Here Goes Nothing...or Everything.

Hello! I'm 19 years old and too heavy for my own good. I'm new to this site because I want to lose weight in a healthy way, and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to do it alone. As much as I love my friends, I can't seem to talk to them about the struggle I've been having my whole life with my weight, and while my boyfriend is supportive, he too is overweight and does very little (if anything) to change that. I want friends here that I can trust with my emotional and physical ups and downs; ones that will encourage me not to binge, and to exercise when I feel laziest (which is quite often, as an overstressed college student). I want to feel good about myself, and I want to love every aspect of me, not just the non-physical parts.
You can call me HoneyMuffin, and I hope we can become friends!!


  • gunnparker
    Welcome to the site, I'm sure you will find a lot of support here :)
  • honeymuffin
    Thank you very much :)
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    Hello! I'm 19 years old and too heavy for my own good. I'm new to this site because I want to lose weight in a healthy way, and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to do it alone. As much as I love my friends, I can't seem to talk to them about the struggle I've been having my whole life with my weight, and while my boyfriend is supportive, he too is overweight and does very little (if anything) to change that. I want friends here that I can trust with my emotional and physical ups and downs; ones that will encourage me not to binge, and to exercise when I feel laziest (which is quite often, as an overstressed college student). I want to feel good about myself, and I want to love every aspect of me, not just the non-physical parts.
    You can call me HoneyMuffin, and I hope we can become friends!!
    this site is awesome every diet and fad thing ive done to lose weight never really lost me more than 20 pounds and i couldnt stick with it and keep it off until i finally learned that eating good stuff and exercising is the only way to do that but this site makes it easy to count calories i mean i love talking to people so this site makes it more like facebook than a diet because you start to realize ****! i put that in my body that has a bajillion calories and its cool like if you post stuff on the forums everyone will help you theyre so nice and empathize and just awesome!

    so congrats on your decision to lose weight and welcome
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    You've found a great website and lots of nice people.
    Your so smart to get your excess pounds off while your young.
    You will do great!!
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    Yeah we're pretty awesome. Friend us!
  • brockly25
    honeymuffin ... lol love the name ..... i know how you feel and been down that road ... i have one buddy that help me out a bit but we so busy with 4 kids :) kids come frist :) .... so i turn to this site and made good friends and it help me out alot :) ... i do mean ALOT... lol i know you want it and if you have the fire in your heart and think about it in your mind ... you can do it ... its just 3 little things that is hard as hell to do everday lol ...

    Drink water... yeah that clear nasty stuff that not that yummy soda you like lol the best way to drink water is just have NOTHING in it... water can help you lose weight.. anything in it will slow it down .. fresh clean water is the best ... i know it dont taste good ... but its good for you ... kinda funny how things are good for you dont dont like ... and its a job to down 8 cup of that stuff EVERYDAY oooo my god lol

    count your calories.... keep below your cals and you wil do good .... and the best part make ALOT of friends and see what they eat... you will catch your self saying WOW i can eat that and its low on Cals... thats cool!!! ... it help alot .....

    and the biggie and no one like EXECISE!!!! oooo my you know i was going to say that lol :)
    the key is to find something you like not what will burn the most cal in an hour... if you like some thing swimming play racquetball,tennis,golf,walking,running ( lol yeah that was funny), anything you dont have to say befor you do it like ... "oooo god i so tired of doing this' or " i know i have to i didnt do it yesterday i have to do it today" anything like that you not going to keep up.... i use to run up bleacher 4 times a day 25 each time .... WAS NOT FUN AT ALL!!!!! lol but i have a story behind that lol ...
    but if you get anyhting out of this ranbling is find that one thing you like and do it :) your going to college... you know college has those clsses that you had in high school ... you know back in the day was call P.E lol pick one up :) make some friends and push them to do it on your free times :) ...

    well i hope that helps in some way :) you can do it !!!!

    DO IT!!!!!! :wink:
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    but if you get anyhting out of this ranbling is find that one thing you like and do it :)

    I love ramblings!
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Good luck! You've came to the right place if you want lots of support =)
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    Welcome. Whatever you do, think about making it a lifelong change. The changes you can make permanet at 19 will be a whole lot better than a series of bandaids that will eventually fail.
  • rescuepete
    rescuepete Posts: 58 Member
    First of all, you are indeed very smart for starting this path young. You will find that your youthful enthusiasm is going to help a lot with the exercising, but it could also mean you get distracted. So, along that line, I second @Texsox - ensure you are in it for the long haul. I'm not saying stay on MyFitnessPal for the rest of your life, but whatever dietary changes you're making, just know that they absolutely cannot be short-term quick-fix solutions. We're definitely here to support, and there are an amazing number of us that will come out of the woodwork for you.
  • mcthomason
    Awesome group of support here ! I think if your mindset is right, you will seek out the support you need from people who are in the same place you are. Do it for you and don't look back.

    Welcome to the group ! !
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    well this is the place to be! everyone here is very supportive. good luck!