Do you pick at treat food?

Sometimes I think it can really help you stay on track to just have a small taste to satisfy a craving but not blow it. Like tonight my boyfriend got a kebab, cheesy chips, onion rings and Ben and Jerry's delivered. I pinched a few chips and about 3 onion rings and had a spoonful of ice cream (yes I'm that annoying girlfriend). That was enough and I eat my healthy dinner. Quite a few times lately I feel this has saved a blow out. I do aim for logging everything generally but I won't log this unless it's something a bit easier to log like a few squares of chocolate.

Of course 'small' is the operative word. It's often gone the other way, you know when you keep opening the fridge and eating the tiniest slice of cake (about 10 times and deep down you know you've eat a slice and a half!). Then you realise you're got issues and you may as well just sit down in a civilised manner and enjoy a piece guilt free!!

Do you pick at treat food?


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just have a bit and log it... no problem as long as it fits in your calories.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Just have a bit and log it... no problem as long as it fits in your calories.

    This... What you ate is probably about 200 cals so I would log it!
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    I can't be doing with logging 3 chips! I've set my cals fairly low so it's not a big deal for me to have eaten 200 cals unlogged, say twice a week.

    I was really getting at the debate of whether a taster of something nice helps to avoid a binge or trigger one for people!
  • aimeeelise_awesome
    There is ALWAYS something in the break room at both my jobs. Hershey kisses, 4 different kinds of coffee cake, sugar cookies shaped like unicorns, wheat thins and pepperoni slices, you name it. I usually can't resist these kinds of thing, but I never eat them in excess. For example, I shoved a "bite's worth" of coffee cake in my face minutes before coming back to the reference desk not more than 5 minutes ago. I eat well, but I'm not stressing about my size, and I love my body, even if it is rounder than most. I love feeling healthy, but I also love eating. It's all about control and moderation.

    SO to answer your question, hell yes I pick a treat food. Every day! And it's glorious.
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member

    SO to answer your question, hell yes I pick a treat food. Every day! And it's glorious.

    Ha ha love it!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'm more likely to eat an entire chocolate bar, slice of pie, or serving of ice cream (measured out).

    There are a few situations when I eat just part of something - if I'm faced with birthday cake or cupcakes I usually just eat the frosting because it's my favorite part and I couldn't care less about the cake.

    But I don't really pick at treat foods. I'd rather choose carefully and fit the entire thing into my day's calories/macros. I find it more satisfying.
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    I'm more likely to eat an entire chocolate bar, slice of pie, or serving of ice cream (measured out).

    There are a few situations when I eat just part of something - if I'm faced with birthday cake or cupcakes I usually just eat the frosting because it's my favorite part and I couldn't care less about the cake.

    But I don't really pick at treat foods. I'd rather choose carefully and fit the entire thing into my day's calories/macros. I find it more satisfying.

    Yes I see the reasoning for just eating an entire treat guilt free, or nibbling at the bits you want (but sounds like a waste of cake to me!)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Honestly for me it depends on what it is. I'll just eat a couple fries, sure. A piece of cake... not as easy (and as you said... you end up eating a whole slice anyway when you keep nibbling. That's how people end up eating 300 calories more than they log!).

    Oh and I'd totally log 3 chips. Especially if you eat 3 chips... a bite of cake... a bit of sandwich... totally adds up.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Honestly for me it depends on what it is. I'll just eat a couple fries, sure. A piece of cake... not as easy (and as you said... you end up eating a whole slice anyway when you keep nibbling. That's how people end up eating 300 calories more than they log!).

    Oh and I'd totally log 3 chips. Especially if you eat 3 chips... a bite of cake... a bit of sandwich... totally adds up.

    I'd log 3 (or 2, or 0.2) chips too!

    I get why others don't but I am just OCD about logging every. single. bite.
  • EuroDivas
    EuroDivas Posts: 93 Member
    I do treat myself sometimes with dark chocolate or nuts which I love but I do log everything as my treat foods are calorie bombs.
    I also make sure that they fit into my daily goal. I came to realize early on that when ever I went over my goal it was always due to a cookie there, a chocolate truffle there etc.
  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    Usually not a good idea for me, but I've long had binge eating disorder. Moderation isn't something I'm good at. In many ways, a little taste is the same as snacking for me - something that often works well for others but is disastrous for me. So I generally don't. But there are times it can be helpful or useful. I would always log it though - it is very, very easy for a small taste of this and that to add up without being counted. You may be cognizant of it and limit it overall, but it's not advice I would give. That shock of what a bit here and a bit there can add up to is a big one for some people.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    hell no, we all deserve to eat what we want, do it!!!!
    just go and work it off.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    depends. some things i can have a nibble of and be set, other things i will want a taste and it will trigger intense cravings. (like ice cream)
    i do find if i want chocolate, that if i eat GOOD chocolate, i'm satisfied with a little bit, but if i eat low quality chocolate, like a hershey bar, i want MORE because it wasnt really good. one bite of godiva, or 2 hershey bars....
  • tiggerlgh
    tiggerlgh Posts: 73 Member
    Yes, I do that as for me it will help me fill a craving without going overboard, but I will log it.