New here and nervous

My name is Rachel and I'm 24. I'm starting off at 270 pounds... at least that's what the doctor told me last visit a few weeks ago. Since then I have significantly changed my eating habits, except a few cheat days which, unless I starved myself I couldn't avoid.

This isn't my first weight loss journey. When I was in high school, I was 220lbs. I started watching weight loss shows and decided to turn my life around. I started working out every single day on the exercise bike my parents got me, and two weight loss videos paired with my softball practice and games, and UNFORTUNATELY I started developing a bad habit. Not eating.

With help from a doctor and a new boyfriend, I was able to get it under control. By the time everything was said and done, I went from 220lbs and a size 22 to 128pounds and a size 5. Mind you, I DID NOT look sick, and I wasn't skin and bones. I was happy and when I started eating normal again... I was healthy.

My relationship began to get abusive. Verbally... mentally... not so much physically but close to. I started eating again... and eating everything in sight. It was the only way that I felt any comfort.

A couple years later, I got out of the relationship, and met the person I am now engaged to. Unfortunately he's a wrestler... and a wrestling coach. He was someone who used to bench 350. His eating habits are that of a wrestler... absolutely horrible. Not exactly what he would eat is bad, but the amounts. And as a not so healthy person, it's hard to turn down food when its right in front of your face.

I've tried losing weight before, I have used this site before but only on my phone to type in my calories, but I would give up after a couple weeks, and never had anyone to talk to really except a few people I know personally who have weight issues, but yet we never talk a lot which I regret..
But now I started watching the same weight loss show again... and both him and I decided to kick our butts into shape. He can't lift nearly what he used to and he has gained a tummy.. and from 6 years ago I have gained 140ish pounds. And I'm desperate to lose it all. (Note: I have a knee issue that is undiagnosed yet) But eating healthy and exercising isn't enough. I know I need a support system. I had one online 6+ years ago when I lost all my weight the first time around.

So I hope to meet some people here to help me.. and maybe I can help.

If you read this all the way through thank you. It's taken me some courage to type it all out....

I'm really scared I wont be able to do it again.


  • Hi! I'm 20 and starting forums too, only on the app on my phone and then again switch off.. Hoping to stick to it... Read it all dw, we can do this x
  • Im been here a few week, only used my phone too, find the same struggle, you can add me and i join you along side you with you journey
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Congratulations on your decision. I wish you well. I love this site and I've learned so much about healthy dieting in a year. You have to start and have patience with yourself, but the rewards are enormous. You've just taken your first step toward sucess.
  • Hi welcome .. i go by the motto "you can do anything you set your mind too " I have only been on here again a few weeks but the support I have gained has been incredible, sometimes when I'm feeling low I come on this site and see what people are up to and it motivates me. I am trying to lose 2-3 stone so will be here a long while feel free to add we can support each other :)
  • Don't be nervous! The people here are really supportive and have given me tons of strength!:drinker:
  • seabird1082
    seabird1082 Posts: 30 Member
    I've just recently started diet and health changes since new year. I've already lost 4 lbs. I'm looking to find more people here who are just starting off, for support and sharing great results.
  • paigenevaeh
    paigenevaeh Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Rachel, you're brave for sharing your story. And brave for coming back too!! Don't give up, you can achieve your goals if you want them enough!
    Feel free to add me, I'm always here for support and a chat!
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    im still a bit new to changing my life around, I started in December. I JUST started counting calories. I think it's the scariest part of it all, and it causes a lot of people to give up. That's why when i started I did pay attention to calories a little, in just making sure i didnt eat god awful greasy things. Im a firm believer in taking this life change one step at a time, so if calories are too scary right now just work on what you eat and serving sizes to begin with. calories later. :]
  • Sovi_
    Sovi_ Posts: 575 Member

    I started at 296. Been on MFP for going on 2.5 years. I have worked hard, had ups and downs and even cried.

    Check out this thread.

    Good luck... and remember, do not complicate things.
  • deenybeans
    deenybeans Posts: 2 Member
    Hey hun! Don't be nervous at all! Getting it out of your system is the first step to turning your life around. It's all baby steps but when you take those steps with a purpose in mind and with a support group, those small steps make a huge and detrimental difference. I've used this site before but like you, only used it on my phone. To be able to see the blogs and the threads that people post is motivating for me and allows me to gain a healthier lifestyle. I know that you're capable of it because you've done it before so you can most definitely do it again, and this time stick to it permanently.

    I wish you the best of luck and I can't wait to see you accomplish your goal!
  • Fikinghell
    Fikinghell Posts: 9 Member

    Well done on your first step to getting yourself back on track and healthy again!

    I have been on here, this time round for 145ish days now and I know what you mean about having support around you. First time I was on here in 2012 I lost 28lbs or so and I felt incredible! This time round its tougher, so I need those around me to really stick it to me when I *ahem* wander a bit shall we say?

    Feel free to add me, will help in anyway I can!

    Its also true what is being said - we all here at MFP are here to help not hinder!

    Got a question? Ask! No question is too stupid!

    Wish you well in your MFP journey :)
  • donnaelan18
    donnaelan18 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Donna. Not new to the app but new to the website. Started to join ww but decided to go this route bc it doesn't cost anything. Lost 20 last year but quit following the healthy routine I started when I was diagnosed with hbp and have realized I need to get back on the wagon. I had so much energy and felt so much better.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • hi im zoe and i only started today and its great :bigsmile:
  • Rachel101511
    Rachel101511 Posts: 35 Member
    thank you everyone for your amazing comments. =D =D
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and Welcome! Good luck, you got this!
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Congrats on your decision to get healthy!! Remember that this is YOUR battle and if you think you can do it you can! If you have doubts smash them.
    A few things to remember:
    Keep good positive self-talk and create good habits.
    Be patient! Fast weight loss leads to fast fat gain afterward.
    Eat lots of protein to preserve your muscle and help aleviate your appetite.

    Lastly make friends on here who will keep you accountable and share your goals with close friends. You may have to remind them a lot... it's taken a few month of "no thank you" to get coworkers to stop offering me junk food, for example.

    Good luck and feel free to add me too :flowerforyou:
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    welcome and yay you for taking the step towards a healthier you! on this site you will find very supportive people. definitely read the suggested link on your guide to getting your sexy pants!!! good luck, you can do it!
  • ladycadaverous
    ladycadaverous Posts: 35 Member
    Thank for sharing:) If you would like to add me that would be fine. Im starting at 266 so I have a while to hang out
  • Thanks for sharing. I am an 18 year old and weigh 179.0. I have been made fun of my whole life for being that fat kid. My parents and everyone I live with eat like ****, I was in dance at 10 and I was able to be able to wear a bikini, and my parents eating made me think I could eat like that. so I gained it all back.

    Feel free to add me(:
    I need motivaters 2
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    hi all feel free to add me if you'd like some one to talk to or just motivate