Hello ^_^ i'm new

Hi, I'm new to this :3

After reading so many good reviews about this app I thought I would give it a go ....

Little about me .. ( dont have to read this if you dont want to )

2 years ago i Lost 4 stone .. and got down to 16.2lbs but 2 years later cause of stress and my illnesses ( anxiety & panic attacks ) i went straight back up to 19.9lbs and I hate it I feel like a fat whale half the time :3 .. January I was on a diet cause 1st in 6 years a guy was interested in me AND wanted to meet me I couldn't believe it me ... a hot guy wanted me !! he asked me out on a date but i felt so fat that i said i would in a couple of months he said ( I would wait for you ) sounded like a fairy tale so i got exercise dvds lots of veg and fruit and cause once i was happy the weight fell off I lost 9lb in the month but then in February .. he started acted strange with me and stopped talking to me and I started getting depressed and BOOM I started eating alot feeling sorry for my self and I gained the 9lbs back on by start of February

But with summer coming around the corner I wanna wear pretty dresses :{{{ instead of long pants and tshirts that cover me up

in the day im fine I dont even eat that much .. i mean I eat alot of bread but my main problem is after 5 i dont know what it is but i just get cravings and want sweet stuff , cakes , crisps and then go on a binge eat

so any advice on some snack foods I can eat that are good for me I would be really grateful
I can't wait to get started with this app and see if it can help me ... even success stories from people would be really helpful with motivation :D

thankyou for reading this x


  • britttt19
    britttt19 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey I'm brittany

    my advice would be to eat nuts for a snack as they are nutritious and fill you up for longer. Drink lots of water and just change little things like having slightly smaller portions and make sure you exercise :)
  • SincerelyHiatus
    SincerelyHiatus Posts: 26 Member
    hey, im lexii:)

    i eat low-fat cheese sticks, and a lot of cucumbers! don't use a timeline as a goal.. just use your end weight as a goal. :) i wanted to get a body i feel comfortable in, where i can wear a bikini and don't feel the need to hide my stomach. however, i don't think i'll get quite to that point by the summer, so i just want to get there when i get there as long as i keep seeing progress. i've found that that helps me a lot.

    Don't totally cut out carbs and fats - i was used to eating 200+ carbs a day! now i limit myself to about 45 carbs a day and 47g of fat. your main goal should be to eat a lot of protein - it will keep you filled up for much longer than carbs or fats will. however, have a break day once in a while where you don't go crazy but allow yourself to eat the things you want to eat in moderation. I do it about once a week (usually on saturdays) and it helps keep my cravings down the rest of the time. :) i hope this helps!
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    Without know what you are eating it is hard to offer advice, but upping protein and fiber rich foods will probably help you feel full longer. Don't totally eliminate lots of things at once. Learn to eat moderate portions and eat well most of the time (80%). The other 20% can be more treat type stuff. By allowing yourself some small treats occasionally you may avoid the binging. Water is your friend - drink lots of it.

    I am not a dress wearer, but I wear what feels comfortable to me. I weigh more than you and I can be found in shorts and tee shirts that don't look like I am trying to hide during the summer. I would suggest that even if you are not at the weight you want to be, you should wear what makes you feel comfortable and pretty.

    I sent you a friend request.