Calling all stay at home mommas

Jbwilson0708 Posts: 91
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey Ya'll ,
So im not sure if this is true for everyone but i have noticed since starting to stay home with my kiddos food seems so much more accesable than when i worked out of the home!!! I mean at work i couldnt just walk into the kitchen and eat whenever i wanted to right? LOL so i was thinking if all of us stay at home moms could bundle together and share tips/ ideas about avoiding that afternoon snack we didnt need and stuff like that .
I have two children of my own and then i run a daycare out of my home so daily i have 4-6 children running around . usually my workout time is in the morning or at napptime ...:happy:

after getting a few other people involved i would like to maybe start a competition all our own :) anyway hope to hear from you amazing women who work hard and dont get paid for it except for with love, hugs and sticky kisses..:flowerforyou:


  • I am doing the same thing. I have a school age kid and a 2 year old. I stay home with the toddler and take in a 15 month old. Then I pick up my kid and the baby's older sibling. So like you at some point in the afternoon I have 4 kids. It is hard not eating all the time, especially because my 2 year old is always saying" snack mommy!" I have learned though to be very concious of the labels on packages and I try to stick to snacks under 100 calories. I hope this helps a little.:happy:
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    I totally understand! You don't finish your co-workers sandwich, but you will finish your kids! It's awful. I have learned to tell myself "Its garbage in my stomach or garbage in the trash bin--pick the trash bin!" I have 4 kids ages 4-10 and I used to have a home daycare as well. Now 3 of the kids are in school and I have more time to myself which I thought would be worse, but I'm finding time for me so I'm actually not eating as much. Plus I am actually paying attention to myself which I haven't done before.

    Let's bind together and support each other!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I have 3 of my own, 2 in school and a 2 yr old. Def harder than working! And def harder to eat right, lol. I also keep a 4 month old so i can relate. Friend me if you want :)
  • :glasses: Sounds like a great idea!! I have 3 girls aged 3, 5, and 7 The 2 oldest are in school...I keep my newborn nephew during the day...I definately understand how food is easily accessed while at home...You get finish the wash the dishes...then mess em back think this group will be awesome!!!
  • I'm in! I have a 6 month old boy and i go to school online. I'm near my kitchen ALL day long!
  • :bigsmile: Thank you ladies for the pointers... I ahve found that i have better self control than i used to but sometimes the kids snack cupard calls to me from the kitchen while i am hiding in the playroom hahahaha Life is so crazy being a stay at home momma :)
  • So funny I was just thinking about this yesterday, how since staying home I have gained so much weight and how easy it is to just reach for a snack!!! It is really hard to just throw away a childs grilled cheese sandwich that has one bite taken out of it!!! but I try to do it quickly before I eat it, lol. Glad I'm not alone!
  • So funny I was just thinking about this yesterday, how since staying home I have gained so much weight and how easy it is to just reach for a snack!!! It is really hard to just throw away a childs grilled cheese sandwich that has one bite taken out of it!!! but I try to do it quickly before I eat it, lol. Glad I'm not alone!

    LMAO no way are you alone we had spaghetti today at lunch and i was so upset when i realized how little a serving of noodles was 2 ounces haha was like a literal slap in the face !!! so when my daughter took 2 bites of hers and was 'done' i wanted to gobble it up but i resisted and threw it away fast because who wants to eat outta the trash can ? hahaha NOT ME !!!
    We will win this WE WILL !!!
  • I have 6 kids. 4 go to school full time and then I have a 2 yr old and a 4yr old that stay home. I babysit 2 more kids though, too. I gained weight at home and now I'm trying to work on that. One trick is to clean up the meal and I "close" the kitchen. Mentally at least. This way I'm not allowed back in untill it's " time" to eat again. I would love to hear other's tricks!
  • One trick is to clean up the meal and I "close" the kitchen. Mentally at least. This way I'm not allowed back in untill it's " time" to eat again. I would love to hear other's tricks!

    thats awesome i bought myself a baby gate (mainly to keep my daughter from getting in the fridge) and now im like hmph do i want that snack bad enough to have to climb it 9its tall as my hips) haha
  • One trick is to clean up the meal and I "close" the kitchen. Mentally at least. This way I'm not allowed back in untill it's " time" to eat again. I would love to hear other's tricks!

    thats awesome i bought myself a baby gate (mainly to keep my daughter from getting in the fridge) and now im like hmph do i want that snack bad enough to have to climb it 9its tall as my hips) haha

    bahahahahaha love the babygate!!! may have to try that one...def would not want to have to climb over it bad enough to cheat...Love it!
  • Great idea! I'm in. I've known this about myself for awhile, but I did nothing to change it. You'd think the baby would keep me busy enough to resist snacking, but if there is a treat in the house, I will find time to eat it!! I'm starting to nip this by not putting the good stuff in the house. I know it sounds cliche, but the simplest solution tends to be the best one!
  • HRgoldenlife
    HRgoldenlife Posts: 53 Member
    I am a mom of a 1 year old. I gained 25 pounds with him and have not lost it. I am home, running a daycare in my home that I just started, am not very active as far as exercising (well have not been). I was doing 2 times a week if that. I gotta put a stop to this so started today exercising. I eat healthy as it is, but too much sometimes, or skipping too many meals being very busy, etc.

