UGH Here I go again NJ

Hi everyone. My name is Michael. I am 43 married father of 2 teenage boys. I currently weigh about 370. I say about because the scale at home doesn't go that high. I have gained 100 pounds in 22 years. I have tried everything, atkins, ww, stacker2 (remember that ?) and just about everything else. I am on BP meds and need a machine to sleep because of sleep apnea. I cant ride a rollercoaster cause I am too big and plane seat belts barely fit. I am done. I cant deal with it anymore. I know I am addicted to food. I know it. I love to eat.I am tall (6'3") so I wear it well, but enough. I am disgusted .I have a gym membership and go maybe 3 x a month. I am as strong as an ox but am not healthy. I have been a member here for a while but never recorded my food or exercise...until now. I am going to do it this time. I am going top hold my grandchildren. I am going to not need a damn machine anymore to sleep. SLEEP something everyone does and I need a machine. I don't want to be Big Mike anymore. I just want to be Mike. I want to be able to go to the mall and by a pair of pants. A shirt. Not order it online cause the stores don't have my size. I NEED to change. I need to lose weight and get healthy. This is the time I do it. Thanks for reading my rant and I would love any comments, tips, friends. advice...etc.. THANKS


  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Don't change everything at can feel too overwhelming. Record what you eat at first, see where you can easily make changes (ex drinking to many calories). Go for a walk.

    You can do it.

    Good luck
  • bigmikela50
    bigmikela50 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I am going to record what I eat and exercise more. Take some "me" time at the gym. Eat better and go from there.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Don't change everything at can feel too overwhelming. Record what you eat at first, see where you can easily make changes (ex drinking to many calories). Go for a walk.

    You can do it.

    Good luck

    This is great advice. I just started last month. I definitely agree about changing just a bit at a time. Right now all I'm doing with my diet is watching calories so I can get used to eating less. I didn't add exercise in until I had done calorie counting for a couple weeks. Exercise I started very slow too, only doing .25 miles so I could just get in the habit of doing before getting into much of a real workout. Take it slow, change one thing at a time, small steps, this seems to be the way not to get overwhelmed and give up for me. Good luck!
  • timps10
    timps10 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also in NJ. I am on a weight-loss rollercoaster of my own, always saying I'm gonna and then not doing it. I think you can do it, now that you're saying these words and feeling committed.

    I do agree with everyone else's words BUT I also feel that when you are truly addicted to food, sometimes you have to remember that going slow is not a free pass to go really slow and eat those fries that you so desperately want, or even have a sugar-filled yogurt or sugar-filled juice that is actually bad for you. Take it slow but make today a definite shift in how you think and what you do, too.

    First things first though: yes, log your food. I am also addicted to food bigtime and need to lose 100lbs. I am starting to log my food every day.
  • lardbut1960
    lardbut1960 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey Mike, When I read your post I was struck by your admission to being addicted to food. That is an amazing admission and sounds like a road to work your way down. I know nothing about addiction, but I do know that getting counselling has helped many sort out the underlying issues that create the underlying needs driving the addiction. Again I know nothing, but seems to me that having that self-realization is a huge step, maybe a counselor can help as you learn to walk out your weight loss journey.
  • hi Mike! I too am from nj! Nice to meet you. I have just recently watched the tv show "heavy" on amazon prime streaming (not sure if it's on netflix) but it really gave me the motivation to start and do this for me and for my future. I think that you should watch it! It might help you keep up with it! Admitting that you are addicted to food is a great step! It's really hard to admit that and to do something about it. Admitting is the first step! good luck!
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    Rooting for you Mike! Some good advice above--don't try to take everything on at once, or it will be overwhelming and you'll give up.

    It takes 21 days to form a habit.

    What if these next 21 days, you simply log everything that you eat. Don't restrict yourself, just keep track.

    Then, 3 weeks from today, go through the mfp calculations to determine how many calories you can eat per day at a 500 calorie deficit. That will cause 1 lb/wk weight loss. Stay under your calorie limit for another 21 days.

    Then see how it's going. Bet you'll be more comfortable with the whole thing, and it just gets easier from there.

    Good luck!