trying to get myself motivated

I have been trying to make better food choices. My goal is to lose weight but more so to feel better, be more comfortable and ultimately be more healthy. I have dieted and lost and gained back weight until I am afraid to "diet". I started years ago needing to lose probably 5 pounds. But, every time I'd lose 5 I'd gain back 10. Totally defeating the purpose. I have very slowly lost 40 pounds over the past few years by making better choices and watching portion sizes. I seem to have stalled, actually gaining back 10 Lbs due to medication adjustment (and a case of weak elbows, LOL).. I am trying to get back on track.


  • ahrvin07
    ahrvin07 Posts: 2 Member
    Stop dieting and eat according to your goals. You don't have to give up the foods that you love because you think it will ruin your diet. Create your own diet that fits your lifestyle. Always remember, as long as your in a deficit you will lose weight no matter what foods you eat. IIFYM
  • Ahrvin, I gave up "dieting" ages ago. I always gained back more than I lost. I'm not clear on what IIFYM but I try to make better choices without depriving myself to distraction. I also try to get in some physical activity , yard work, repairs / work on the house or the like. I realized a long time ago that I was going to have to go with portion control. With the foods I grew up with because quinoa, skinless chicken and the like were not going to work long term.

    Thanks for your input and congratulations on your weight loss achievments!