    I will weigh myself in the a.m.
  • Ok Ladies Challenge One :) January shed down :laugh:

    Im thinking December is such a fun food filled month that instead of packing on the pounds and filling up our plates we should shed the pounds and maybe a little lighter on the plates hehehe :bigsmile:

    so starting date Monday Decmber 6th first Weigh in
    Then weigh ins 13th 20th and yes the inevitable 27th (haha)
    and we will make our ending weigh in on January 3rd

    We will take a picture standing on the scale with feet and number on scale showing .
    Challenge to loose is 10 pounds

    I will post my weigh in and fun stuff on monday as i hope you will do yours :)

    Until then Drink up that water and burn those cals Because YOU ROCK!!!!!:drinker:
  • Good morning Ya'll ,
    So my son decided that he would be uo all night long im like child momma is sleepy !!! LOL what a stinker and even with the staying up late he got up before my alarm went off this morning what the heck LOL anyways just saying good morning and cant wait for the challenge starting Monday!!!!:bigsmile:

    Have a fantabulous day ladies!!!
  • Hi I am a recent SAHM after working my entire life & I'd like to join you ladies.

    I have an almost 2 year old and while it's a good thing that he is an active toddler.. never sits still, so I am constantly in motion keeping him out of trouble, it's true that the food is accessible in the home. It's not like when I was working in an office, I would just close my door when the bad foods were brought in. It does take a lot of willpower to not snack on what he is snacking, especially since he is small ( was a preemie) we are always trying to give him more calories.

    This site is great determent for pickers becasue I tend not to pick as much if I have to log it in and be held accountable. LOL !
    I have also found a food scale & measuring cup to be helpful and I do not keep junk food in the house. Of course there are days when I slip and I find myself snacking on cheese and crackers and I realize uh ohh!!. I think it''s a good idea to have alternative Mom snack ideas on hand. I like raw spinach salad or a few almonds, in case I am truly hungry. It really is tough sometimes!

    My biggest problem though as a stay at home momma is exercise..what do you ladies do, or maybe I should post this as I am not sure if it's a seperate topic? I only have about an hour while he is napping to run around and clean the house or do laundry. My treadmill is in the basement so I can only use it at night after he is sleeping. I think I may need to try exercise videos or start running in place in my livingroom for cardio.
  • My biggest problem though as a stay at home momma is exercise..what do you ladies do, or maybe I should post this as I am not sure if it's a seperate topic? I only have about an hour while he is napping to run around and clean the house or do laundry. My treadmill is in the basement so I can only use it at night after he is sleeping. I think I may need to try exercise videos or start running in place in my livingroom for cardio.

    oh i know what you mean (welcome by the way ) tehe in the beginning i started by making sure when i was sitting that i got up, cleaned the kidsroom, playroom, ect. cleaned dishes and mopped everyday and you can log those calories burned in the exercise part under cleaning .. and then i started having dancing hour(i run a childcare awhhhh ) so me and all the kids go to the playroom and for an hour we dance , i teach them how to hope on one foot then the other we stretch to the sky and then to the ground all things they will need to knwo for preschool and kindergarten and at the same time keeps them active when its to cold to go outside.. hmmm and my naptime rule is 2 hours Ms Jill needs a break from crying and or just generally screaming children so we have a two hour naptime part of which i use to workout doing my turbo jam(u shld look into its amazing) and the other part i use to relax or clean.. I personally clean most of the house while the children are awake not their toys and stuff but kitchen laundry and stuff like that.. Multi tasking around the house gets easier everyday :)

    Good luck and i hope that helped
    and i hope you join our challenge starting on monday !!!
  • bump.. ladies how was your day ? mine was crazy but thats normal hehehe
  • Good afternoon moms!!! Today is the christmas parade in my town so i have GOT to somehow resist the candy!:frown:

    I almost burnt my kitchen down last night cause apparently i dropped food down in the burner and then it caught on fire!! :laugh:

    Thought i was gonna pee my pants!! lol...Thank goodness i had a house full of people including a volunteer firefighter here!

    Cause i froze up for sure!! I have decided to allow myself one cheat day a week, so mine was yesterday..Gonna try and get

    my 8 cups of water today!! Good luck ladies!!:flowerforyou:
  • @ Jessica .. hehee i have definatly done the catch the burner on fire before.. My husband is a volunteer fire fighter thank goodness bc i did the same froze... lol

    anyways my day has been ok busy bleaching and lysoling the house i am tired of all the little germs parading around my house/daycare rooms.. yuckk!!!

    anyways good luck at the parade and i know candy ahhh!!! at least i only like a certian kind so as long as we dont get any snickers im good hahaha

    :drinker: drink up that water its yummy well at least i tell myself that !!!
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