Any suggestions on non weight bearing exercises?

I've hurt my foot and am off of weight bearing exercises for a while. So, I can no longer do my much loved walking. I know I can swim and bike but is there anything else that anyone can think of that I can do?


  • gemma1675
    gemma1675 Posts: 44 Member
    I have an ongoing foot injury. I walk most days but usually pay a price later in the day in pain. Spinning works for me, high burn rate and it's indoors so I'm not put off by the weather.
    I also do an abs class weekly which is no impact on my foot.

    Edit - I just read another of your posts, plantar fasciitis is my issue too.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Upper body strength training.

    Cycling probably burns the most calories.

    To fix the PF, try a Strassburg sock.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Upper body strength training.
    Cycling probably burns the most calories.

    Yes and yes!!
  • katielampkin56
    katielampkin56 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks all! I think I'm going to end up having surgery on it like I did with the other foot. I'll try with the abs for sure.
  • phonerobot
    phonerobot Posts: 14 Member
    I liked the idea of an effective workout that did not require weights and was easy on the joints whilst post partum so I hear you.

    I tried Full Throttle and it did the job! Helped me return to per-pregnancy weight in 3 months. Now I'm 10lbs UNDER my goal. You can learn about it here if you haven't heard of it
  • roseannadawn
    roseannadawn Posts: 3 Member
    Boy do I understand not being able to walk. Actually I was pretty much bedridden for nearly 3 months. They had to completely rebuild my right foot due to a severe bunion and hammer toes 2 of which were also dislocated. I am amazed that I didn't put a bunch of weight back on. I learned that eating fastfood too often is not good for one's weight loss as while I was rehabilitating at my daughter's we seldom had it. My podiatrist surgeon did the final follow-up yesterday but it is still rough going as there is still swelling which occurs and I cannot be walking as long, fast, or far as I did without paying dearly that night and the next day or more. I do things which can be done sitting or laying down. You could also try Yoga stretching those which are not on one's feet...