21 day fix Pals wanted!

Anyone doing the 21 day fix. I need pals to help me keep motivated and to share food ideas with.


  • tmc0415
    tmc0415 Posts: 12 Member
    Yes, I am! Please feel free to add me.
  • Me too! I start tomorrow!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Day 4 here Feel free to add me girls!
  • Couponqueenren
    Couponqueenren Posts: 47 Member
    I'm doing 21 Day Fix started on 2/17/2014... I am loving the program and it's so easy. But I would love some motivational friends for the long haul :) Feel Free to add me!
  • merapp9
    merapp9 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm ordering mine tomorrow and hopefully will get it within a week! Feel free to add me and we can all help each other! :)
  • Couponqueenren
    Couponqueenren Posts: 47 Member
    I'm ordering mine tomorrow and hopefully will get it within a week! Feel free to add me and we can all help each other! :)

    I hope it comes in for your quickly, but unfortunately they have had a lot of shipping problems. I ordered mine the first day it was available 2/3 and I only received it last Saturday 2/15 :(
  • bharris71
    bharris71 Posts: 11 Member
    I just sent a bunch of you friend requests. I got my 21 day fix pretty quick, I think I am one of the few. I have not been 100% diligent with the food but I did lose 3 pounds the 1st week. This week has been rough because of birthday cake. LOL. It is in the garbage now so I am not tempted. I am very good on doing the workouts though and I love that everyday it is something different. I have tried Jillian Michaels shred and get so bored with it. It is very easy to stick to these workouts. I love it.. I am hoping by adding those doing the program will help me keep myself accountable with sticking to the program and follow through with the food. It actually is a lot of food that you get to eat, I was very suprised by that since the containers seem so small. I just need to kick the sugar habit. :wink:
  • I have ordered the program and I am starting on Monday (Feb24) Any other ladies starting the 21 Day Fix on Monday? :blushing:
  • GetFit4Life13
    GetFit4Life13 Posts: 10 Member
    I'll be on day 7 tomorrow. Feel free to add me :-) Please put in the message that you are doing the 21 day fix so I know who you are and will add you!
  • What's 21 day fix?
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    I just got mine as well. I'm so excited! I am a little confused about the foods though :/ Do any of you have a meal plan you've set up that I can take a peek at, just to get some ideas?
  • AleKeo
    AleKeo Posts: 12
    I'm doing it too! Feel free to add me :)
  • janzia
    janzia Posts: 76 Member
    I've been doing it since the 17th, feel free to add me too! Seriously needing some food ideas!
  • bunkahes
    bunkahes Posts: 216 Member
    what is the 21 day fix all about
  • Hi There! Kim from CT, I started the 21 day fix on Wed and so far feel great! Im debating between the shakeology or Qivana for my meal replacement shake but otherwise the food plan is pretty cool. Im finding that MFP is more helpful with the food choices though. Thoughts?
  • Hi Tiff i agree, the foods are a little confusing but I found it helpful to plan out the week (or at least the day before) by counting off the foods using the colors as a measuring cup and than making a meal plan from that. trying to do it the day of was harder.
  • R4eBro
    R4eBro Posts: 44 Member
    Add me I am doing it...day five and gave lost 6.8 pounds!
  • I am! I started on the the 17th and am down 3 pounds! I really like it. It has really helped me clean up my diet. I was also surprised with how much food you get to eat! Feel free to add me.
  • Rach202007
    Rach202007 Posts: 2 Member
    Day 7 of the fix! Feel free to add me :)
  • happyhealthydiana
    happyhealthydiana Posts: 19 Member
    I just started on Saturday and am on Day 3! I've been entering my meals on MFP so feel free to add me and check out my food diary!