Best FREE advice I have read anywhere!!!

I have been struggling with my weight for years and in the past I was able to just "lose" it on my own without making major changes...I couldn't tell you now how I did it then but only that I couldn't do it this time on my own. In June 2012 I quit smoking after 20 years. As I expected...I gained weight, a lot of it! Everyone said it was typical, they gained weight when they quit, I was healthier for quitting, yada yada yada. All I knew was 14 months later I had gained over 50lbs!!!! I went from a size 8 (smallest I had ever been) to a size 16. I didn't like my new chubby self and missed all the new cute clothes I had stashed away in my daughter's closet, waiting for the day I could fit in them again. I tried to do what I had done before but it just didn't work for me this time. I joined MFP in August 2013 and started monitoring my calories and making sure I exercised at least twice a week. It was slow going but over the course of 5 months I managed to loose about 18lbs. This was great progress but then January came and NOTHING!!!! I went up and down 3lbs the whole month like a yoyo. I desperately went searching on the internet for the magical answer to all of my problems. Why was I not loosing weight. Was I gaining muscle, was I retaining water, did I have a problem with my thyroid??? I searched every possible scenario until I discovered the answer....I was eating TOO MANY CALORIES!!!!! It's that simple. I read this wonderful article that explained everything, in the most simple terms and I finally understood why I wasn't loosing weight.

After reading this life as I knew it was changed forever. I couldn't get enough of the FREE wonderful advice so I scoured the rest of the site desperate to learn more. I was not disapointed, the author went on to explain (for FREE) the best diet plan ever!

I am not paid to say any of this and there are no gimmicks...this advice is FREE. I can't stress how much I recommend reading this will change your life. February has not disappointed, in the last four weeks I have lost 4.8lbs!!!! This might not sound like much but considering I was loosing less than 4lbs a month and not consistently, this is an improvement. I will update this in another four weeks to prove that it really does work.
