Starting a new job!

I'm in need of some advice, I'm starting my new job in a week, I'm going to be working as a careers advisor (desk job) and I'm concerned as my new place of work has unlimited coffee/tea whenever you want and a vending machine. At the moment I'm a Teaching Assistant, so I'm quite active and only have 2 breaks per day. However with this job I'm worrying about not being able to keep away from the vending machine full of Chocolate. Any helpful tips?
Also moving to Newcastle which is a scary thought as my friends describe me as a "country bumpkin" so any hints of avoiding city takeaways please give!


  • fast_stacie
    fast_stacie Posts: 38 Member
    Take lots of cut up fruits and veggies with you. Don't keep spare change with you-that way you won't have money for the machines. Keep a water bottle close by and hopefully you won't crave coffee or tea -if that's a problem for you.
  • NobodyInParticular
    NobodyInParticular Posts: 352 Member
    Bring your own snacks. Leave your wallet/money/change in your car so you can't use it, if you have to.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I was going to say don't take money with you that could be used at the vending machines. Easy. Also, pack your own snacks...good luck on your new endeavor!
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    If you're allowed to take your own snacks and beverages, do so. Invest in an over-sized thermos that you can keep filled with water throughout the day and prepare some quick snacks at home that you can keep in your desk (raw almonds, pistachios, vegetables, etc.) If you can avoid walking past the vending machines regularly, do that as well. (Out of sight, out of mind!)

    Good luck with your new job!