179.00, no-lining mattress. No sweat, literally.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    I cured mine. Had been having them for 20 years. No more.

    It was the $1,800.00 pillow-top mattress. I bought a cheap, $179.00, no-lining mattress. No sweat, literally.

    Oh, man! Say it ain't so.... Damn you, Tempur-Pedic!
  • kris727ta
    kris727ta Posts: 44 Member
    It took me months to figure out that it was the type of blanket I was using. I also have to dress lightly and keep the temp to 65 degrees.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I have them occasionally, but especially last summer, about 6 months into my weight loss. I haven't had many this winter. The low blood sugar hypothesis is interesting; I didn't think to record them and compare them with my exercise and food records. There were a few nights in particular when I had absolutely drenched the sheet below me and the comforter cover (without comforter, just the cover) on top of me. My wife was not amused.
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    Yes me, UGG!! I'v been having horrible night sweats for the past two months. I have never had this problem before. I have lost alot of weight in the past recent months, but I have lost alot of weight before and never had this I don't think it's my weight. I'v had a Temper-Pedic mattress for the past 4yrs and it never gave me problems so I don't think that's it either. I do have depression issues and started a new medication (Wellbutrin) a couple months ago so I think this is what's causing it. Going to the doctor this Thursday about this.
  • ElenaTS
    ElenaTS Posts: 35 Member
    My mom has been having them for YEARS and so has my sister. My mom especially would be up all night. I came across this fan on another message board 2 years ago. People raved about it and called it a lifesaver. I bought one for mom my 2 years ago, and she said it was the best gift ever. She said it was the first time is years she was able to sleep through the night. You put the sheet over it. and there is something about the way the air circulates under the sheet. She said it is amazing. My sister ended up buying one for herself and she said it was the best purchase."bed fan"&_requestid=90269&bkiid=redirect_bed-fan&_requestid=43275
  • duncanhoo
    duncanhoo Posts: 11 Member
    I think i figured out my issue. My sweats are directly correlated with net calories during the day being too low. When i first started losing weight i suppose i had plenty of excess fat to feed the beast at night. But once i cut down to about 20% body fat the night sweats started.

    As long as i keep my net calorie deficit lower than about 1000, i dont get them. But if higher than that they come back. hope this helps others.
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    If you haven't had one already, a chest xray is something your doc may want to order. I'm assuming you've had basic blood work - CBC, markers for inflammation, etc?
  • nikosneeko1
    nikosneeko1 Posts: 20 Member
    I have night sweats and a temperpedic, but I've had them in other beds too. I'm also on wellbutrin, which is interesting. Ive noticed with mine though, they only occur right before or during my period....have no idea why, sometimes its a little and sometimes I have to change clothes twice in the night I'm so drenched.