Maintaining on a cruise - any tips?


The good news is I am making steady progress on my weight loss. The good news is I'm going to go on vacation in March. The bad news's on a cruise! To be realistic, I don't plan to lose but maintain. I hope to work out on sea days (when there's no port excursion)...but I'm concerned about being surrounded by food and alcohol. Any tips on how to control your diet when on a cruise? Thanks guys!


  • CallMeBacon
    CallMeBacon Posts: 196 Member
    It's hard, I'll give you that. When I went on a cruise, I tried to make sure I increased my overall activity (read: walked a ton) and also tried to have lots of fruit / veggies with each meal. I did find a nice create your own stir-fry station, that one made things a lot easier.
  • Good idea on the stir-fry station. Thanks!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I really wouldn't worry about it. It's only a couple days (I'm assuming. if not, then I'm jealous of how rich you must be!) There's only so much damage you can do in so little amount of time.

    But if you are so worried about it that it will hinder your cruise enjoyment, try filling up on as many fruits and vegetables at meals as you can before eating the main course, choose water with every meal BEFORE something else (i.e., have a glass of water with breakfast, then if you still want juice, have it) Stick to one dessert at the end of every day, and if you're drinking, choose diet mixers.

    Most cruise ships have gyms or at least a running track on board, and sometimes even fitness classes.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I had no troubles on the cruise I went on in 2012. But then I am gluten and diary free so I got served plain baked potatoes with nothing on them as my side a lot and the desserts were limited so that helped. And we walked a lot and really didn't do any snacking. We ate big meals, sometimes we ordered two plates if the options looked great. there were even a few times when we ordered a second side of veggies if they were cooked perfectly. Activity and diet balanced each other in the end.

    Tips? Avoid buffets and fried foods. Go for the plated meals in the dining room- its portion controlled better. Eat the veggies. Have fruit for a snack, not chips or pastries. Walk. Those ships are large, do a lap or two after every meal. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you are going to drink, pick a pace like 1 drink every two hours or 1 drink for every 20 minutes of dedicated walking in a day. Drink water, not pop at least half the time. Drink calories are sneaky!
  • ayumi_
    ayumi_ Posts: 50
    Eat what you want when you get hungry, stop eating when you stop being hungry.

    Don't let calorie-counting interfere with enjoying yourself, & the great food on the cruise. And PLEASE, by all means, do not go for the "healthy options" so you can save calories or avoid gaining weight. That would be such a waste of perfectly good cruise food.
  • cutiepie9447
    cutiepie9447 Posts: 79 Member
    Eat what you want when you get hungry, stop eating when you stop being hungry.

    Don't let calorie-counting interfere with enjoying yourself, & the great food on the cruise. And PLEASE, by all means, do not go for the "healthy options" so you can save calories or avoid gaining weight. That would be such a waste of perfectly good cruise food.

    I agree, enjoy yourself THOROUGHLY. You are on vaction. Clear your mind and enjoy your food, enjoy your drinks, enjoy your family. You can start again when you get back home :)
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    I've been on a few cruises, and it's natural to want to enjoy the food :)

    workout in the morning, have brunch around 11.30am, eat what you like, snack around 3.30-4, then have dinner, I know you guys like dinner early but we don't eat before 8pm

    eat all the things you like & enjoy it all, eating twice a day keeps it under control, enjoy!
  • rabidhamham
    rabidhamham Posts: 1 Member
    There are lots of opportunities to get exercise on the boat. Most have a running/walking circle on the top of the ship that is measured so you can count how many laps you do to make a mile. Always take the stairs is a great tip as you travel vertically A LOT. If you enjoy swimming, do so on the boat or go to the beaches since I assume it's a tropical cruise. Food is tricky but in terms of carnival, they have light options every dinner. Watch out for that breakfast buffet though... Woooo doggie. Smuggle in liquor so you don't have so many beer calories.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    I agree with the statements of eating lots of veggies. When I go to potluck dinners (which is often), I try to keep light on the 'carbs' (rice, pasta, bread), eat a nice size of meat and full most of the plate with vegetables.

    And yeah, make the most of the cruise boats facilities. Swimming is a great form of exercise. Cruise boats always have swimming pools, right?
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    1-2 weeks before cruise
    - lift heavy or your workout preference
    - eat on deficit

    EAT and enjoy cruise!
  • Thanks for sharing everyone. I definitely plan to work out during the days at sea and during port days I hope to be on active excursions. I hope to keep my breakfasts healthy and will plan to eat lots of veggies/fruits during the day. It's dinner (with alcohol and desserts) that will likely be problematic. I will plan to enjoy myself but not overdo it!