I gained 7lbs in a week....

So exactly a week ago, I was always weighing in around 182-185. I'm a college kid on a tight budget, and I'm running low on my remaining budget for the month.... so I started eating a lot of pizza, salted pasta, and chips since its pretty cheap since last wednesday. Yesterday afternoon I weighed in at 187 and later that night I went out and had 6 drafts of beer and ate an entire digornios pizza at 3 am(Drunken decisions... tisk tisk). I woke up today and weighed in at 189 at 11am. I know a lot of it is water weight, but do you think a lot of it may be body fat gains as well?


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Nope, unless your body somehow breaks the rules of biology.
    Unless you ate an excess of 3500 calories(or somewhere thereabouts), it is unlikely you even gained a pound.
    Put a load of salty, bready food into your body and it will hold onto water like crazy.
    Guess what? One 12 hour period a while back, I ate two bakery loaves of fruited bread. That is like 2Ibs of bread, possibly more. Next day I was up 5Ibs. I took a 2 hour bike ride, ate normally, and by the evening it had dropped back 4Ibs.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    How can you afford beer but not food? :P
  • That's is mostly water, you had tons of sodium from pizza and chips and you had alcohol. This week try to eat better watch your portions and drink a lot of water, you need to flush that out your system. Try to watch your portions if your gonna get junky food, I know it's cheaper but it's gonna be challenging to it off if your eating those kinds of foods, and if you are eat a smaller amount.
  • I gained like 10lbs since Valentines day it sucksss! Stopped working out and was drinking alot and eating out. I am eating healthy today though after I weighed myself I am mentally back to reality...I am not trying to blow up I already feel lazy just from a week of bad choices. I cannot have a "cheat meal" turns into a week
  • How can you afford beer but not food? :P

    That colllege kid mentality for you :p. Ive been exercising everyday for at least 2 hours too
  • berk87
    berk87 Posts: 2 Member
    too much salt, most likely water weight, give it a few days and cut back on salt!
  • A gallon of water weighs 8 lbs. Just a thought.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    Not likely to be real weight, get back on track for a few days and drink water when you are thirsty.
    I find I vary my weight by up to 3lb per day depending on when and how i way myself, so that may be a factor too.
    give it a few days and see what happens.
  • hellsbells3272
    hellsbells3272 Posts: 128 Member
    So exactly a week ago, I was always weighing in around 182-185. I'm a college kid on a tight budget, and I'm running low on my remaining budget for the month.... so I started eating a lot of pizza, salted pasta, and chips since its pretty cheap since last wednesday. Yesterday afternoon I weighed in at 187 and later that night I went out and had 6 drafts of beer and ate an entire digornios pizza at 3 am(Drunken decisions... tisk tisk). I woke up today and weighed in at 189 at 11am. I know a lot of it is water weight, but do you think a lot of it may be body fat gains as well?
    how much does beer and dominoes cost? In relation to fruit and vegetables? You can make a soup or a stew for less than £3!
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    If you are on a student budget stock up on cans of tomatoes, kidney beans and dried lentils, peas etc. Also rice and dried pasta! You will be amazed how with a bit of effort you can eat very cheaply indeed and have a much healthier diet. Yes it takes more effort but it is worth it. When I was a student my kitchen bible was Rose Elliot's The Bean Book - you don't have to be vegetarian all the time but her recipes are delicious and very economical. And before you start "I don't have time" you can use cooking time to revise, read or whatever. It is only the preparation that takes the time - once it is in the oven/on the stove you just need to keep an eye on things! If you have a freezer it is also economical to cook in batches and freeze portions! Keep the pizzas etc for treats!
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    How can you afford beer but not food? :P

  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    You're eating so much processed and sodium filled stuff.. and beer never does anyone any favors with weight loss.

    Even on a tight budget, I've managed to eat healthy foods. Sandwiches, salads, soups... maybe not 100% clean, but much less processed than chips and pizza and beer and digornos.

    Just say no to beer.. ick
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    Beans and rice are cheap, easy to make and good for your heart.
  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    How can you afford beer but not food? :P

    That colllege kid mentality for you :p. Ive been exercising everyday for at least 2 hours too

    Haha! When I was in college you could hit a party, pay $2 for a cup and have all the beer you could drink!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    How can you afford beer but not food? :P

    I think budgeting is your issue.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Beans and rice are cheap, easy to make and good for your heart.

    And good for a fart too, lol.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    With all those calories and sodium be thankful that is all you gained. Get back on track!
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    Good for you for getting back on track. I am only 16 days post-op so really haven't had a chance to have a lapse yet. I'm sure that I will as no one is perfect and this is a huge lifestyle change. I only hope to get back on track that you are doing.