When is it ok to skip a workout?

I started going to the gym monday, I believe. I've gone everyday at 7pm except on Tuesday and Thursday due to bible study and Chi Alpha. Wednesday I think I over did it or maybe my body just isn't used to working out. My thighs are so sore I can hardly go up and down stairs or sit down. I can't sleep at night cause I can't move or roll over to get comfortable. I was wondering if I should just keep going to the gym? Or take a few days off to give my muscles time to relax?
I don't want to not go to the gym and get out of the habit but I don't want to keep going if I can't walk the next day.


  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    I've TOTALLY done this before. My solution was to take a nice, hot bath and to take walks rather than continue working out hard. Walking, even when your legs hurt, can actually help a lot!
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    Sometimes when you're sore some light exercise can help. Two days ago I overdid the elliptical and my calves were soooo tight. Yesterday was a lifting day and they didn't bother me when lifting more than they bothered me throughout the rest of the day (which was a lot). Today I avoided the elliptical and did kickboxing (just aerobics element) because I knew it would warm and stretch those muscles while I worked. Maybe you can just walk on the treadmill nice and slow for 45 minutes (at only a 1% incline)?
  • IWILLBelieveAchieveInspire
    I'm certainly no expert but my understanding has always been it's better to keep those sore muscles moving as it will speed your recovery. Now i'm not talking working the same muscle group again if you lift or doing another intense HIIT session if your legs are hurting, just get the blood flowing to the area. Do a gentle walk on the treadmill, swim or something easier. I find for myself this advise has been very wise. I always feel less sore after moving those sore muscles. Epsom salt bath, and motrin can ease some of that soreness too. HTH
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Are you stretching after your workout? Be sure to take at least 10-15 minutes to stretch afterward. I usually stretch for a half hour. But usually some type of exercise helps with sore muscles, walking is great or stationary bike. Recommend Ibuprofen or tylenol before you go to bed, hot baths with epsom salts.
  • kenniston85
    Resting in between workouts is always important. However time that is taken off has to be based on your own level of motivation. For me If I take more than a couple days off I start losing motivation then I go a week, then a month, then not at all. I know my own limitations with keeping a routine so when I start something I usually refuse to stop. If you are able to pick it back up after three days it wont be a problem HOWEVER

    Keep in mind that cardio training is a lot like math in school which is a use it or lose it mentality. For example if I work my way up to a 5 mile run and then take a week off, that 5 mile run is going to be terrible when I pick it back up a week later. know your limits and pace yourself.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    The soreness is likely due to the fact that you are using your muscles in new ways, and they are "complaining." When I first started working out, I was sore quite a lot, but it got better (wore off more quickly, etc.). Even still, although I've been at this for more than a year I still get some soreness when I add new exercises that work muscles in different ways into my routine.

    It does definitely get better. Last May, when I did my first run of more than about 10 minutes, I could barely walk up stairs the next day. Now I can run 5+ miles and my legs feel fine the next day (which probably means I have to run even longer :smile: )

    At the beginning, I did a program that changed focus with every workout: lower body one day, upper body another, core the third, break, full body, break, start over. It helped a lot and I was able to work out 4-5 days a week without any one part being overly sore. Be sure that you are stretching adequately at the end of your workouts as well.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I started going to the gym monday, I believe. I've gone everyday at 7pm except on Tuesday and Thursday due to bible study and Chi Alpha. Wednesday I think I over did it or maybe my body just isn't used to working out. My thighs are so sore I can hardly go up and down stairs or sit down. I can't sleep at night cause I can't move or roll over to get comfortable. I was wondering if I should just keep going to the gym? Or take a few days off to give my muscles time to relax?
    I don't want to not go to the gym and get out of the habit but I don't want to keep going if I can't walk the next day.

    You have to listen to you body. Take a rest day. If you can't sleep at night because you can't move, absolutely take a rest day or even two to recover. I'm a big believer in listening to what your body tells you. A new body is made in the kitchen, gym and bed. I'd take some ibuprofen and magnesium then see how you feel tomorrow.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I started going to the gym monday, I believe. I've gone everyday at 7pm except on Tuesday and Thursday due to bible study and Chi Alpha. Wednesday I think I over did it or maybe my body just isn't used to working out. My thighs are so sore I can hardly go up and down stairs or sit down. I can't sleep at night cause I can't move or roll over to get comfortable. I was wondering if I should just keep going to the gym? Or take a few days off to give my muscles time to relax?
    I don't want to not go to the gym and get out of the habit but I don't want to keep going if I can't walk the next day.

    You have to listen to you body. Take a rest day. If you can't sleep at night because you can't move, absolutely take a rest day or even two to recover. I'm a big believer in listening to what your body tells you. A new body is made in the kitchen, gym and bed. I'd take some ibuprofen and magnesium then see how you feel tomorrow.

    ^^This. Because of long workdays, stressful job , etc., I'm just too tired to work out. I take that night off and pamper myself a little by taking a long, hot bath, going to bed early, etc., and just resting physically and emotionally. The next day I'm recharged and able to get back into my routine. If I have to I'll take a second day off, but no more than two days because I don't want to lose the momentum.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Dont plan on going every day. Build in rest days.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    make sure to stretch. ibuprofen will help the pain better than tylenol, since its an anti-inflammatory, heat is more soothing, but cold is better for healing past the first 24 hours. keep moving your body. maybe go easy on the sore parts, but do a normal workout for the rest of you, or just do some cardio to keep the habit going.

    i'm supposed to workout daily (dont always get there, and right now i'm sick so not at all) but i alternate cardio with weight training, this way i have a built in muscle break and that takes care of the worst of the soreness.

    your muscles will adapt to what you are doing. when you never ever feel the burn or get sore at all, up your workouts a tiny bit, or change what you are doing.
  • hellomanen
    hellomanen Posts: 96 Member
    ok first of all citric juices and bananas! before and/or after a workout, and don't stop but take it a bit easier! and walk walk walk!
    also warm up and cool down stretching! VERY important! not only before and after your work out respectively but also when you start and finish your day!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Sometimes you just have to take an off day or two. The most important thing though is that you continue to follow a routine after your rest days.
  • StripedSmoker
    StripedSmoker Posts: 104 Member
    Having a break now and then is indeed important, over training just slows down improvement and hurts. Done it way too often. BUt don't lose your motivation in the breaks, make sure to get off your bum afterwards again (another sin of mine, staying on said bum and refusing to get off it). Well, but I also found out a few things in my journey through workouts and more workouts; I found what works for me and how much of that works for me. So keep it up and figure those things out and you'll feel secure with the whole thing and never be in bad pain again- there's good pain, too, a good burn is a good burn ;)

    Take breaks but stay in the game :D
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Take a few days off to recover and don't overdo it next time, when it's so sore and painful that you can barely walk you run the risk of injuring yourself if you train in that state.

    Three days a week is good for a beginner if you're weight lifting.