Momma From PA Looking for Encouraging Buddies!

Hi All,

I'm new to these parts and I'm looking for some people who will encourage me and help to hold myself accountable. A little about me:

I'm a mommy of a 3-year-old little girl who's just balls and balls of energy. In high school and part of college, I was always really fit and usually weighed no more than 110 pounds. At the age of 25 I got pregnant and was just slightly overweight, maybe by 10-15 pounds. I ended up having a C-Section and then a few months later, my dad died unexpectedly. This set the chains in motion for a massive weight gain over the next few years. Now, having just turned 29, I need to lose about 60 pounds. I want to be in good shape by the time I turn 30. I'm currently out of work so I have extra time on my hands and am really motivated to doing this.

Last year, I started a strict weight loss plan. Almost a year ago today, actually. I ate beautifully, counted calories and portions and went to the gym 5 days a week for cardio and strength training. I did a mix of the 17 Day Diet, eating raw and Beach Body products/workout DVD's. I ended up losing about 15 pounds in four months (which I just posted a blog about) but it wasn't enough and it wasn't fast enough for me. I felt like a failure, got discouraged and quit.

Tomorrow I'm starting a 1200 calorie a day diet and working out with my Turbo Jam DVD's. I now know that any weight loss is good and sometimes slow weight loss is the better kind. I'm really just looking to make new, supportive friends who can offer great advice and whip me into shape when I'm in a cheating or lazy kinda mood. Which is most of the time.

Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'm an open book when it comes to this kind of stuff. Hope to talk to you soon!!



  • Hi, I am Anna & am also looking for someone to help keep me on this long journey to lose weight. I can definitely help motivate you to lose weight. It is nice to have someone to talk to while going through this struggle. Good luck!!
  • aless820
    aless820 Posts: 101 Member
    Good for you! You can do it!
  • IrishGabriella
    IrishGabriella Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, nice to meet you. I'm mum to one daughter too & I'm also on 1200 cals a day. Add me as a friend if you like. And anyone else too. :smile:
  • bidemop
    bidemop Posts: 2 Member
    Hey mama...I'm a mama from PA too. Feel free to add me.
  • iAmStarStuff27
    iAmStarStuff27 Posts: 109 Member
    Added. With the proper motivation 60lbs in 1 year is completely doable. Good luck on your journey.
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Anna!! I'll be your buddy if you'll be mine! I think maybe one of my biggest failures last year too was that I didn't have a buddy to help me. I had a friend who would work out with me but she wanted no part of dieting. We can do this!
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks Aless!!!
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    Added, Irish!!
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    Hi bidemop! Can't wait for the weather to turn nice to go on some runs in the beautiful countryside of PA!!
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks Blake! By 30, I'll be one hot momma!
  • estemt
    estemt Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in the same situation a mom of two 6 and 1.5 I need to loose 87 pounds. how do you count your calories?
  • justweezie
    justweezie Posts: 2 Member
    Get it off now because it keeps creeping and its harder to lose the older you get. I am a 44 yr old mother of 2 who has always struggled with my weight. Right now I am the heaviest I have ever been except during pregnancy. It is really depressing but I am determined this time. I would like to lose 35lbs and this is day 3 using the website. I love it. It really keeps you in check of what you are putting in your mouth! We can all encourage each other! I am going to just do one weekly weigh in and post results. Hopefully we will be bikini ready by June!
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    Well, to count my calories I'm going to use My Fitness Pal. But also, what I did in the past, was have like maybe 10 or so set things that I would eat all the time so I always knew how many calories they had in them. For me, eating mostly the same things works better.
  • aj7x
    aj7x Posts: 84 Member
    Yay PA! I'm from out side Philadelphia! Feel free to add me :)
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    Hi justweezie, I've been told it gets harder with age! That's why I know I have to do it now. This place seems really awesome and I think it'll be just the support I need!
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    AJ7X, I went to school at Drexel so I lived in Philly for almost 6 years! I miss it!!
  • Hi I am new to this program or app which ever you call it I really like it. It has made me realize my eating habits and how I need to get it under control. I have only been doing it a week but I can tell a difference in the way I feel. If you need a buddy to help encourage you can add me....
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    I need all the buddies I can get, princess! Cheers to a healthier lifestyle!
  • justweezie
    justweezie Posts: 2 Member
    feel free to throw your support my way as well. Losing weight is no joke!