Quark!?!? And high protein

joannaedg1984 Posts: 1 Member

I'm from the uk. I've lost 6 1/2 stone so far( started a bit later on MFP)
I train twice a day mon-fri and for and hour atleast on a sat and sun.(cardio and weights)
I'm 5"8 and currently 13 stone 5lb.

I have 2 questions:
1: I'm aiming for 180 grams protein,max 100grams carbs and max 40grams fat (unless I want pork or salmon one day!) is this ok? It seems to be working so far.
2:I bought quark today for the first time.what can I do with it!?!?!

Thank you for any help you can give me ????????


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Ah, quark, fantastic stuff. You can use it like yoghurt in desserts, use it as sour cream (like a dollop on soup or on Indian food).
    I'm sure others will have ideas!

    P.S. Congrats on your hard work and great results!
  • Kayden1986
    Kayden1986 Posts: 189 Member
    its cheaper as your in the UK to get fromage frais from sainsburys, tescos......
    it goes really nice with chocolate protein powder mixed in. tastes like low low LOW fat chocolate cream cheese. Its a staple in my diet. Spread it on toast, or eat it from the pot :)
  • mrsl90
    mrsl90 Posts: 31
    I agree its great stuff, especially the fat free version. I use it on desserts instead of cream, on cereal to make it more filling than with milk, to make creamy sauces like stroganoff
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Shall I assume that you are not referring to either subatomic particles or the bartender from star trek DS9?
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Use quark anywhere you'd use natural yoghurt, sour cream, or fromage frais.

    So.....- on overnight oats. With berries. With grated cucumber as a side dish to curry. Blobbed on top of a curry. In a smoothie. On baked fruit. On a baked potato.
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    I buy Meadow Churn quark in bulk (though it's only 90p for a 250g tub where I live). I don't even really like cheese, but I love quark. As someone already said, you can use it in cooking or in desserts/snacks.

    One of my favourite ways is mashed together with a banana and some (NAS) peanut butter. Or in a cheesecake - http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/285604/lemon-quark-cheesecake

    Fromage frais isn't really a suitable alternative, the macros are far different. If you don't enjoy the quark, try Total 0% Greek yoghurt. Similar macros and is more recognisable as an unflavoured yoghurt.