any in 30's with 50+ to lose

Hi I'm ann I'm in my 30's and looking to lose 50 lbs this year. I need many supportive and motivative pals and I'll be the same for them. I've lost 12 before I came here but I need to lose 38 more ( even more would be awesome). If you want to know more about me read my profile page it tells all. Good luck and best wishes to all.


  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    I'm also in my 30s with more than 50 to lose, a lot more actually, but I'm breaking this down into small goals! I'm here to help if you need it!
  • mahshidk
    mahshidk Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ann, I am Mahshid. I am 33 and need to lose 100 pounds to get to my goal weight.
    I need to have supportive pals as well. Please reply when you need to talk or need motivation. I am going to start from tomorrow eating healthy and walking. Good luck!
  • Would love to be friends, I need some more motivational friends too, so add me if you'd like!

    I am 34 and have about 80 lbs to lose to get me below "overweight" and to a normal BMI. I have already lost 14 of that, just hope it keeps dropping off! Best of luck :)
  • Hi Ann! I am 30 and have over, way over 50 pounds to lose! I need friends too to keep me motivated, accountable, and supportive! I am here too to help others! We gotta do this together! No one has to be alone in their fight!
  • Hello Ann. I am 31, and I have a ton of weight to lose. Tomorrow is my official 'start over' day. Add me if you want.
  • Adarah1981
    Adarah1981 Posts: 19 Member
    Count me in the over 30 club, with far more then 50 to lose. Anyone please feel free to add me!
  • JenR_
    JenR_ Posts: 104 Member
    Hi hi...I'm in my 30's and have a little over 50lbs left to lose. Love to motivate/support friends, and enjoy getting to know new people. Feel free to add me:)
  • Hi, I'm 36. I starting losing weight in April of 2012 & I've lost 86lbs so far. I want 14lbs more gone by April so I guess I'll be averaging about 50lbs a year. I still would like to lose 100lbs more after that.
  • Hi I'm Tori and I am 31 years old. So far I have lost 82 lbs, but I still have about 50 more until I hit my goal weight. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • desireecl
    desireecl Posts: 73 Member
    Hi! I'm 33, 187#, 5'6" and size 12/14. I have lost 11# so far and my goal is set for 135-145# so btwn 42 and 52# to go. 145 was my high school weight 15 years ago and 135 was my Navy weight about 12 years ago. Looking to do this healthfully and sustainable for the long-term. Some new friends for support and encouragement would be great! Feel free to add me if you would like. Keep up the awesome work on building a healthy future!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Hi, I'm in my early 30's and have lost 40lbs and have about 40lbs or so left to go, depending how I feel! I have always been very active and I have to say the weight I have lost really makes a difference, I especially notice it when I'm surfing. I'm pretty stoked to get leaner and more fit! It's good to have MFP friends to help support and help with accountability :)
  • robspriest
    robspriest Posts: 8 Member
    Thats me, but wanna loose 54 KG (119 Pounds) I go and breaking mine into small targets of 5KG and just reached the first one today. **YIPPIE** ... Please feel free to add me as a friend if you need support because I have found that since I added more people that like and comment on posts I have had way more motivation than before. :happy:
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and Welcome! I have about 50 more pds to lose to hit my goal weight!! Good luck!
  • I have about 95 to lose. I want to be friends. I am new to My Fitness PAl. Yesterday was my first full day with the UP24. It syncs with My Fitness Pal--that's why I joined. I want friends!
  • mythopoeic
    mythopoeic Posts: 24 Member
    I lost 80 this past year. I've got 10 to 15 left and I'm happy to provide tips and encouragement.
  • I feel exactly as you do SOUPPORT is exactly what we need. I am 31 have two kids and a history of large women in our family. I am down 12.5 in my first two weeks! Good Luck to you as well!
  • that is awesome! how long have you been working at it and HOW!!
  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    Hi there, I'm 32, and I have at least 55 lbs. to lose. I'm always looking for more friends!
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    Hey! I am 31 and started with a goal of 70 pounds to lose. I am already down 20 in 2 months which is exciting. Always looking for others for more motivation to keep pushing when it gets hard.
  • KnewBGNG
    KnewBGNG Posts: 27 Member
    HI I'm in my 30's and have over 100lbs to go.